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Policy 6-300: The University Faculty - Categories and Ranks

Revision 21. Effective Date: July 1, 2024

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  1. Purpose and Scope
  2. Definitions
  3. Policy
    1. Membership of the University Faculty --General Provisions
    2. Tenure-line Faculty - Tenured and Tenure-track
    3. Special Provisions Regarding Tenure-line Academic Library Faculty
    4. Career-line Faculty-- Clinical, Lecturer, Research
    5. Adjunct, Visiting, and Emeritus Faculty Categories
    6. Uniform use of Categories and Reports of Instructional Activities
    7. Faculty Club
  4. Policies/ Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms and other Related Resources
  5. References
  6. Contacts
  7. History

  1. Purpose and Scope‌

    1. Purpose.

      This Policy provides the governing descriptions of the categories and ranks applicable for members of the University faculty and describes certain general provisions regarding the faculty. This Policy does not describe the categories of positions of non-faculty academic personnel of the University (including academic staff, educational trainees, postdoctoral fellows, and medical housestaff, as described in Policy 6-309), or the categories of other positions which may engage in academic activities but are not part of the faculty, including visiting scholars and visiting postdoctoral scholars, and this Policy is not intended to be applicable for any such non-faculty categories of positions.

    2. Scope.


  2. ‌Definitions‌

    The following definitions apply for the limited purposes of this policy and any associated regulations.

    1. “Faculty-appointing unit” or "appointing unit" means an academic unit authorized by the cognizant vice president to make appointments of faculty members, as more fully defined in Policy 6-001-II.

  3. ‌Policy‌

    1. ‌Membership of the University Faculty --General Provisions‌

      1. The University Faculty shall consist of the University President, vice presidents, deans, directors of libraries, and members of the faculty within each of the following main categories and their subcategories:

        1. the Tenure-line Faculty members (in the sub-categories of Tenured, and Tenure-track) as described in Section III-B, which category includes those members of the University Academic Libraries faculty in Tenure-line positions (as described in Section III-C);

        2. the Career-line Faculty members (in the sub-categories of Clinical, Lecturer, and Research), as described in Section III-D, which category includes those members of the University Academic Libraries faculty in Career-line positions; and

        3. the Adjunct, Visiting, and Emeritus Faculty members (as described in Section III-E).

      2. All members of the University Faculty, in any of the categories described here (whether full-time or part-time), shall have those rights and responsibilities of faculty members governed by Policy 6-316—Code of Faculty Rights and Responsibilities. As more fully described in that Policy, "all provisions of [the Faculty Code] apply to faculty members" and central within the Code are the rights of academic freedom and due process for faculty (Policy 6-316-Sec.1, Sec.2)

      3. In general (with specific provisions below), individual faculty members in the Tenure-line and Career-line categories shall have the right to vote on those matters and in those elections appropriate for their particular category, status, and rank; and individual faculty members in the categories of Adjunct, Visiting, or Emeritus shall not have the right to vote in the capacity of faculty members in any context within the University (but may be called upon in an advisory capacity)

      4. As provided in Policy 6-311, only individual faculty members in the Tenure- line category shall have tenure or the expectation of tenure.

      5. If an individual is formally admitted to a degree program in the same college in which that person holds a Tenure-line faculty appointment, the individual must resign from that Tenure-line faculty appointment immediately, unless an exception to this requirement is granted in writing by the president of the University.

      6. The procedures for appointments of individual faculty members, in all of the categories described here, are governed by Policy 6-302, including the provision that for appointments within an academic department, every initial appointment, and every reappointment of a limited-term appointee (including reappointment for the purpose of promotion in rank), shall be processed through the departmental faculty appointments advisory committee, which has as its primary voting membership all of the Tenure-line members of the department faculty. (Policy 6-302-III-B)

    2. ‌Tenure-line Faculty - Tenured and Tenure-track‌

      1. The Tenure-line faculty main category includes the sub-categories of faculty who have been awarded tenure ("Tenured" faculty), and those who are appointed in positions which are designated by the University as tenure- eligible positions but have not yet completed the requirements for achieving tenure ("Tenure-track" faculty). This main category includes the Tenure-line Academic Library faculty.

      2. Responsibilities and Rights of Tenure-line faculty.

        1. The rights associated with tenure are described in Policies 6-301, 6-311, and 6-313 (and for Library faculty 6-312); and the criteria, standards, and procedures for retention in a Tenure-track position and for awarding of tenure are governed by Policies 6-303 and 6-311.

        2. Appointees to the Tenure-line faculty (other than the Academic Library faculty, governed by the parallel provisions of Section III-C below) shall commit full-time (or part-time if explicitly so appointed per Policy 6-320) to the scholarly (or creative), educational, and service endeavors carried on under the auspices of the University. In light of the centrality of free inquiry and free expression in the development and dissemination of knowledge, they shall have tenure or be eligible for tenure. In light of the interrelationship of the development and dissemination of knowledge, they shall bear the primary responsibility for carrying on the educational research, creative and service missions of the University. While faculty members in the Career-line category shall have appropriate roles in shared governance as further described in this Policy Section III-D, it is a fundamental principle of the University's commitment to shared governance that Tenure-line faculty members shall have the primary roles in shared governance activities, including setting of academic policies within departments and colleges through majority voting roles on college councils (Policy 6-003) and department and college academic committees, and University-wide through majority voting roles on the Academic Senate and Senate committees (Policy 6-002), the Graduate and Undergraduate Councils (Policy 6-001), and other appropriate University academic committees.

      3. Ranks for Tenure-line faculty positions.

        1. The ranks to which Tenure-line faculty members (other than the faculty of the Academic Libraries, per III-C below) may be appointed or subsequently promoted shall include the usual ranks of Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, and Instructor and the following special ranks of honored faculty: Distinguished Professor, Presidential Professor, and University Professor.

        2. The criteria, standards, and procedures for promotion of Tenure-line faculty members to (or initial appointment at) the usual ranks of Professor, Associate Professor, and Assistant Professor are governed by Policies 6-303 and 6-311, and the Departmental RPT Statement Supplemental Rules adopted pursuant to those Policies.

        3. Special provisions for the limited-term rank of Instructor.

          1. Appointments to positions in the Tenure-line category at the Instructor rank shall be without tenure and only for a limited term, not to exceed three years, at that rank, because they are intended for individuals who have not quite achieved their terminal degree or board certification. A Tenure-line faculty member initially appointed at the rank of Instructor may be promoted to the usual entry-level rank of Assistant Professor by action of a letter to the cognizant Senior Vice President from the dean and department chair verifying that the faculty member has completed the terms for such a promotion specified in the initial letter of appointment and has received positive annual retention reviews, as per Policy 6-303-III-B. An instructor may be terminated without formal review for failing to complete the requirements for promotion to Assistant Professor in the period of time specified in the initial letter of appointment. A department may institute a formal review in any year if it wishes to recommend termination of an Instructor for failure to meet performance standards for retention.

          2. If an Instructor is promoted to Assistant Professor, the period served at the rank of Instructor may, at the option of the faculty member, be excluded from the pre-tenure probationary period otherwise applicable pursuant to Policy 6-311/Policy 6-303. The above-mentioned letter to the Senior Vice President regarding promotion to the Assistant Professor rank shall indicate if the appointee is exercising the option to count or not count the limited term appointment as part of the appointee’s pre-tenure probationary period.

        4. Special honored ranks for Tenure-line faculty members.

          1. Distinguished Professor.

            1. The rank of Distinguished Professor is reserved for selected individuals whose achievements exemplify the highest goals of scholarship as demonstrated by recognition accorded to them from peers with national and international stature, and whose record includes evidence of a high dedication to teaching as demonstrated by recognition accorded to them by students and/or colleagues. Distinguished Professors will be subject to the same standards and Procedures relative to appointment, retention, and tenure which are applicable to Professors. For academic assignments and budgetary support, Distinguished Professors will be accountable to the academic departments in which they are appointed. A person should not be recommended to the Distinguished Professorship until that person is a member of the faculty. Any exception to this policy must be considered by the Distinguished Professors present on campus before the recommendation is made.

            2. The nomination and selection of Distinguished Professors normally shall occur annually.

            3. Nominations are submitted to the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. The SVP for Academic Affairs shall notify the deans and department chairs of any nominations made from their colleges and departments.

            4. The Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs shall appoint a Distinguished Professor Advisory Committee representing various disciplines across the University to support the nomination process and make recommendations to the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. All members shall be Distinguished Professors without administrative assignments.

            5. The Distinguished Professor Advisory Committee shall 1) promote a broad pool of nominees, 2) create a short list of candidates for whom letters of recommendation from outstanding leaders in the candidate’s discipline will be solicited, and 3) make recommendations for new Distinguished Professors to the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs shall confer with the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences and the President about the Distinguished Professor Advisory Committee’s recommendations to finalize the recommendations. Up to six new Distinguished Professors shall be selected each academic year.

            6. President approved recommendations shall be sent to the Academic Senate and Board of Trustees for appropriate action.

          2. Presidential Professor.

            1. Individuals who are under consideration for appointment to the University faculty may, under exceptional circumstances, be appointed by the president to the rank of Presidential Professor. This rank is reserved for selected individuals whose achievements exemplify the highest goals of scholarship as demonstrated by recognition accorded to them from peers with national and international stature, and whose record includes evidence of a high dedication to teaching. This will be determined by a special advisory committee of Distinguished Professors established in accordance with Section III-B-3-d-i above. The duties and obligations of a Presidential Professor will be the same as those of a Professor. Academic and budgetary support of a Presidential Professor will be provided by the academic department where the appointment is held.

          3. University Professor.

            1. Appointments to the rank of University Professor carry special recognition of extraordinary skill in university teaching which crosses conventional boundaries, emphasizes interdisciplinary relationships, and reflects a strong commitment to liberal education. Individuals considered for appointment to the rank of University Professor shall have demonstrated exceptional ability in challenging and stimulating the intellectual curiosity of undergraduate students. Nominations for appointment as University Professor may be initiated from the faculty through the appropriate college council and from the students through the ASUU. These nominations will be reviewed by the University Professorships Committee and the cognizant vice president. Appointments to the rank of University Professor are for one year at a time. For teaching assignments and budgetary support, University Professors will be accountable to the cognizant vice president. Courses offered by University Professors will be identified and listed separately from regular departmental curricula. Individuals with departmental appointments serving as University Professors will retain their departmental appointments and will be eligible to participate in a normal manner in the faculty retention and tenure activities of their respective departments.

    3. ‌Special Provisions Regarding Tenure-line Academic Library Faculty‌

      1. Appointees to the Tenure-line Academic Library faculty shall commit full-time (or part-time if explicitly so appointed per Policy 6-320) to support of the University's teaching and research program, professional growth and scholarly or creative activity, and service to the University and community. In light of the centrality of free inquiry and free expression in the development and dissemination of knowledge, they shall have tenure status (formerly designated as "continuing appointment") or be eligible for tenure status. The ranks to which Tenure-line Academic Library faculty may be appointed or subsequently promoted shall include the usual ranks of Librarian, Associate Librarian, and Assistant Librarian. The criteria, standards, and procedures for promotion to (or initial appointment at) such ranks are described in the University Libraries RPT Statement Supplemental Rule in accord with Policies 6-303, 6-306, 6-311, 6-312.

    4. ‌Career-line Faculty-- Clinical, Lecturer, Research.‌

      1. Career-line faculty positions, sub-categories and appointing units. The Career-line category of faculty positions includes the sub-categories of Clinical, Lecturer, and Research. It includes positions within all academic units ("appointing units") authorized to make such appointments pursuant to Policy 6-310 (academic departments/colleges, the University Libraries, and qualified interdisciplinary teaching programs).

      2. Appropriate use of Career-line positions--generally. Appointees to Career- line faculty positions shall be individuals who participate in the University's academic program and make a substantial contribution to the academic activities of the various academic units in which they are appointed, but whose continuing professional activities are not required to span the full range of responsibilities of Tenure-line faculty members in the appointing units. Faculty members may be appointed to Career-line positions as the University and appointing units determine appropriate, in light of the University's need to retain the flexibility to adjust its programs to meet changing needs and to employ faculty with more specialized foci. In general, positions in this category should ordinarily be used when the appointed individuals are anticipated to have a long-term and full-time affiliation with the University (depending on funding availability and needs of the institution, and as limited by III-D-6 below). Appointments expected to be of short duration and/or primarily only part-time will ordinarily be more appropriately made to a Visiting or Adjunct category position rather than a Career-line category position. Appointing units should consult with the office of the cognizant vice president in considering which category is appropriate for a particular proposed appointment.

      3. Appropriate use of Career-line sub-categories--- Clinical, Lecturer, Research.

        1. Clinical Faculty are instructional faculty members whose primary professional expertise is in the practice context or whose primary professional responsibility is conducted in a clinical, professional or practicum setting.

        2. Lecturer or Lecturing Faculty are instructional faculty members whose primary professional efforts are devoted to teaching.

        3. Research Faculty are faculty members who participate in the University's academic program, but whose primary professional efforts are devoted to one or more research projects, or nonacademic training projects.

      4. Ranks

        1. The ranks to which Career-line faculty members may be initially appointed, or reappointed with promotion, are Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, or Instructor. In official documents and communications with members of the University community and the public, a Career-line faculty member's position should be identified both by particular sub-category of position, and by rank, e.g., "Assistant Professor (Lecturer), Research Associate Professor, Clinical Professor." Appointing units should consult with the office of the cognizant vice president to determine the appropriate title for each faculty member at the time of appointment or reappointment with promotion in rank.

        2. The criteria and standards for reappointment with promotion to (or initial appointment at) these ranks are governed by this Policy 6-300, and Policy 6-310, and the supplemental "Statements" 6-310 requires appointing units to develop.

      5. Responsibilities and Rights of Career-line Faculty Members.

        1. Appointment to a Career-line faculty position is without significance for the achieving or holding of tenure.

        2. Career-line faculty members shall not have the right to vote on appointing unit rules regarding appointment, retention, tenure or promotion of Tenure-line faculty members, or on individual personnel decisions relating to appointment, retention, tenure or promotion of any Tenure-line faculty member.

        3. However, as a general principle, long-serving Career-line faculty members should be accorded more substantial rights related to curricular matters (members with significant instructional responsibilities), and academic research matters (members with significant research responsibilities) and for setting rules regarding appointments criteria and in individual cases of appointments and reappointments within the appropriate categories, to provide the University the full value of contributions within their areas of professorial responsibility and expertise. Such rights for participation in shared governance should apply both internally within the appointing units (academic departments/colleges, libraries, and qualified interdisciplinary teaching programs), and in University-wide settings.

          1. At the University level, Career-line faculty members shall be eligible to serve as representatives of their peers in the Academic Senate, and serve on Senate-Elected Committees, and other University-wide committees to the extent provided in Policy 6-002 and other specific Policies governing such committees. In accord with Policy 6-310, the appointing units of Career-line faculty members should, as appropriate, encourage and support their faculty members in sharing their expertise and making such important contributions to the University's shared governance activities.

          2. Appointing units, in accord with Policies 6-302 and 6-310 may permit long-serving faculty members in the Career-line categories to vote on individual appointment and promotion decisions with respect to other faculty in the appropriate categories (other than the tenure-line category, as per Policy 6-302), and to advise on other appointments.

          3. Appointing units, in accord with Policy 6-310 may accord long-serving Career-line faculty authority to vote on curricular and other policy matters within their unique area(s) of professional responsibility, and accord benefits or funding to enhance their professional development. Subject to applicable University Policies and to a determination by the individual appointing units, Career-line faculty members may be permitted to participate in the processes of setting department- or college-level policy, or to engage in other activities of faculty members outside their area of basis.

          4. Long-serving Career-line faculty members with appropriate expertise may supervise or serve on graduate student committees if departmental and graduate school policies permit.)

      6. Terms of appointments, expiration of employment, and early termination for Career-line faculty members.
        A faculty appointment is required for employment by the University as a Career-line faculty member, but employment may expire during the term of the Career-line faculty appointment.

        1. Limited terms and required periodic reviews. Appointments of Career-line faculty members are for limited terms only. All annual appointments end automatically each June 30. Individuals in such positions may be reappointed after departmental review (in accord with Policies 6-302 and 6-310), with no limitation on reappointment. Appointments or reappointments may also be made by means of a written contract for a fixed term of up to five years, when there is reasonable assurance that specific funding to support such term appointments will be available, as determined by the president. Each term appointment ends automatically on June 30 in the final year of the specified term. Individuals in such positions may be reappointed at the conclusion of that fixed term for another fixed term of up to five years after departmental review (as required by Policy 6-310) and with reasonable assurance of specific funding. Review of faculty (including annual review, review before reappointment, and review in consideration of reappointment to a higher rank) should be appropriate in light of the category, rank, and role of the faculty members. After three years of continuous full-time service, a Career-line instructional faculty member should be given at least 3 months' notice of non-renewal of appointment, unless particular contractual provisions otherwise govern. So long as this notice has been provided, a Career-line faculty member's employment will end automatically on June 30 of the final year of the specified term of the appointment unless the University provides written notice that the Career- line faculty member's employment with the University has been renewed. A Career-line faculty member's employment with the University may expire or otherwise end independent of the result of any appointment review conducted as required by Policy 6-310.

        2. Early Termination. Appointments and employment of Career-line faculty members may be terminated before the conclusion of the limited term for the following reasons:

          1. for financial exigency, medical reasons or program discontinuation, as provided for in Policy 6-313.

          2. for violation of the Faculty Code, as provided for in Policy 6-316.

          3. for the faculty member's failure to meet a term of the contract; or

          4. if any condition specified in the contract is not fulfilled.

    5. ‌Adjunct, Visiting, and Emeritus Faculty categories.‌

      1. Adjunct and Visiting Faculty.

        1. Appropriate Use of Adjunct and Visiting Positions--Generally. Appointees to positions in the Adjunct and Visiting faculty categories shall be individuals who participate in the University's academic program and make a substantial contribution to the academic activities of the various academic units in which they are appointed, but whose continuing professional activities do not span the full range of responsibilities of the Tenure-line or Career-line faculty members in the appointing units. Faculty members may be appointed in these categories of positions, as the University and appointing units determine appropriate, in light of the University's need to retain the flexibility to adjust its programs to meet changing needs and to employ faculty with more specialized foci.

        2. Ranks and Appointing Units for Adjunct and Visiting Faculty. The ranks to which faculty members in the Adjunct and Visiting categories may be initially appointed, or reappointed with promotion are Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, or Instructor. In official documents and communications with members of the University community and the public, an Adjunct or Visiting faculty member's position should be identified both by particular sub-category of position, and by rank, e.g., "Visiting Assistant Professor, Adjunct Professor." Appointing units should consult with the office of the cognizant vice president to determine the appropriate title for each faculty member at the time of appointment or reappointment with promotion in rank. The criteria and standards for reappointment with promotion to (or initial appointment at) these ranks are governed by this Policy 6-300, and Policy 6-310, and the supplemental "Statements" 6-310 requires appointing units to develop. The appointing units authorized to appoint to such positions are those described in 6-310.

        3. Responsibilities and Rights of Adjunct and Visiting Faculty.

          1. Appointment to an Adjunct or Visiting faculty position is without significance for the achieving or holding of tenure (except as provided in III-E-1-f regarding Visiting faculty members).

          2. Faculty members in Adjunct and Visiting positions shall not have the right to vote on any matter in any context of the University (although they may be called upon to contribute in a non-voting advisory capacity as appropriate).

        4. Terms of Appointments, expiration of employment, and Early Termination, for Adjunct and Visiting Faculty.
          A faculty appointment is required for employment by the University as an Adjunct or Visiting faculty member, but employment may expire during the term of the faculty appointment.

          1. Limited terms. Appointments to Adjunct and Visiting faculty positions are for limited terms only. All annual appointments of such faculty end automatically each June 30. Individuals in such positions may be reappointed after departmental review (in accord with Policies 6-302 and 6-310), with no limitation on reappointment, except that Visiting Faculty may only serve in that capacity for a total of three years. Appointments or reappointments may also be made by means of a written contract for a fixed term of up to five years, when there is reasonable assurance that specific funding to support such term appointments will be available, as determined by the president. Each term appointment ends automatically on June 30 in the final year of the specified term. Individuals in such positions may be reappointed at the conclusion of that fixed term for another fixed term of up to five years after departmental review and with reasonable assurance of specific funding. Review of faculty (including annual review, review before reappointment, and review in consideration of reappointment to a higher rank) shall be conducted pursuant to Policy 6-310, and should be appropriate in light of the category, rank, and role of the faculty members. An Adjunct or Visiting faculty member's employment with the University may expire or otherwise end independent of the result of any appointment review conducted as required by Policy 6-310.

          2. Early Termination. Appointments and employment of faculty members in Adjunct and Visiting positions may be terminated before the conclusion of the limited term for the following reasons:

            1. for financial exigency, medical reasons or program discontinuation, as provided for in Policy 6-313.

            2. for violation of the Faculty Code, as provided for in Policy 6-316.

            3. for the faculty member's failure to meet a term of the contract; or

            4. if any condition specified in the contract is not fulfilled.

        5. Additional provisions for Adjunct faculty positions. Adjunct Faculty members participate in the University's academic program in instructional, advisory or research capacities. Their professional activities do not span the full range of responsibilities of Tenure-line or Career-line faculty members in the appointing unit of the Adjunct appointment because their primary professional efforts are in another department or college of the University, or outside the University. Accordingly, appointments to Adjunct Faculty positions ordinarily should not be made for individuals who are expected to serve on a full-time basis within the unit of the Adjunct appointment.

        6. Additional provisions for Visiting faculty positions. Visiting Faculty members participate in the University's academic program on an interim basis and make a substantial contribution to the appointing unit during that period in either the instructional and/or research realm. Individuals in such positions may be reappointed up to a cumulative total of three years in residence, but should not hold longer-term appointments and are not entitled to notice of non-reappointment. Appointments to Visiting faculty positions are without significance for the achieving or holding of tenure, unless the individual is appointed to a Tenure-line faculty position immediately upon completion of service in the Visiting faculty position. Then the period served in the Visiting faculty position may be counted as part of the pre-tenure probationary period, in accord with Policy 6-311. Whether the period will be so counted must be agreed upon in writing at the time of the appointment to the Tenure-line faculty position and documented in the appointee's "RPT File" maintained by the appointing unit per Policy 6-303.

      2. Emeritus Faculty.

        1. This category is comprised of retired members of the faculty who have been appointed to the emeritus status subsequent to their retirement. Emeritus faculty members may be called upon to serve the University in various capacities, and may be accorded various rights and benefits by the University. (See Policies 6-301, 6-001, 5-112, and 5-305). Emeritus faculty members shall not have the right to vote on any matter in any context of the University---except as provided in the "small academic unit rule" of Policy 6-303-III-A-3-a, when called upon to participate in a departmental RPT Advisory Committee proceeding.

    6. ‌Uniform use of Categories and Reports of Instructional Activities‌

      1. It is crucial to the permanent well-being of the University that tenured and tenure-track faculty continue to shoulder the primary responsibility for design of the curriculum and for instruction at all levels of university education.

        1. The administration shall report annually to the Academic Senate on the faculty make-up by category, and this report shall include the relative proportion of Tenure-line faculty (including Tenure-line academic library faculty) in part-time or full-time positions.

        2. An assessment will be made annually by the Academic Senate of the effects of faculty composition on this central principle.

      2. Accordingly, each appointing unit (department, college and program) must appoint faculty to the categories specified above as current contracts expire. Each appointing unit may elect between the two instructional categories of "Clinical" and "Lecturer" faculty or may use both instructional categories in light of its particular mission(s) and instructional approach(es).

    7. ‌Faculty Club‌

      1. There shall be a Faculty Club on the University of Utah campus, to be governed by a constitution adopted by its membership and approved by the Academic Senate and the Board of Trustees. Amendments to the Faculty Club Constitution shall also require the approval of the Academic Senate and the Board of Trustees.

        Sections IV- VII are for user information and are not subject to the approval of the Academic Senate or the Board of Trustees. The Institutional Policy Committee, the Policy Owner, or the Policy Officer may update these sections at any time.

  4. ‌Policies/ Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms and other Related Resources‌

    1. Policies/ Rules. [ reserved ]

    2. Procedures, Guidelines, and Forms. [ reserved ]

    3. Other Related Resources.

      1. Distinguished Professor Nomination Website

        1. Distinguished Professor Guidelines

  5. ‌References‌

    1. Policy 5-112: Retirement and Retiree Benefits

    2. Policy 5-305: Reduced Tuition Programs

    3. Policy 6-001: Academic Units and Academic Governance - Roles of Faculties, Committees, Councils, and Academic Senate

    4. Policy 6-002: The Academic Senate and Senate Committees: Structure Functions, Procedures

    5. Policy 6-003: College Councils, and University Curriculum Policy Review Board

    6. Policy 6-301: Appointments, Annuities, and Retirement

    7. Policy 6-302: Appointments of Faculty

    8. Policy 6-303: Reviews of Tenure-Line Faculty Members (RPT Criteria, Standards, & Procedures)

    9. Policy 6-306: Academic Librarians

    10. Policy 6-309: Academic Staff, Educational Trainees, Postdoctoral Fellows, and Medical Housestaff

    11. Policy 6-310: Reviews of Career-line, Adjunct, and Visiting Faculty Members, and Other Instructional Personnel (Standards and Procedures)

    12. Policy 6-311: Faculty Retention and Tenure

    13. Policy 6-312: Academic Librarians and Continuing Appointments

    14. Policy 6-313: Terminations and Program Discontinuance

    15. Policy 6-316: Code of Faculty Rights and Responsibilities

    16. Policy 6-320: Part-time Status for Tenure-line Faculty and Academic Library Faculty

  6. ‌Contacts‌

    The designated contact officials for this Regulation are

    1. Policy Owner(s) (primary contact person for questions and advice): Associate Vice President for Faculty and the Associate Vice President for Faculty Health Sciences.

    2. Policy Officer(s): Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences.

      See Rule 1-001 for information about the roles and authority of policy owners and policy officers.

  7. History

    1. Current rent version. Revision 21.

      1. Effective Date: July 1, 2024.

      2. Editorial Changes [reserved]

    2. Previous versions.

      1. Revision 20. Effective Date February 13, 2024
      2. Revision 19. Effective Date March 8, 2022

        1. Legislative History for Revision 19.

      3. Revision 18. Effective Date May 15, 2015

        1. Legislative History for Revision 18.

      4. Revision 17. Effective Date May 15, 2014

        1. Legislative history of Revision 17.

      5. Revision 16. Effective Date July 1, 2013

        1. Legislative History for Policy 6-002 Rev29 & Policy 6-300 Rev16—Vol.1

        2.  Legislative History for Policy 6-002 Rev29 & Policy 6-300 Rev16—Vol.2

      6. Revision 15. Effective Date July 1, 2011.

      7. Revision 14. Effective Date February 10, 2003.

      8. Revision 13. Effective Dates April 8, 2002.

      9. Revision 12. Effective Dates May 17, 1999.

      10. Revision 11 Effective Dates March 8, 1999.

    3. RenumberingRenumbered as Policy 6-300 effective 9/15/2008, formerly known as PPM 9-2, and previously as Faculty regulations Chapter II.

Last Updated: 1/6/25