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Policy 6-312: Academic Librarians and Continuing Appointments

  1. Section 1. General Provisions
    1. When an eligible librarian is awarded a continuing appointment, that appointment is considered permanent, and it is not subject to termination or substantial reduction in status without adequate cause, provided that in all cases the services of the individual continue to be needed and that funds are available to pay for those services. To be eligible for a continuing appointment, an academic librarian must hold the rank of librarian, associate librarian, or assistant librarian. Normally academic librarians appointed in the rank of librarian or associate librarian are expected to serve in a probationary status for five years before they receive continuing appointments, while librarians appointed in the rank of assistant librarian are expected to serve in a probationary status for seven years. No person may serve as an academic librarian for longer than seven years, plus one terminal year, unless that person has been awarded a continuing appointment. If written notice of termination is not given to an academic librarian in probationary status before that person completes the specified probationary period, that person will automatically achieve a continuing appointment.
  2. Section 2. Advance Notice of Termination or Reduction in
    1. The same provisions for advance notice of termination or reduction in status which apply to nontenured faculty members (see Policy 6-311, Section 3) shall apply to academic librarians without continuing appointments.
  3. Contacts:
      1. Policy Owners:
        1. Questions about this Policy and any related Rules, Procedures and Guidelines should be directed to the Associate Vice President for Faculty and the Associate Vice President for Health Sciences.
        Policy Officers:
          Only the Sr. Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Sr. Vice President for Health Sciences or their designees have the authority to grant exceptions to this policy.

Approved: Academic Senate 2/03/03

Approved: Board of Trustees 2/10/03

MO 1

Policy: 6-312 Rev:1
Date: February 10, 2003

Last Updated: 3/7/25