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Policy 6-002: The Academic Senate and Senate Committees: Structure, Functions, Procedures.

Revision 39. Effective date: July 1, 2024

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  1. Purpose and Scope
  2. Definitions
  3. Policy
    1. Establishment and Authority of the Academic Senate
    2. Senate Membership
    3. Vacancies
    4. Senate Officers
    5. Senate Committees
    6. Elections Within the Senate
    7. Meetings of the Senate
    8. Order of Business
    9. Minutes and Agenda
    10. Faculty Initiative and Review
  4. Policies/ Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms and other Related Resources
  5. References
  6. Contacts
  7. History

  1. Purpose and Scope‌
    1. Purpose.

      This Policy (i) establishes the Academic Senate of the University and provides for its membership structure, election of members, election of officers, schedule of meetings and order of Senate business, and authority to promulgate rules of Senate procedures; (ii) establishes the Senate Executive Committee and Senate Personnel and Elections Committee and provides for their membership structure, election of members, and functions generally; and (iii) establishes the other standing committees of the Senate and provides for their membership structure, procedures for elections, and committee functions generally.

    2. Scope

      This Policy applies to the University of Utah Academic Senate membership and committees.

  2. Definitions‌

    The following definitions apply for the limited purposes of this policy and any associated regulations.

    1. “Academic College” is defined in Policy 6-001.

    2. “Areas of Representation” mean an Academic College, the University Libraries, and the Qualified Interdisciplinary Teaching Programs each as an area.

    3. Faculty categories including “Tenure-line” and “Career-line” faculty are defined in Policy 6-300.

    4. “International Extended Campus” means a campus that has been established outside the United States and offers programs of study for undergraduate and/or graduate degrees.

  3. ‌Policy‌

    1. ‌Establishment and Authority of the Academic Senate.‌

      1. Establishment. The Academic Senate, hereinafter referred to as the Senate, is hereby established.

      2. Authority.

        1. General Powers. Subject to the authority of the Utah Board of Higher Education and Board of Trustees, the Senate shall have power to act for the faculty of the University in general, and act on behalf of the particular constituency groups of faculty, deans, and students eligible to elect the voting members of the Senate pursuant to this Policy, in the areas specified by applicable provisions of University Regulations. As more fully described in Policy 6-001, and other applicable Regulations, Senate powers include acting on behalf of the faculty and students in all matters of educational policy, receiving reports and making recommendations, being informed of appointments and resignations of faculty members, responding to requests for advice on matters referred by the University President, and through processes governed by Policy 1-001 participating in adoption and revising of University Regulations.

        2. The Senate shall have power to make rules governing its own organization and procedure.

    2. ‌Senate Membership.‌

      The Senate shall be constituted as follows:

      1. Ex Officio Members.

        1. Administrative Officers: The following administrative officers shall be ex officio members of the Senate:

          1. The University President, the senior vice president for academic affairs, and the senior vice president for health sciences. These ex officio members shall have full rights of discussion and making motions but not the right to vote.

          2. Each dean, or an associate or assistant dean designated as a dean's representative. Each dean or a dean's designee shall have full rights of discussion and making motions on matters directly associated with the dean's college or administrative responsibility, but, except for the two voting deans as described below, not the right to vote.

        2. Academic Advisors. One representative of an organization of the University’s professional academic advisors, selected annually by the organization, shall be an ex officio member of the Senate, with full rights of discussion and making motions on matters directly associated with the responsibilities of academic advisors, but not the right to vote.

        3. University Staff. One representative from the University of Utah Staff Council (UUSC), selected annually by the organization, shall be an ex officio member of the Senate, with full rights of discussion and making motions on matters directly associated with the responsibilities of staff employees, but not the right to vote.

        4. Parliamentarian. If the Parliamentarian is not an elected voting member of the Senate during the appointment term, the Parliamentarian shall be an ex officio member of the Academic Senate Executive Committee and Academic Senate and shall have full rights of discussion and making motions, but not the right to vote.

        5. Policy Liaison. If the Policy Liaison is not an elected voting member of the Senate during the appointment term, the Policy Liaison shall be an ex officio member of the Academic Senate Executive Committee and Academic Senate and shall have full rights of discussion and making motions, but not the right to vote.

        6. Secretary of the Faculty. The Secretary of the Faculty shall be ex officio Secretary of the Senate.

      2. Elected Members with Voting Rights.

        The elected voting membership of the Senate shall include: (1) Tenure-line and Career-line Faculty Representatives, (2) Two Dean Representatives, and (3) ASUU and International Extended Campus Student Representatives.

        1. Tenure-line and Career-line Faculty Representatives.

          1. Apportionment

            1. Faculty membership in the Senate shall be apportioned among the areas of representation (which includes each academic college as an individual area and the University libraries as an area) on a prorated basis of 50 percent according to the number of Tenure- line faculty members in each academic college and the University Libraries and 50 percent according to student credit hours taught in each area during the preceding academic year (regardless of by whom taught).

              1. Representation from the faculty of the University libraries will be determined by taking the average number of student credit hours taught within the academic colleges during the preceding academic year (regardless of by whom taught), per Tenure-line faculty member, of all other colleges, and multiplying that value by the number of library Tenure-line faculty.

            2. The base allocation of not more than 79 faculty members shall be adjusted to ensure that each academic college and the University libraries will have a minimum of two apportioned faculty representatives.

            3. In addition to the above allocation, each academic college and the University libraries will be allocated one Career-line faculty representative, raising the minimum academic college and University library faculty representatives to three.

            4. Areas of representation which, under the foregoing formula, would contribute more than 20 percent of the voting faculty membership of the Senate may, with Senate approval, be subdivided by the Senate Personnel and Elections Committee along department or administrative lines, into two or more separate representation areas, none of which shall contribute more than 20 percent of the voting faculty membership of the Senate. The membership of such subdivided representation areas shall be apportioned by the Committee among the areas as nearly as possible in accordance with the above apportioning formula.

            5. The Senate Personnel and Elections Committee shall reapportion the Senate according to the foregoing formula every two years.

          2. Tenure-line faculty members

            1. The Tenure-line faculty voting members of the Academic Senate shall be elected from the following areas of representation: (1) the individual academic colleges and (2) the University libraries considered as a unit.

            2. All Tenure-line members of the faculty, without regard for rank or time in rank, shall be eligible for election to membership in the Senate, except ex officio members of the Senate and members of the faculty serving in administrative positions higher than department chair.

            3. All Tenure-line members of the faculty, without regard for rank or time in rank, shall be eligible to vote for candidates for Senate membership in the areas of representation where they hold Tenure- line appointments.

          3. Career-line faculty members.

            1. The voting membership of the Senate shall include Career-line faculty members who shall be elected from the following areas of representation: (1) the individual academic colleges, (2) the University Libraries considered as an area, and (3) the Qualified Interdisciplinary Teaching Programs identified in Rule 6-310 considered as an area.

            2. All members of the Career-line faculty who, continuously for one year preceding the date their term of Senate membership would begin, have had Career-line faculty appointments of at least 75 percent Full-Time-Equivalent (.75 FTE) within a single area of representation, without regard for rank or Career-line category (Clinical, Lecturer, or Research), shall be eligible for election to membership in the Senate from the area of representation where they hold such .75 or above FTE appointment, except ex officio members of the Senate and members of the faculty serving in administrative positions higher than department chair.

            3. All members of the faculty who at the time of the election hold Career-line faculty appointments of at least 50 percent Full-Time- Equivalent (.5 FTE) within a single area of representation, without regard for rank or time in rank, and without regard for Career-line category (Clinical, Lecturer, or Research), shall be eligible to vote for Career-line candidates for Senate membership in the areas of representation where they hold such .50 or above FTE appointments.

          4. International Extended Campus Faculty Representation.

            1. All full-time faculty members (.75 FTE or higher) (tenure-line or career-line) without regard of rank or career-line category (Clinical, Lecturer, or Research) shall be eligible for election. All members of the faculty who, at the time of the election, are teaching .50 FTE or higher at the International Extended Campus, shall be eligible to vote for their Senate representative.

        2. Election of Faculty Members to the Senate and the Role of Senate Personnel and Elections Committee.

          1. General Election Provisions.

            1. The Senate Personnel and Elections Committee (Committee) shall supervise elections to the Senate, which shall be conducted during the month of March. International Extended Campus elections will be held by August 15 to align with the Salt Lake Campus fall semester.

            2. No person shall be nominated or elected to represent more than one area.

            3. No person shall be elected to the Senate without receiving simple majority of all votes cast by the eligible voters in the area that person is to represent in the Senate.

            4. All faculty representatives, except those from International Extended Campuses, shall be elected to serve three-year terms. Senate faculty members shall be ineligible for nomination for another term until at least one year has elapsed following the expiration of their terms of office or date of resignation therefrom. New terms shall begin on May 15.

              1. International Extended Campus representatives shall be elected to serve a one-year term and are eligible to serve for up to three consecutive terms. After three consecutive terms, a year must elapse before being eligible for election again.

            5. Disputes respecting eligibility for election or eligibility to vote shall be decided by the Senate Personnel and Elections Committee, subject to appeal to the Senate.

            6. An annual orientation shall be provided for newly elected Senators. The Senate President shall have a manual on Senate organization, operations, and basic Procedures prepared and distributed to all incoming Senate members.

            7. Beyond service in the Senate, faculty members of the Senate should expect that they may be called upon to serve on standing and ad hoc committees.

          2. Election Procedures.

            1. Each year, the Personnel and Elections Committee shall send each area of representation an allotted number of faculty representatives as calculated above and each representation area shall conduct elections according to the established election plan filling the faculty representative seats with the following requirements:

              1. Each academic college and university library area shall fill at least 50% of the allotted faculty seats (rounded up) with tenure-line faculty representatives. Academic colleges or the University libraries with fewer than 10 tenure-line faculty and at least 70% career-line faculty are not subject to this requirement.

              2. Each academic college, the university libraries, and QITP area shall elect at least one Career-line faculty representative.

              3. Each academic college and university library with allocated faculty seats remaining after meeting the tenure-line and career-line requirements may fill these remaining seats with tenure-line and/or career-line faculty as elected by the area faculty.

            2. Not later than March 1st of each year, the Committee will send an announcement to each area represented in the Senate from which at least one faculty representative's term is set to expire, giving notice that elections are to be held for new representatives to the Senate. The announcement sent to each area shall describe the applicable eligibility requirements (as specified in this Policy) for both the candidates and the voters for each position for which an election is to be conducted.

            3. Subject to approval by the Committee, each area represented in the Senate shall develop its own plan for obtaining nominations and for conducting the election of its allotted representatives to the Senate. Ordinarily, each area’s election plan shall be described in the approved charter of the area’s academic college council (see Policy 6-003).

            4. Not later than April 1 of each year in which it is authorized to elect one or more representatives to the Senate, each area shall forward to the Committee a report of the person or persons elected to represent that area. Each area shall also forward to the Committee all ballots cast in the process of nominating candidates and electing its representative(s) to the Senate.

            5. After verifying the election results, the Committee shall announce the roster of newly elected Senators at the May meeting of the Senate.

    3. Vacancies.

      In the event of faculty seat vacancy, the Personnel and Elections Committee shall appoint the runner-up from the member's area of representation to serve the remainder of the member's term or until the next general election held within that area, when the vacancy shall be filled by election for the unexpired term. A special election may be necessary if a runner-up is not available.

      1. Dean Representatives.

        1. The deans shall elect two deans as voting representatives in the Senate. The voting deans shall be elected to serve staggered two-year terms, beginning on May 15. If an elected dean representative cannot complete their term, a replacement shall be elected through the same procedure described in the preceding section for filling vacancies of elected faculty members.

        2. Student Representatives.

          1. Representatives of the Associated Students of the University of Utah (ASUU).

            1. Each academic college (as described in Policy 6-001) as an area of representation shall elect one representative from its members to the ASUU Student Senate. (And for the limited purposes of student representation in the Academic Senate, the Academic Advising Center (as described in Policy 6-101) and Honors College together shall be considered as an area of representation of students equivalent to an academic college for purposes of equal representation.) The elected members of the ASUU Student Senate shall be entitled to attend Academic Senate meetings with full rights of discussion and vote. If a student member resigns their position on the ASUU Student Senate, the vacancy will be filled by the next runner-up in the affected college or otherwise according to Procedures described in the ASUU Student Handbook.

            2. The ASUU president, or the ASUU vice president if designated by the ASUU president, and an additional student appointed by the ASUU President shall also be members of the Academic Senate, with full rights of discussion and vote.

            3. Student members of the Academic Senate shall serve one-year terms. New terms shall begin on May 15.

          2. International Extended Campus Student Representative

            1. Each International Extended Campus shall elect one representative from the student body to serve. If a student member resigns, the vacancy will be filled by the next runner-up.

            2. International Extended Campus student members of the Academic Senate shall serve one-year terms dating from their installation each fall.

      2. Alternates.

        Each elected member of the Senate is expected to attend its meetings regularly. When absence of a member is unavoidable, the member shall designate in writing to the Secretary of the Senate an alternate to serve with full power during the elected member's absence. The alternate so designated shall be one of the available unsuccessful candidates for that Senate seat in the previous election. In the absence of available unsuccessful candidates, any other person eligible for election to that Senate seat may be designated as an alternate.

    4. ‌Senate Officers.‌

      1. Presiding Officer (Senate Presidency).

        1. Eligibility, terms, roles of Senate Presidential Officers.

          1. The President of the Senate will be elected annually by the Senate from the eligible members of the University Faculty, as described below. The faculty member elected for this responsibility will serve as a Senate Presidential Officer for three years: the first year as President- elect, the second year as President, and the third year as immediate past-President.

          2. The Senate Personnel and Elections Committee, after consultation with the Senate Executive Committee, will provide a slate of candidates, each of whom is eligible for election. Eligibility shall be determined at the time of nomination, based on the following requirements and factors:

            1. Must have held a Tenure-line or Career-line appointment at the University for at least five years with at least .50 FTE (Full Time Equivalent) status.

            2. Must have a current appointment as a member of the University Faculty, either (1) as a Tenured member, or (2) as a Career-line member with a current faculty appointment and employment contract with at least .75 FTE that will continue throughout the three-year term of office.

            3. At the time service as President-elect will begin, must not be serving as an appointed administrative officer of the University at or higher than the position of chair of an academic department or equivalent position, as described in Policy 6-001.

            4. Must have demonstrated prior participation in University-level governance or service.

            5. Must have demonstrated prior involvement in University instructional or educational activities.

          3. The three Senate Presidential Officers shall be ineligible to serve as elected faculty members of the Senate at any time during their three one-year terms of office. If any would otherwise hold a position as a voting faculty member of the Senate during the term of office, the Personnel and Elections Committee shall appoint the runner-up from the member's area of representation to serve the remainder of the term or until the next general election held within that area, when the vacancy shall be filled by election for the unexpired term. A special election may be necessary if a runner-up is not available.

          4. The three Senate Presidential Officers shall be ex officio members of both the Senate and the Senate Executive Committee, with rights of discussion. The past-President and President-elect shall have the rights of making motions, but not to vote. The President shall not have the right of making motions, and shall have only the limited right to vote to break a tie (as described below).

        2. Substitution of president pro-tempore, voting by President

          1. Upon their own initiative, the President may, or upon the vote of at least two-thirds of the assembled voting members of the Senate, the President shall, with respect to a specific agenda item, relinquish the gavel to the immediate past-President if available (and if not available, then to the President-elect) to serve as president pro-tempore with respect to a specific agenda item. In the absence of the President for any Senate meeting or other presidential responsibility, the immediate past-President, or President-elect, shall serve as a president pro tempore, and in the absence of all three Presidential Officers, the Senate shall elect a faculty member eligible for election to the Senate presidency to serve as a president pro tempore. Similarly, in the absence of the President for all or part of a meeting of the Senate Executive Committee, the immediate past- President, President-elect, or another faculty member of the Committee elected by the Committee shall serve as president pro-tempore.

          2. The President (or president pro tempore) shall be entitled to vote on matters before the Senate only where, after vote of the Senate, the President's vote will prevent an equal division of the Senate.

        3. In interacting with the University administration, the University Board of Trustees, the Utah Board of Higher Education, and the larger community within and outside the University, the Senate President shall act as the spokesperson of the Academic Senate and represent the interests of the Academic Senate and its constituencies in general, and the interests of faculty, in particular.

        4. In carrying out the responsibilities of the office, the President, past- President, and President-elect (and other Senate Officers) shall place the best interests of the University and the Academic Senate and its constituencies ahead of their own personal interests or the interests of the academic units with which they are affiliated.

      2. Faculty Representative to the Board of Trustees.

        The President of the Senate will serve as a faculty representative to the Board of Trustees. See University Policy 2-002, and Utah Board of Higher Education Policy R223.

      3. Secretary. The Academic Senate President or other presiding officer may appoint an assistant secretary at any time. See Policy 6-001.

      4. Parliamentarian

        1. Subject to the approval of the Senate, the Senate President shall appoint a Parliamentarian of the Senate to ensure proper observance of established parliamentary Procedures.

      5. Liaison to the Institutional Policy Committee.

        1. Subject to the approval of the Senate, the Senate President shall appoint a Liaison from the Senate to the University's Institutional Policy Committee (Policy Liaison) to facilitate in promulgation of University Regulations per Policy 1-001

      6. The three Presidential Officers, with the Parliamentarian, the Policy Liaison, and the Senate Secretary, comprise the Officers of the Academic Senate. The other Officers shall assist the President in conducting the affairs of the Senate within the University, and in representing the Senate constituencies in interactions with the Utah System of Higher Education (including interactions with faculty-representing organizations of other institutions of higher education, and with the Utah Board of Higher Education), and with the faculty-representing organizations of other institutions with which the University is joined as a member.

    5. Senate Committees.‌

      1. Senate Standing Committees.

        1. Establishment of standing committees of the Senate. 
          1. The standing committees of the Academic Senate described in this Policy are hereby established, and the membership and functions of each shall be implemented as described here (or as described in the other governing Regulations for each such committee as referenced here).
          2. There are three categories of such standing committees.

            1. Standing committees for which the primary responsibilities include managing the internal affairs of the Senate. These are (1) the Senate Executive Committee and (2) the Senate Personnel and Elections Committee. In keeping with the principle that internal affairs of the Senate are to be managed by the Senate members, eligibility for election to serve on these committees is based on status as an elected member of the Senate, as more fully described below.

            2. Standing committees for which the primary responsibilities include investigating, reviewing, or conducting hearings regarding individual case disputes among University personnel. The Senate delegates to these committees certain responsibilities for conducting investigations, informal dispute resolutions, and hearings, as more fully described in the pertinent governing Policies. These are (3) the Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and Faculty Rights, and (4) the Senate Consolidated Hearing Committee. Membership in the Senate is not a requirement for faculty members or officers of these committees.
            3. Standing committees for which the primary responsibilities include generally advising the Senate and the University administration on matters of significant academic importance. These are (5) the Senate Advisory Committee on Academic Policy, (6) The Senate Advisory Committee on University Strategic Planning, (7) The Senate Advisory Committee on Student, Faculty, and Staff Success, (8) The Senate Advisory Committee on Student Course Feedback, (9) The Senate Advisory Committee on Information Technology, and (10) The Senate Faculty Review Standards Committee. Membership in the Senate is not a requirement for faculty members or officers of these committees.

        2. Senate Executive Committee.

          The Academic Senate Executive Committee (Senate Executive Committee/ or Executive Committee or ASEC) is hereby established as a standing committee of the Academic Senate. The provisions described in this Policy as generally applicable for standing committees of the Senate apply for this Committee, except as otherwise specifically described here. Terms for the Senate Executive Committee begin on May 15 of each year.

          1. Membership and Officers.
            1. The membership of the Executive Committee with full voting rights consists of the following voting members of the Senate:
              1. twelve persons representing its (Tenure-line or Career-line) faculty and voting dean members elected annually to serve a one-year term on the Committee, must be a voting member of the Senate during the term of service on the Executive Committee, with no restriction on re-election for consecutive terms. At least ten of the twelve must be full-time faculty members, and not more than two may be from the same area of representation.
              2. three student members consisting of the ASUU president or a designated ASUU, one graduate and one undergraduate representative from the student Academic Senators, one of whom shall be the Student Senate Chair and the other shall be appointed by the Student Senate Chair. The student members shall serve one-year terms dating from their installation as ASUU officers.
            2. The President of the Senate shall serve as chairperson of the Committee (or if not available, second the immediate past- President, third the President-elect, or fourth the Executive Committee shall elect a president pro tempore as acting chairperson). The chairperson shall have the privileges of discussion, but not of making motions, and shall have the limited right to vote to prevent an equal division of the Committee.
            3. The Committee also consists of the following ex officio, non-voting members with full rights of discussion and making motions: the University President, the senior vice president for academic affairs, the senior vice president for health sciences, or their designees; the President-elect; and the immediate past-President of the Senate, and the Senate Parliamentarian and Senate Policy Liaison to the Institutional Policy Committee.

            4. The Committee shall ordinarily meet within two weeks after commencing its term and elect a secretary from its elected or ex officio membership.

            5. The Committee shall ordinarily meet approximately two weeks prior to the monthly meetings of the Senate, and the chairperson may call meetings at any time and must call a meeting of the Committee upon written petition of any three members of the Committee within ten days of the date of the petition, or at such earlier time as is otherwise specified in the petition.

            6. A quorum to conduct business shall consist of a majority of the fifteen voting members representing the faculty, deans and students.

          2. Functions. It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to:

            1. Prepare the Senate agenda, assigning non-controversial items to the consent calendar, and assigning other items to the information and recommendations calendar, intent calendar, or debate calendar, as appropriate in accord with this policy, and the specific provisions of other relevant Policies (including the requirements of Policy 1-001); set time limits for debate; and make such procedural stipulations of other sorts (nonbinding) as may be necessary.

            2. Report to the Senate at each regular meeting, noting matters which it has and has not placed on the agenda and the reasons and voting on each question of calendaring.

            3. Study the actions of committees and college councils and the Graduate and Undergraduate Councils per Policy 6-001 (preferably with a representative of the committee or council involved present in a given instance), and in appropriate cases return any report by such a body to that body for re-examination, where the Executive Committee judges that the report is unclear, is inadequately developed, or suffers from other significant problems. Such return by the Executive Committee shall be nonbinding on the committee or council involved.

            4. At its discretion, identify questions in connection with a committee or council report, or item from the administration, which it thinks the Senate should consider and which it accordingly conveys to the Senate members in advance of the meeting involved.

            5. Refer to an appropriate committee for its consideration items which may be urgent, or in extremely urgent cases, make a recommendation itself directly to the Senate.

            6. Recommend to the Senate the creation of an ad hoc (special) committee to study a specific important issue, where the topic involved does not fall under the jurisdiction of an existing ad hoc or standing committee, with or without recommendations on the design and specific wording of the charge to such a committee.

            7. Act in behalf of the Senate on urgent matters which cannot wait for action by the Senate in regular sessions, and act on behalf of the Senate during vacation periods and the summer semester, providing that a full report of such action is made to the Senate at its next regular meeting. Any substantive decisions shall be subject to reconsideration when they are presented to the Senate at this time.

            8. Initiate studies and legislation for Senate action on matters not assigned to other University committees, nor assignable to them.

            9. Receive confidential committee reports indicating a serious concern about the systemic operation of a program, department or college or other academic unit, and to request further supporting information from any committee so empowered to report. If the Executive Committee concludes that there is a serious concern about the systemic operation of an academic unit, it shall bring this to the attention of the cognizant vice president and provide supporting information. The cognizant vice president shall acknowledge receiving the report and in a timely fashion inform the Executive Committee and the originating committee what steps are being taken to investigate or resolve the concerns and, subsequently, inform both committees of the outcome of the investigation and of any resolution achieved. See Policies 6-010 and 6-011.

            10. Carry out such functions as are described in various University Regulations from time to time enacted, including but not limited to the following matters (listed here for convenience—and the Senate President, after notifying the Executive Committee, is hereby authorized to update this list as an editorial correction, consistent with approved Regulations changes.):

              1. Nomination of candidates for election to membership on the Senate Advisory Committee on University Strategic Planning, the Senate Advisory Committee on Student Course Feedback, and the Senate Advisory Committee on Information Technology. See applicable sections below.

              2. Approval of staff members as members of the Senate Advisory Committee on Student, Faculty, and Staff Success.

              3. Regarding membership of the Senate Consolidated Hearing Committee, (i) in consultation with the administration select a slate of faculty candidates for election to the SCHC pool, drawn from a list of nominees developed by the Senate Personnel and Elections Committee, and (ii) provide consultation to the Senate President to develop a list to submit for Senate confirmation, of at least five elected SCHC pool members prepared to serve as SCHC panel chairpersons.

              4. Approval of nominations of Career-line members for, and organization of subcommittees of, the Senate Faculty Review Standards Committee.

              5. Election of faculty members of the Background Review Committee for background checks of academic personnel (see Policy 5-130 and Rule 5-130A).

              6. Selection of a Senate representative to the University Internal Commercialization Coordinating Council.

              7. Review of all actions taken by any college council, including final approval of contents of the charter of each academic college council (see Policy 6-003).

              8. Receipt and forwarding to the Senate of reports from Senate committees, and reports from University administrators, or University committees or councils which are not committees of the Senate but are directed to report to the Senate, such as: annual report of the administration regarding faculty make-up (Policy 6-300); annual report and proposed admissions standards of the University Credits and Admission Committee (Policy 6-404).

            11. Take such other action or assume such other duties as may be assigned or referred to the Executive Committee, upon resolution of the Senate or upon request of the University administration with the consent of the Executive Committee and the Senate.

        3. Senate Personnel and Elections Committee.
          The Senate Personnel and Elections Committee (SPEC) is hereby established as a standing committee of the Academic Senate. The provisions described in this Policy as generally applicable for standing committees of the Senate apply for this Committee, except as otherwise specifically described here.

          1. Membership and Leadership.

            1. The membership of the Committee with full voting rights consists of persons elected from the voting members of the Senate. Faculty members elected by the Senate shall include one Tenure-line or Career-line faculty representative from each of the Senate areas of representation (academic colleges, the University Libraries, and the Qualified Interdisciplinary Teaching Programs). The number of Career-line faculty members shall not exceed the number of Tenure-line faculty members. Faculty members shall be elected for three-year terms and each must be a senator at the time of election, but can remain on the Committee for three years even though the Senate term of service may expire during that three- year period of time. There shall be two student members, and each shall serve a one-year term, be a voting member of the Senate during that term, and be elected to the Committee in accordance with procedures established by the ASUU. As with Senate standing committees generally, the President of the Senate, or the President's designee, shall be an ex officio, nonvoting member, and elections of faculty members, and appointment and confirmation of the Committee officers, shall proceed as described in this policy, provided however that the President of the Senate may serve as Committee chairperson or co- chairperson, if so appointed by the immediate- past President and confirmed by the Committee and the Senate Executive Committee.

          2. Functions.

            1. This committee shall make nominations for elections of members of standing committees of the Senate and for all other Senate committees (except as otherwise provided for a specified committee, including the Senate Advisory Committee on University Strategic Planning), and if the Senate is authorized by any University Regulation, or requested by a University administrator, to make nominations or recommendations of members for a committee to be appointed by the University administration, the Personnel and Elections Committee shall prepare the list of nominees (see Policy 6-001).

            2. It will review Senate standing committees and University standing committees on a 5-year rotating schedule. This review will use self- study Procedures, and include an assessment of perceived appropriateness of committee membership, charter, functions, meetings and others.

            3. The Committee shall review any new University-wide standing committee charters or changes to such charters.

            4. In alternate years, it will apportion Senate membership according to this Policy.

            5. The Committee will also review the necessity of retaining existing Senate and University committees, recommending to the Senate or appropriate administrative officers any possible excisions.

            6. It shall pursue an affirmative action program to secure significant representation of women, minorities, and non-tenured faculty members in positions of responsibility within the University, and to seek a distribution of committee nominations among colleges and departments in order to obtain a range of backgrounds among the members of each committee.

            7. Among the particular duties of the Committee with regard to University committees as established by specific Regulations are the following (listed here for convenience—and the Senate President, after notifying the Executive Committee, is hereby authorized to update this list as an editorial correction, consistent with approved Regulations changes.)

              1. Appointment of alternate faculty members for vacancies on the University Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee (see Policy 6- 304).

        4. Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and Faculty Rights.
          The Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and Faculty Rights (SCAFFR) is hereby established as a standing committee of the Academic Senate. The provisions described in this Policy as generally applicable for standing committees of the Senate apply for this Committee, except as otherwise specifically described here.

          1. Membership and Officers.

            The membership of the Committee with full voting rights consists of twelve members elected by the Senate from the University Tenure-line and Career-line faculty members other than ex officio members of the Senate. As with Senate standing committees generally, the terms of voting faculty members are three years and staggered so that an approximately equal number are elected each year, the Senate President or designee is an ex officio nonvoting member, and elections of faculty members and appointment and confirmation of Committee officers proceed as described in this policy. See a special provision in Policy 6-010 that student representatives may be asked to serve with the Committee to consider a particular matter addressing substantial issues that involve students.

          2. Functions.

            The functions of this Committee, and procedures followed in its investigations and informal dispute resolutions, are as described in Policy 6-010.

        5. Senate Consolidated Hearing Committee.

          The Senate Consolidated Hearing Committee (SCHC) is hereby established as a standing committee of the Academic Senate. The provisions described in this Policy as generally applicable for standing committees of the Senate apply for this Committee, except as otherwise specifically described here.

          1. Membership and officers (pools and panels).

            1. The Senate Consolidated Hearing Committee shall consist of a pool, from which members may be drawn to serve on panels in specific cases as the need arises. The pool shall consist of at least 35 faculty members, Tenure-line and Career-line. At least 5 members of the pool shall be faculty members with extensive experience as researchers and as recipients of sponsored research grants. These members shall be available to serve as panel members in hearings involving allegations of (sponsored) research misconduct. The pool shall include a sufficient number of Tenured members to serve on SCHC panels in cases for which tenure is a requirement, as described in Policy 6-011. First, the faculty members will be nominated by the Senate Personnel and Elections Committee. Second, the Senate Executive Committee will review the nominees and in consultation with the University administration will provide from that list a slate to the Senate which shall consist of more nominees than available positions. Third, the Senate will select by vote sufficient members to fill the pool. SCHC pool members will normally be elected for 6-year staggered terms. There may be expedited elections if necessary to fill vacancies in the pool or to provide sufficient members for a particular panel.

            2. The Academic Senate President in consultation with the Senate Executive Committee and the University administration shall identify at least 5 persons from the elected SCHC pool to be available to serve as chairpersons of panels. The chairpersons shall be individuals who will agree to undergo significant training in preparation for chairing the SCHC panels. Their appointment to the position (but not to a specific panel) shall require confirmation by the Academic Senate.

          2. Functions.
            See Policy 6-011 for the governing description of the functions and procedures of the SCHC, including the process by which members from the pool are selected for the panel in a particular case.

        6. Senate Advisory Committee on Academic Policy.The Senate Advisory Committee on Academic Policy (SACAP) is hereby established as a standing committee of the Academic Senate. The provisions described in this Policy as generally applicable for standing committees of the Senate apply for this Committee, except as otherwise specifically described here.

          1. Membership and officers.
            The membership of the Academic Policy Advisory Committee with full voting rights consists of nine Tenure-line or Career-line faculty members and three students. As with Senate standing committees generally, the terms of voting faculty members are three years and staggered so that an approximately equal number are elected each year, the Senate President or designee is an ex officio nonvoting member, and elections of faculty members and appointment and confirmation of Committee officers proceed as described in this policy. Student members shall be selected for one-year terms in accordance with Procedures established by the ASUU.

          2. Functions.
            The Committee is authorized to consider any matter relating to academic policy, broadly defined, including matters relating to academic activities of teaching and research, the University Libraries, and salaries and benefits of faculty and other academic personnel. It may consider any relevant matter which may be suggested by members of the Committee, members of the faculty, administrative officers, or students. The Senate Executive Committee, or the Senate, may refer to this Committee any question or consideration of any proposal regarding academic policy which is not otherwise assigned to another committee of the Senate, or which may be benefit from study by this Committee as well as another committee. Upon its selection of a subject for study, the Committee shall notify all interested agencies within the University, including standing committees, and invite their cooperation. For matters related to the University Libraries, consultation shall include the Libraries administrators, and for matters related to academic personnel salaries and benefits consultation shall include human resources administrators. At least once each academic year, the Committee shall submit a written report of its studies and recommendations, if any, to the Senate.

        7. Senate Advisory Committee on University Strategic Planning. The Senate Advisory Committee on University Strategic Planning (SACUSP) is hereby established as a standing committee of the Academic Senate. The provisions described in this Policy as generally applicable for standing committees of the Senate apply for this Committee, except as otherwise specifically described here.

          1. Membership and officers.
            The membership of the Committee with full voting rights consists of 12 Tenure-line or Career-line faculty members, with a majority of Tenured faculty, who shall represent the University faculty as a whole and not any particular academic college or area. The membership slate will be voted on by the Senate, upon recommendation of the Executive Committee, which should assure in the recommendation process that the large colleges or areas will have adequate representation, and that ordinarily there is no more than one member from the same college or area. The terms of voting members are four years, as with Senate standing committees generally, the terms are staggered so that an approximately equal number are elected each year, and members may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms and then shall be ineligible for nomination for another term until at least one year has elapsed following the expiration of their terms of office. The immediate Past Senate President (or other Senate Presidential Officer as designee in case of absence) will be the Chair of the committee (who shall vote only to break a tie), and a vice-Chair will be elected by the voting members of the Committee. The President-elect and the President of the Senate will be non-voting ex-officio members of the Committee.The President of the University and the two Senior Vice Presidents (or their designees) will be non-voting ex-officio members of the Committee and serve as liaisons between the administration’s strategic planning activities and the Committee, assuring that all strategic initiatives proposed by the administration receive adequate input from the Committee. The administration should inform the Committee of important strategic planning issues each year on a schedule that allows for such adequate Committee input.

          2. Functions.
            The Senate Advisory Committee on University Strategic Planning may establish its own internal rules which shall provide that individual faculty members are entitled to submit information to the Committee and that Committee members will hold in strict confidence all budget and planning information which the Committee receives on a confidential basis from the University President or other administrative officers of the University.
            The Committee should respond to directions from the Senate, while retaining the freedom to set its own agenda. The Committee's principal roles are to (1) consult with the University administration, and present and argue for the views and interests of the whole faculty in the administration's long-range academic and budgetary planning and (2) identify and bring to the attention of the Academic Senate various long- range, strategic issues, decisions and challenges that should be addressed in furthering the University’s missions and positioning the University to be responsive to the demands of a changing and competitive environment. The goal of the Committee is to assure that academic interests such as academic freedom, academic excellence and principles of shared governance are considered when developing the long-term strategic directions of the University. The Committee should strive to persuade the administration to make critical long term budgetary and academic policy decisions in as open and public a way as possible.
            Specific Powers and Duties:

            1. Provide a forum for individual faculty members to submit information on long term strategic budget and planning.

            2. Represent views and interests of all faculty in matters related to long term strategic planning for the Institution.

            3. Consult with the University administration on developing a transparent process for long term strategic planning.

            4. Provide the University administration with input to all strategic planning initiatives that the administration should refer to the Committee for review.

            5. Identify and bring to the attention of the Academic Senate various long-range, strategic issues, decisions and challenges that should be addressed in furthering the University’s missions and positioning the University to be responsive to the demands of a changing and competitive environment.

            6. The Committee shall perform the functions assigned to it by applicable provisions of Policy 6-313.

        8. Senate Advisory Committee on Student, Faculty, and Staff Success. The Senate Advisory Committee on Student, Faculty, and Staff Success (SAC-SFSS) is hereby established as a standing committee of the Academic Senate. The provisions described in this Policy as generally applicable for standing committees of the Senate apply for this Committee, except as otherwise specifically described here.

          1. Membership and officers
            The membership of the Committee with full voting rights consists of eighteen persons. Twelve shall be faculty members (six Tenure-line and six Career-line). Three shall be staff members serving three-year terms (approved by the Senate Executive Committee after nomination by the University of Utah Staff Council-UUSC. See Policy 5-003). Three shall be students serving one-year terms (selected by ASUU). As with Senate standing committees generally, the terms of voting faculty members are three years and staggered so that an approximately equal number are elected each year, the Senate President or designee is an ex officio nonvoting member, and elections of faculty members and appointment and confirmation of Committee officers proceed as described in this policy, except that terms of all members shall begin August 1. Holders of the following positions (or equivalents) shall also be ex officio non-voting members: Academic Senate Past-president, Assistant Vice President for Faculty Support, UUSC President, ASUU President, Director of Equal Opportunity and Title IX, Director of LGBT Resource Center, Assistant VP for Human Resources, and two representatives from the community. To ensure regular cross- communication between the Committee and the University's Presidential Commission on the Status of Women, the Commission shall be invited to annually designate one of its members to serve as a non-voting ex officio member of the Committee representing the Commission (unless the Commission determines that adequate representation is already provided by a current voting or ex officio member of the Committee).

          2. Functions.
            The Committee shall provide leadership and expertise to the University community in promoting student, faculty, and staff success, in their various roles and activities, and serves as a forum for the exchange of ideas within the University. The Committee should respond to directions from the Academic Senate, while retaining the freedom to set its own agenda. The Committee's principal role is to identify issues, projects, and proposals that would further a positive climate of belonging and wellbeing on the University campus with any appropriate recommendations.

          3. Budget.
            An annual budget for the Committee will be offered by the President.

        9. Senate Advisory Committee on Student Course Feedback (SACSCF). The Senate Advisory Committee on Student Course Feedback is hereby established as a standing committee of the Academic Senate. The provisions described in this Policy as generally applicable for standing committees of the Senate apply for this Committee, except as otherwise specifically described here.

          1. Membership and officers.

            The membership of the Committee with full voting rights consists of seven faculty members, and four students.
            Faculty members. The faculty members are a mix of elected and appointed. There shall be four elected faculty members with terms of three years and limited to two consecutive terms. In accordance with Policy 6-300- III-B, elected faculty members should be broadly representative of the University, with at least one representative from Health Sciences, at least one representative from the Career-line (lecturer) faculty, at least one representative from the Tenure-line faculty, and one faculty member with experience as an academic unit administrator with responsibilities for reviews of faculty members. As with Senate standing committees generally, the terms are staggered so that an approximately equal number are elected each year, the Senate President or designee is an ex officio nonvoting member, and elections of faculty members and appointment and confirmation of Committee officers proceed as described in this policy, with the exception that nominations for members to stand for election to this Committee (except nominations made from the floor during a meeting of the Senate) shall originate from the Senate Executive Committee and the Personnel and Elections Committee.
            Three faculty members are appointed to the Committee as full voting members, including the Associate Dean for General Education (or designee), a faculty representative of the Undergraduate Council (a Council member appointed to the Committee annually by the chairperson of the Undergraduate Council), and a faculty representative of the Graduate Council (a Council member appointed annually to the Committee by the chairperson of the Graduate Council).
            Student members. The four student representatives will include the ASUU Academic Affairs Director (or designee), the ASUU Senate chairperson (or designee), and two Student Advisory Committee (SAC) representatives appointed by the ASUU Academic Affairs Director, including one graduate student and one undergraduate student. Students will have annual terms of service, but may be reappointed. Non-voting ex officio members. Holders of the following positions (or equivalents) shall also be ex officio non-voting members: Director of the University unit responsible for the administration and analysis of student course feedback, and Student Course Feedback Program Manager. Committee Officers Appointment and Confirmation. The Committee officers, selected from the elected faculty members of the Committee, shall be appointed and confirmed as follows. There shall be a Committee chairperson and a vice-chairperson, the vice-chairperson preferably succeeding the chairperson in the year following service as vice-chairperson. The Academic Senate President, in consultation with the Director of the University unit responsible for the administration and analysis of student course feedback, annually appoints the Committee officers with ratification by the Senate Executive Committee, and then subject to confirmation of the Senate-elected Committee's voting membership. The chairperson may at any time appoint a member or other person to act as secretary for the Committee.

          2. Functions.
            The Committee’s primary functions shall be as more fully described in Policy 6-100, Course Assessment and Feedback, including evaluation and provision of input and oversight on the development and revision of course feedback instrument(s), report form(s), and procedure(s), which shall be presented to the Academic Senate for approval. Full evaluation of student course feedback forms, report forms, and administration procedures will be reported to the Academic Senate every four years. The Committee shall confer with the Senate Faculty Review Standards Committee and relevant administrators regarding the use of course feedback results in conjunction with reviews of teaching performance of faculty members and non-faculty instructional personnel (Policies 6-303 and 6-310). The Committee shall report to the Senate at least annually regarding its activities.

        10. Senate Advisory Committee on Information Technology.
          The Senate Advisory Committee on Information Technology (SACIT) is hereby established as a standing committee of the Academic Senate. The provisions described in this Policy as generally applicable for standing committees of the Senate apply for this Committee, except as otherwise specifically described here.

          1. Membership and officers. The membership of the Committee with full voting rights consists of twelve Tenure-line or Career-line faculty members, who meet the qualifications for election to the Academic Senate (but need not be members of the Senate), and two students. For the faculty members: ordinarily at least three shall be Tenure-line and at least three Career-line; they shall represent the University faculty as a whole and not any particular college or equivalent and ordinarily not more than three may be from the same college or equivalent; the terms are three years, and there is no limit on serving multiple consecutive terms. As with Senate standing committees generally, the terms are staggered so that an approximately equal number are elected each year, the Senate President or designee is an ex officio nonvoting member, and elections of faculty members and appointment and confirmation of Committee officers proceed as described in this policy, with the exception that nominations for members to stand for election to this Committee shall originate from the Senate Executive Committee and the Personnel and Elections Committee, which will consider recommendations from relevant administrators and past participants in the work of this Committee. Selection of faculty members should be guided by the following principles, consistent with the functions of the Committee:

            1. Awareness of the roles of information technology in an academic setting

            2. Some familiarity with trends in information technology relevant to academic activities,

            3. Representation of the very diverse academic sectors of the University,

            4. Interest in assuring that information technology resources are deployed so as to best support the University’s multiple academic missions, and interest in maintaining effective relationships among the University’s academic users of information technology and the pertinent administrators and staff,

            5. Given the importance of continuity of membership, willingness to be considered for nomination for consecutive terms.

              The two student members shall be selected by ASUU, shall serve one- year terms, and preferably will include one undergraduate and one graduate student. The University's Chief Information Officer (or equivalent), or designee, will serve permanently as a non-voting ex- officio member of the Committee. The Committee may consult with anyone involved in University information technology as necessary for the performance of its responsibilities, but none of these individuals will be members of the Committee. As with other standing Senate committees, this Committee’s officer(s) shall be selected annually from the elected faculty members of this Committee, appointed by the Senate President, ratified by the Senate Executive Committee, and confirmed by this Committee’s voting membership, and there are no restrictions on reappointment to multiple consecutive annual terms.

          2. Functions. The primary role of the Committee is to ensure ongoing robust communication among representatives of the University’s academic users of information technology (especially faculty and students), and administrators responsible for planning for, acquiring and deploying information technology resources. Such administrators shall regularly inform and consult with the Committee regarding information technology resources. The Committee should regularly consult with information technology user constituencies and convey input to relevant administrators.
            If for any particular matter being considered by the Committee any individual member has a potential conflict of interest which might reasonably be considered to significantly affect that member’s judgment (e.g., affecting that member’s home unit far more greatly than other University units generally), the member should disclose that concern and if judged appropriate by the majority of other voting members should refrain from any voting on that matter.
            In light of typically rapid changes in information technology, and possible occasional changes in the University’s overall administrative governance structure relevant to information technology, the administrative positions and other University committees which this Committee will interact with might change frequently. It is intended that this Committee serve as a permanent fixture and constant participant within the governance structure.
            Proposals for University Regulations significantly affecting academic uses of information technology should be developed within or otherwise considered by the Committee prior to being presented to the Senate.
            The Committee shall report on its activities and present its recommendations, as needed and at least annually, to the Senate.

        11. Senate Faculty Review Standards Committee.
          The Senate Faculty Review Standards Committee (SFRSC) is hereby established as a standing committee of the Academic Senate. The provisions described in this Policy as generally applicable for standing committees of the Senate apply for this Committee, except as otherwise specifically described here.

          1. Membership and officers.

            1. The membership of the Committee with full voting rights consists of one Tenured faculty member from each of the academic colleges, and the University Libraries, and six Career-line faculty members selected as described below. The terms of all voting members are four years, and any individual who has served two consecutive terms will not be eligible for nomination for another term until an interval of one year has passed following the completion of the second term. As with Senate standing committees generally, the terms are staggered so that an approximately equal number are elected each year, the Senate President or designee is an ex officio nonvoting member, and elections of faculty members and appointment and confirmation of Committee officers proceed as described in this policy, except that the Senate Executive Committee shall approve nominations of the Career-line faculty members (as described below), and the single chairperson (or at least one of two co- chairpersons if leadership is so structured in a given year) shall be a Tenured member.

            2. For the Career-line members: the allocation of members for a given period should be made as will best achieve appropriate representation of University areas with significant numbers of such faculty and provide perspectives from the three Career-line sub- categories (Clinical, Lecturer, Research), and consistent with the anticipated work of the Committee, generally including among the total of six at least two from the academic colleges within health sciences, and at least two from the other areas of Senate representation (other academic colleges, the libraries, and the qualified interdisciplinary teaching programs). The nominations (other than nominations made from the floor at a Senate meeting), after having been prepared by the Personnel and Elections Committee shall be approved by the Senate Executive Committee prior to the election within the Senate.

            3. As recommended by the Committee and with the approval of the Senate Executive Committee, for any given year the members may be organized into subcommittees, e.g., for purposes of those work projects related to Tenure-line faculty and those related to Career- line faculty and non-faculty academic personnel.

            4. The Associate Vice President for Faculty, or designee, shall also be a non-voting ex officio member of the Committee and any subcommittees.

          2. Functions and procedures.
            The Committee generally advises the Senate and University administration regarding Regulations and practices for regular periodic reviews of members of the University faculty (and also non-faculty instructional personnel teaching credit-bearing courses, see Policy 6-310). And, acting on behalf of the Senate with authority hereby delegated to it, the Committee has the following specific functions for review and approval of the Statements describing and governing the University's systems for reviews of individual faculty (and such non- faculty instructional personnel).

            1. RPT Statements. The Committee shall develop and implement procedures with which it will review and approve the Statements of Retention, Promotion and Tenure criteria, standards, and procedures applicable for members of the Tenure-line faculty of each academic unit as required by University Policy 6-303. Such reviews should be conducted with due concern to the unique characteristics or requirements of the discipline and with the objective of improving the stature of the University by ensuring that such criteria and standards are consistent with the University's commitment to academic excellence. Such reviews will be conducted in conjunction with the faculty and administrators of the academic unit being reviewed. The Statement of any academic unit may be reviewed at the initiative of the Committee or on a regular schedule which the Committee may establish in consultation with the cognizant senior vice president. Requests for reviews other than on such regular schedule may be made to the Committee by the cognizant senior vice president, the University Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee (see Policy 6-304), or the Graduate Council (pursuant to regular evaluations of academic units per Policy 6-001), as well as by deans, department chairpersons, or individual Tenure-line faculty members. The Committee shall use its judgment and discretion in formulating responses to such requests. The Committee shall annually report on its reviews to the Senate and to the University Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee.
            2. Tenured Faculty Review Statements. The Committee shall review and approve the Statement of Tenured Faculty Review procedures applicable for the Tenured faculty members of each academic unit as required by Policy 6-321.
            3. Statements for Review of Career-Line and Adjunct Faculty, and Non-Faculty Instructional Personnel. The Committee shall review and approve the Statement of Review, Reappointment and Promotion Criteria, Standards, and Procedures applicable for members of the Career-line faculty, Adjunct faculty and non- faculty instructional personnel of each academic unit as required by Policy 6-310.
            4. The Committee is also an appropriate forum for reviewing any proposed changes to University Regulations relating to the above specific functions of the Committee, including any with respect to retention, promotion, or tenure.
      2. Other Committees Established by the Senate.
        1. Other Standing Committees.
          The Senate may by ordinary vote create a new standing committee of the Senate, provided that within one year of such establishment by vote, the committee shall be fully established by an approved revision of this Policy incorporating a description of the membership structure and functions of such additional standing committee.
        2. Special Committees.
          The Senate shall have the power to provide for the appointment or election of such special committees as in its discretion may be needed to serve the best interests of the University. As described above, the Senate Executive Committee has the power to recommend to the Senate the establishment of such a special committee. The membership structure and terms, functions, and period of existence for each such special committee shall be as described in the proposal for establishment of the committee as approved by the Senate, and in the special charge issued to the committee.
        3. Ad Hoc Committee to Review Structure of Senate.
          The Senate may by secret ballot elect an ad hoc committee to review the structure and functions of the Senate.
      3. General Provisions for Committees of the Senate.
        1. Membership Elections, Terms, and Quorum.
          1. Elections of faculty members to Senate standing committees (and filling of vacancies) are conducted as described below.
          2. Except as otherwise specified above or in another governing Regulation for a particular committee, the terms of membership for faculty members elected to standing committees of the Senate, and for members of all special committees of the Senate shall begin on June 16, the regular term of membership of a faculty member of such a Senate committee shall be three years, terms shall be staggered such that an approximately equal number of faculty members are elected each year, and there is no general restriction on serving multiple consecutive terms.
          3. The secretary of the Senate shall notify faculty members who are appointed or elected by the Senate to membership on any standing or special committee. These members shall be notified immediately following such election or appointment to their new positions.
          4. A quorum for any committee shall consist of a majority of the voting members unless otherwise provided, as for the Senate Consolidated Hearing Committee.
        2. Committee Officers Appointment and Confirmation.
          1. For each standing committee of the Senate, unless otherwise specified in another governing Regulation (and except for the Executive Committee, and Consolidated Hearing Committee, as described above), the committee officers, selected from the elected faculty members of the committee, shall be appointed and confirmed as follows. There shall be a committee chairperson. Also, if appropriate based on current circumstances, as annually determined by the Academic Senate President and ratified by the Senate Executive Committee, there shall be either a co-chairperson or a vice- chairperson. The Academic Senate President annually appoints the committee officers with ratification by the Senate Executive Committee, and then subject to confirmation of the Senate-elected committee's voting membership. There is no general restriction on any officer being reappointed to multiple consecutive annual terms.
          2. For each special committee of the Senate, the above-described process shall also apply, unless otherwise provided for in the charge approved upon establishment of the special committee.
          3. The chairperson of any standing or special committee may at any time appoint a member or other person to act as secretary for the committee.
        3. Senate President as ex officio member.
          The President of the Senate, or the President's designee, shall be an ex officio, nonvoting member of all Senate Standing Committees (and also of each special committee of the Senate unless otherwise provided for in the charge approved upon establishment of the special committee).
        4. Privileges of the Senate Floor.
          For any standing or special committee of the Senate established under this Policy 6-002 (and also for any other University committee which has been scheduled to present a report to the Senate), committee members, whether voting or nonvoting ex officio, not having membership on the Senate shall have the privilege of discussion on matters being reported to the Senate by the committee of which they are members.
        5. Access to Records. All standing and special Senate committees established pursuant to this Policy 6-002 shall have full access to the minutes of the Board of Trustees and to the books of the secretary of the Trustees. See Policy 2-002, and the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees.
        6. Committee General Charters, Special Charges, and Reports.
          1. For each standing committee of the Senate, a permanent general charter, updated consistent with the provisions of this Policy and any other governing Regulation, shall be approved by the Senate Executive Committee, kept in the Academic Senate Office, and made available to all committee members. In addition, any special task assigned to a standing committee during a particular time period shall be described in a special charge delivered to the committee's officer(s).
          2. Each standing committee of the Senate shall report to the Senate, and unless otherwise provided shall at least annually submit for the information of the Senate a report of recent activities (except that reports of a confidential nature, including activities of the Consolidated Hearing Committee as described in Policy 6-011, shall be directed only to the Senate Executive Committee).
          3. For each special committee of the Senate, a committee description and special charge approved by the Senate Executive Committee shall be kept in the Academic Senate Office, delivered to the committee's officer(s) and made available to all committee members. The special committee shall submit a report of such type and at such time as provided for in the charge.
          4. Committee reports ordinarily shall be presented on the Senate Information and Recommendations Calendar. If any report from any standing or special committee of the Senate includes a specific proposal for action to be taken by the Senate, the Executive Committee, upon determining that the proposal is ready for the consideration of the Senate, shall place that proposal on the Senate Debate Calendar.
    6. Elections Within the Senate.
      1. Scope.
        1. Elections within the Senate include election of the President/President-elect of the Senate, election of faculty members for all standing committees of the Senate, and such other elections as may be required for any special Senate committee or other University committee. All elections shall be supervised and conducted by the Senate Personnel and Elections Committee, and shall be conducted during a regular or special meeting of the Senate and shall be conducted by secret ballot electronic or otherwise. Any particular election (other than of the Senate President/President-elect) may be conducted outside of a meeting through electronic means (electronic mail or a secure internet site or similar means) if so recommended by the Personnel and Elections Committee and approved by the Senate Executive Committee.
      2. Nominations.
        1. The Senate Personnel and Elections Committee shall prepare nomination slates for all elections conducted within the Senate. For each elected standing committee of the Senate or other Senate-elected committee, the Personnel and Elections Committee shall prepare a slate containing a number of nominees equal to or greater than one and one-half times the number of positions to be filled. After presenting the slate to the Senate, the Chairperson of the Personnel and Elections Committee shall open the slate to additional nominations from the floor.
        2. If the Senate is requested to make nominations or recommendations for a committee to be appointed by the University administration, the Personnel and Elections Committee shall prepare the list of nominees.
      3. Balloting Procedures.
        1. Elections within the Senate, including those for standing or special committees of the Senate, shall be conducted by the preferential balloting procedure, wherein the nominees are preferentially ranked on each ballot. Except as specified below, one balloting round per election shall be conducted, and only ballots containing rankings for a number of preferred nominees equal to or less than the number of positions to be filled shall be valid.
        2. The nominees shall receive a number of points equal to the converse of their rank on a ballot. That is, the nominee who is given first preference on a ballot shall receive a number of points equal to the number of positions to be filled; the nominee who is given last preference on a ballot shall receive one point. Those nominees receiving the highest numbers of total points shall be elected.
        3. In the event that two or more nominees receive the same number of points and this number of points would ordinarily constitute election, but an insufficient number of positions remains to be filled, a runoff balloting round shall be held. Only the names of those nominees receiving the same number of points for the contested position(s) in the first balloting round shall be included on any runoff ballot. Preferential balloting procedures shall be followed in the runoff balloting round.
      4. Vacancies.
        1. Vacancies, caused by the resignation, continued absence, or incapacitating illness of Senate-elected committee members shall be filled by the runner-ups from the original election or, if that is not possible, by special election by the Senate. Nominations for such special elections shall be made by the Personnel and Elections Committee, which shall follow procedures specified herein. If an election is held to fill vacancies, it shall normally be conducted immediately following the presentation of a slate of nominees to the Senate by the Chairperson of the Personnel and Elections Committee, who shall open the slate to additional nominations from the floor. Elections shall be conducted by the preferential balloting Procedure.
        2. Individuals filling vacancies shall assume office immediately after their designation, and shall serve during the incumbent's absence or for the remainder of the incumbent's term.
        3. Immediately following their designation, the secretary of the Senate shall notify the individuals designated to fill the vacancies.
    7. Meetings of the Senate.
      1. Regular Meetings.
        1. Unless otherwise provided by the Senate, its regular meetings shall be held on the first Monday of each month at 3:00 p.m. Discussion of proposals on the Debate Calendar will ordinarily begin no later than 3:45.
        2. Robert's Rules of Order shall govern as the parliamentary rules of procedure in all Senate meetings (and meetings of committees of the Senate), except as otherwise provided within this Policy or another governing University Regulation or a rule adopted by the Senate (see Policy 1-002). A majority of the elected members of the Senate shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. All actions or recommendations of the Senate shall be by majority vote of the elected members (and alternates) present unless otherwise required herein. Voting shall be by secret ballot if requested by three elected members of the Senate.
        3. When there are no Debate items scheduled for the agenda of a regular meeting of the Senate, the Executive Committee of the Senate is authorized to cancel that meeting and to carry forward all other items on the agenda, except resignations and appointments, to the next regular meeting of the Senate.
        4. Senate time should be scheduled on a regular basis for discussions with the University President and/or other officers of the University on such subjects as budget, new programs, administrative problems, etc. During these discussions it should be the prerogative of any member of the Senate to ask of the administration any question relevant to the University.
      2. Special Meetings.
        1. Special meetings of the Senate shall be held at the call of the University President, the President of the Senate, or any five members of the Senate who submit a written request for a special meeting to the President of the Senate.
        2. Rules governing the conduct of regular Senate meetings shall be in force at such special meetings.
        3. Upon motion of a member of the Senate and a majority vote of the elected members and alternates present or by written petition of ten elected members of the Senate submitted to the President of the Senate a special meeting of the Senate may be called at which ex officio members shall be present only by invitation. Deliberations of this body shall be governed by pertinent regulations of the Senate. Decisions of such a special Senate meeting shall be referred back to the regular Senate meeting for final disposition.
    8. Order of Business.
      1. Order of Business.
        Except as otherwise provided by the Senate in a standing rule of the Senate or for a particular meeting, its order of business shall be:
        1. Call to Order
        2. Approval of Minutes
        3. Requests for New Business
        4. Consent Calendar
        5. Executive Committee Report
        6. Reports from University of Administration and from ASUU Administration
        7. Notices of Intent
        8. Debate Calendar
        9. Information and Recommendations Calendar
        10. Open Discussion
        11. New Business
        12. Adjournment
      2. New Business.
        New business may be proposed at the beginning of a regular Senate meeting, but should be submitted in writing to the President of the Senate by the Friday prior to a regular Senate meeting. The business will then normally be considered at the end of the meeting, but a motion may be made to consider it at another specified time during the meeting.
    9. Minutes and Agenda.
      1. Minutes.
        Minutes and agenda of the Senate shall ordinarily be kept by the Secretary of the Faculty for use of the University President, faculty, staff, students, trainees, the Board of Trustees, and the general public. They shall be made public upon authorization of either the University President or the President of the Senate.
      2. Agenda and Minutes.
        1. Each member of the Senate shall receive a copy of the full agenda and a copy of the full minutes of Senate business. Additional copies of the full agenda and the full minutes shall be available to interested faculty, staff, students, trainees, and the general public at the office of the Senate.
        2. A summary of the agenda in advance of each meeting shall be made available to all faculty members and chairpersons of all academic departments or equivalent academic units. The summary of the agenda should regularly contain an invitation open to all faculty, staff, students, trainees, and the general public to review or obtain a copy of the full agenda and full minutes at the Senate office and to attend Senate meetings if they so desire.
        3. Summaries of actions taken by the Senate shall be made available to each member of the University faculty, staff, students, and trainees within a reasonable time after each session of the Senate.
      3. Electronic Distribution.

        If approved by the Senate Executive Committee and not objected to by a majority of the elected members of the Senate, the Senate President may during any year direct the Secretary of the Faculty to use electronic means (such as electronic mail or an internet website or similar means) to distribute any of the agenda, minutes, or summary documents required by this Policy.

    10. Faculty Initiative and Review.

      1. Initiative. Any ten Tenure-line or Career-line University faculty members (who need not be current elected members of the Senate) may petition and secure consideration by the Senate of any appropriate matter including proposed amendments to the University Regulations. An amendment to the University Regulations or any other matter to be initiated shall be presented in writing to the President of the Senate, who shall then give notice of the proposal to the Senate.
      2. Review. All actions of the Senate shall be subject to review by the University faculty upon written requests for an appeal made to the President of the Senate by any ten Tenure-line or Career-line members of the faculty. This appeal shall be made within ten days of the mailing date of the summaries of action of the Senate. The action shall be reviewed at the next regular meeting of the faculty or at a special meeting called for that purpose after all faculty members have been given two weeks' notice of the meeting.

        Sections IV- VII are for user information and are not subject to the approval of the Academic Senate or the Board of Trustees. The Institutional Policy Committee, the Policy Owner, or the Policy Officer may update these sections at any time.

  4. Policies/ Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms and other Related Resources‌

    1. Policies/ Rules. [ reserved ]

    2. Procedures, Guidelines, and Forms. [ reserved ]

    3. Other Related Resources. [ reserved ]

  5. References
    1. Policy 1-001: Policy on University Regulations (Roles of Senate Executive Committee and Senate in changes to University Regulations)
    2. Policy 1-002: Parliamentary Rules.
    3. Policy 2-002: Board of Trustees.
    4. Policy 5-003: University of Utah Staff Council.
    5. Policy 5-130: Criminal and Other Background Checks on University Employees.
    6. Rule 5-130A: Criminal and Other Background Checks for Faculty and Other Academic Personnel.
    7. Policy 6-001: Academic Units and Academic Governance--Roles of Faculties, Committees, Councils, and Academic Senate
    8. Policy 6-003: College Councils
    9. Policy 6-010: Academic Freedom, Academic Grievances, Functions and Procedures of the Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and Faculty Rights
    10. Policy 6-011: Functions and Procedures of the Senate Consolidated Hearing Committee
    11. Policy 6-101: Undergraduate Study and Degrees
    12. Policy 6-300: The University Faculty -- Categories and Ranks
    13. Policy 6-303: Reviews of Tenure-Line Faculty Members (RPT Criteria, Standards and Procedures)
    14. Policy 6-304: University Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee
    15. Policy 6-310: Reviews of Career-line, Adjunct, and Visiting Faculty Members, and Other Instructional Personnel (Standards and Procedures).
    16. Policy 6-313: (Terminations and Program Discontinuance--Declaration of Financial Exigency)
    17. Policy 6-321: Tenured Faculty Reviews
    18. Policy 6-401: Students of the University
    19. Policy 6-500: Curriculum Management and Administration
  6. Contacts
    The designated contact officials for this Regulation are
      1. Policy Owner(s) (primary contact person for questions and advice): Associate Vice President for Faculty and the Associate Vice President for Faculty Health Sciences.

      2. Policy Officer(s): Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Senior Vice President for Health Sciences.

        See Rule 1-001 for information about the roles and authority of policy owners and policy officers.

  7. History
    Revision History.
    1. Current version. Revision 39.

      1. Effective July 1, 2024

      2. Editorial Revisions

        1. Editorially revised February 19, 2025, to update the name of the Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX.
    2. Previous versions.

      1. Revision 38. Effective Date February 13, 2024
        1. Legislative History
      2. Revision 37. Effective Date June 15, 2023

        1. Legislative History for Revision 37.

      3. Revision 36. Effective Date March 1, 2021

        1. Legislative History for Revision 36.

      4. Revision 35. Effective Date July 1, 2020

        1. Legislative History for Revision 35.

      5. Revision 34. Effective Date July 1, 2019

      6. Revision 33. Effective Date February 12, 2019

        1. Legislative History for Revision 33.

      7. Revision 32. Effective Date June 30, 2018

        1. Legislative History for Revision 32.

      8. Revision 31. Effective Date July 1, 2016

        1. Legislative History for Revision 31.

      9. Revision 30. Effective Date May 15, 2015

        1. Legislative History for Revision 30.

      10. Revision 29. Effective Date July 1, 2013

        1. Legislative History for Revision 29 Volume 1.

        2. Legislative History for Revision 29 Volume 2.

      11. Revision 28. Effective Date July 1, 2011

        1. Legislative History for Revision 28.

      12. Revision 27. Effective Date July 9, 2009

      13. Revision 26. Effective Date July 1, 2009

        1. Legislative History for Revision 26.

      14. Revision 25. Effective Date July 1, 2009

        (Note: the effective date for Revision 26 was set as July 1, 2009, the same date previously set as the effective date for Revision 25, which had been adopted earlier in the same academic year as Revision 26 was adopted.)

        1. Legislative History for Revision 25.

      15. Revision 24. Effective Date April 8, 2007

        1. Legislative History for Revision 24.

      16. Revision 23. Effective Date May 6, 2006

        1. Legislative History for Revision 23.

      17. Revision 22. Effective Date June 23, 2004

      18. Revision 21. Effective Date April 19, 2004

      19. Revision 20. Effective Date December 8, 2003

      20. Revision 19. Effective Date August 13, 2001

      21. Revision 18. Effective Date June 12, 2000

      22. Revision 17. Effective Date May 17, 1999

      23. Revision 16. Effective Date November 2, 1998

        Earlier versions of Policy 6-305. (Note, the description of duties of the Senate Faculty Review Standards Committee now moved to 6-002 as of Revision 30 in 2014 was previously housed in Policy 6-305 (which before 2008 renumbering was Policy 9-5.3 and earlier Faculty Regulations Chapter V Section 4), and this lists the history of that Policy 6-305 up through 2014.

      24. Policy 6-305 Revision 18. Retired notice.

      25. Policy 6-305 Revision 17. Effective Date July 1, 2009

        1. Legislative History for Revision 17.

      26. Policy 6-305 Revision 16. Effective Dates 2005-2009.

      27. Policy 6-305 Revision 15. Effective Dates 2001-2005.

      28. Policy 6-305 Revision 14. Effective Dates 1999-2001.

      29. Policy 6-305 Revision 13. Effective Dates 1999.

      30. Policy 6-305 Revision 12. Effective Dates 1998-1999.

    3. Renumbering

      1. Renumbered from PPM 9-3 and formerly as Faculty Regulations Chapter III.

Last Updated: 2/19/25