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Policy 6-320: Part-time Status for Tenure-line Faculty and Academic Library Faculty

Revision 1. Effective date: July 1, 2024

  1. Purpose and Scope
    1. This Policy describes the permissible arrangements for part-time status for tenure-line faculty positions (tenured or tenure-track), including academic library faculty. It is not intended to directly govern any career-line, adjunct, or visiting faculty positions or any non-faculty employee positions.
    2. The University permits faculty positions to be less than full-time in those specific circumstances for which part-time status is both appropriate to accommodate important personal needs of the individual faculty member-such as family care responsibilities or other similarly important personal needs-and serves the institutional needs of the University. Accommodating these personal responsibilities of faculty members is the primary purpose of this Policy, as that serves to advance the University's commitment to recruiting and retaining the highest quality faculty from a variety of experiences and viewpoints. Accordingly, this Policy is intended to encourage academic units to accommodate an individual faculty member's (or candidate's) reasonable expressed interest in working only part-time for the University when doing so will serve those values.

    3. This Policy does not govern faculty members who for a limited time period have reduced responsibilities solely as a result of participating in the University's phased retirement program (see Policy 5-309). Faculty members whose responsibilities are divided (1) between two or more academic units of the University (as addressed in Policies 6-319 on joint appointment procedures and 6-303 on RPT procedures for appointments split between a department and an academic program) or (2) between faculty responsibilities and a University administrative position (as addressed in Policy 6-311-Sec. 4-C-2-b, & Sec. 6) are not considered to be part-time for purposes of this policy. Neither the joint nor the split form of faculty appointment nor the combination of faculty and administrative appointment are considered to be part-time faculty positions for purposes of this Policy if the individual faculty member's combined responsibilities within the University are the equivalent of full-time. Health Sciences faculty practicing outside of the University (for example at the Veterans Administration or Primary Children's medical centers), who are considered to have full-time tenure-track or tenured affiliations with the University, are not covered by this Policy. Exceptions which bring a Health Sciences faculty position into the scope of this Policy as a part-time position are subject to department chair, and cognizant dean and vice president review and approval.

  2. Definitions
    These definitions apply for the limited purposes of this Policy.
    1. Faculty,” or “Tenure-line Faculty” includes only tenure-line faculty (tenured or on the tenure track), and academic library faculty (with continuing appointment status or in the continuing appointment track), not any category of career-line, adjunct, or visiting faculty. See Policy 6-300 (University Faculty), and 6-306 (Academic Library Faculty) for further description of these categories of faculty. With respect to academic library faculty, any references herein to tenure shall be construed to refer to continuing appointment status.
    2. Full-time faculty” position is a tenure-line faculty position for which the workload is 75 percent or more of the normal possible work load for tenure-line faculty within the pertinent academic unit with similar term appointments (terms of nine-months to twelve-months). This normal workload is referred to here as “full-time equivalent” (“FTE”).
    3. Part-time faculty” status refers to an arrangement for a tenure-line faculty position under which the workload is reduced to 74 percent or less of the normal possible workload of full-time tenure-line faculty with similar term appointments within the pertinent academic unit (with an accompanying reduction in compensation). See Policies 5-001 (generally defining full-time and part-time personnel) and 5-204 (defining full-time faculty for purposes of policy restricting outside employment activities).
    4. Three types of part-time faculty arrangements are permitted under this Policy, distinguished by duration of the part-time status, and effect on eligibility for employee benefits. A “one-year partial leave” status is an arrangement under which the faculty member is otherwise permanently full-time, but reduces to a part-time FTE for up to one year in duration (referred to as “taking a partial leave at partial pay”). A “two-year temporary part-time” status is an arrangement under which the faculty member is otherwise permanently full-time, but reduces to a part-time FTE for up to two years (and possibly renewable as described in III-C below). A “permanent part-time” position is one for which the faculty member is expected to remain in a part-time status for the entire remaining career at the University.
  3. Policy
    1. General principles
      1. Full-time positions shall continue to be the norm for tenure-line faculty at the University (and in each academic unit). Unless otherwise explicitly provided in an individual's employee record, it is presumed that each tenure-line faculty member of the University holds a full-time faculty appointment, from the date of initial appointment through the date of retirement or separation from the University.
      2. (i) For faculty already tenured, part-time status may be established either temporarily (one-year partial leave or two-year temporary part-time), or permanently. (ii) For faculty not yet tenured, permanent part-time positions are ordinarily not permitted-only the one-year partial leave, or two-year temporary part-time arrangements. Exceptions may be permitted to allow permanent part-time status for pre-tenure faculty members (a) in what are commonly referred to as “job-sharing” arrangements in which two persons, each part-time, share what is effectively a single full-time faculty role within a single academic unit, or (b) as a reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act and University Policy 5-117. In cases involving these exceptions, the principles and procedures of this Policy shall be followed to the extent possible.
      3. For any position established as permanently part-time, neither the faculty member nor the academic unit has a unilateral right to subsequently increase the FTE of the position, but they may later restructure the position upon mutually acceptable terms approved by the cognizant dean and vice president. Approval of such increase in FTE will be dependent on a determination that the restructuring serves the institutional needs of the department, college and University.
      4. Only under exceptional circumstances shall part-time arrangements be permitted at less than one-half of full-time (.5 FTE), although a part-time position established at .5 FTE or greater may be permitted to be reduced below .5 FTE for brief periods during a leave. Current regulations on eligibility for employee benefits should be consulted for the effect of such reductions.
      5. For faculty already tenured, part-time arrangements (permanent or temporary), may be determined to be appropriate for balancing University work with either family care responsibilities or similar personal needs, or with non-University professional or public service activities. For faculty not yet tenured, part-time arrangements (one-year partial leave or two-year temporary part-time) will ordinarily be permitted only for balancing University work with family care responsibilities (or similar personal needs). This limitation on eligibility of pre-tenure faculty is considered necessary to protect the integrity and fairness of the University's processes for assessing candidates for tenure.
      6. A request for part-time status should originate with the faculty member (or candidate) rather than from unit administrators, and structuring of positions as part-time rather than full-time should not be motivated primarily by institutional budgetary considerations. These principles apply both to positions initially established as part-time upon a faculty member's initial appointment, and to existing faculty members' moves to permanent, one-year partial leave, or two-year temporary part-time status.
      7. In each request for part-time status, the academic unit and University administrators should ensure that the part-time arrangement also adequately serves the institutional needs of the department, college and University. Part-time arrangements are not an entitlement, and requests may be turned down when there are non-discriminatory institutional reasons for declining the faculty member's proposed plan.
      8. To ensure fair and consistent treatment of both full- and part-time faculty within an academic unit, the allocation of responsibilities and resources for each part-time position shall be proportional relative to otherwise equivalent full-time positions within the academic unit, and relative to other part-time positions. Ordinarily, part-time faculty should contribute to all of the same areas of responsibility as do full-time faculty, but with expectations of accomplishment in each area reduced proportionally according to percentage of FTE.
      9. This policy shall be implemented consistently with the University's commitment to nondiscrimination in all employment-related practices and decisions. (See Policy 5-106.)
    2. One-year Partial Leave of Absence at Partial Pay
      1. Benefits eligibility with qualifying partial leave. A faculty member may take a partial leave of absence at partial pay, pursuant to this Policy and Policy 6-314-Sec.-12-A. Eligibility for employee benefits ordinarily available to full-time faculty will be preserved as unaffected by such leave if a) the leave is of one-year or less, and b) the percentage of FTE is no less than .5 during the partial leave.
      2. Effect of partial leave on RPT period. For a faculty member not yet tenured who takes a partial leave under this Policy which reduces the percentage of FTE to below .75 for nine months (completed prior to the academic year in which the final tenure review is to be conducted), the RPT probationary period will be increased by one year. The probationary period will ordinarily not be increased by taking a partial leave of less than nine months. A description of any effect on the probationary period shall be included in the combined memorandum required by Part III-B-5 below, and once approved such description shall apply notwithstanding any other University Policy.
      3. Non-renewable. A partial leave of absence at partial pay that preserves eligibility for full-time employee benefits and/or results in increase of the probationary period shall not be extended beyond one year. However, the faculty member may, through the procedures described below, request that another part-time arrangement under this Policy 6-320 (two-year temporary, or permanent if eligible) be granted, to begin at any time following completion of the partial leave (with a resulting change in employee benefits eligibility upon completion of the partial leave).
      4. Reasons for leave. For faculty not yet tenured, a request for partial leave of absence at partial pay under this Policy will ordinarily be granted only for reasons of balancing University work with family care responsibilities or similar personal needs.
      5. Approval procedures.
        1. Request letter. An existing full-time faculty member anticipating making a request for partial leave of absence at partial pay should consult the department chairperson as soon as possible. The office of the cognizant vice president is available to advise on procedures for such requests. To initiate a request, the faculty member shall submit a request letter to the department chairperson (or equivalent), copied to the cognizant vice president. The request letter shall describe the reasons for the leave and specify the desired calendar dates for starting and ending the leave.
        2. Memorandum, recommendations, and approval. In conjunction with the request, there shall be a proposed memorandum of terms for the leave, describing the planned workload, FTE percentage, and compensation for the faculty member during the partial leave, if granted. If the leave would occur during the faculty member's probationary period, the memorandum should describe any effect the leave will have on the RPT probationary period (specifically timing of RPT reviews). For purposes of setting the workload, the principle that part-time faculty should contribute to all of the same areas of responsibility as do full-time faculty, proportional to their FTE, may be relaxed during a partial leave of absence at partial pay. The chairperson shall forward to the cognizant dean the request and proposed memorandum of terms, with a written recommendation as to disposition of the request (copied to the faculty member). The dean shall make a recommendation for disposition of the request (copied to the chairperson and faculty member), and forward all materials to the cognizant vice president for decision. If the partial leave is approved with a modification of the RPT period, the department chairperson shall add to the candidate's RPT file a notice of that RPT modification.
    3. Two-year temporary part-time status
      1. At the request of a faculty member a temporary part-time status may be granted for a period of up to two years in duration. Upon further request, renewal of such status may be granted for one or more additional periods of up to two years each, at the same or a changed percentage of FTE. The length of the period (including calendar dates of beginning and end) shall be specified in a written agreement at the time of initial granting and for each subsequent renewal. Ordinarily, negotiations for any renewal should be completed at least 6-months prior to the renewal date.
      2. If a temporary part-time status is not renewed, the faculty member must resume full-time status as of the previously agreed end-date of the temporary status.
      3. For faculty not yet tenured, requests for such temporary part-time status will ordinarily be granted only for reasons of balancing University work with family care responsibilities or similar personal needs. For faculty already tenured, requests for such status may be granted for reasons of balancing University work with either family care responsibilities or similar personal needs, or with non-University professional or public service activities compatible with the institutional interests of the department, college, and University.
      4. The effect of temporary part-time status on the probationary period is discussed in Section E. below. Procedures for approval of part-time status are discussed in Section F. below.
    4. Permanent part-time positions
      1. Permanent part-time positions are normally permitted only for a faculty member who has already received tenure. A faculty member may be initially appointed, with tenure, to a permanent part-time position, or an existing tenured faculty member in a full-time position may request to reduce the position permanently to part-time.
      2. Requests from tenured faculty for permanent part-time positions may be granted for reasons of balancing University work with either family care responsibilities or similar personal needs, or with non-University professional or public service activities compatible with the institutional interests of the department, college, and University.
      3. In the case of conversion of an existing full-time position to a permanent part-time position, the faculty member's signed request must include an explicit statement permanently releasing the University from any future obligation to provide the faculty member with more than a stipulated fraction of tenure-line full-time compensation and employee benefits.
      4. The recruitment and initial appointment of a faculty member to a part-time position shall be conducted in accord with Policy 6-302 (appointments) and Policy 6-303-III-K (new appointments with tenure), and shall follow all other ordinary processes for faculty appointments with the following exception: a faculty member initially appointed to a part-time position under this Policy 6-320 must have the same background checks as full-time tenure-line faculty members (see Policy 5-130 and Rule 5-130A), notwithstanding any exemption of part-time faculty stated in those or any other University Regulation.
      5. The effect of permanent part-time status on post-tenure reviews and promotion is discussed in Part III-E-3, below. Procedures for approval of permanent part-time status are discussed in Part III-F, below.
    5. Modifications of retention, promotion, tenure (“RPT”), and post-tenure reviews for part-time faculty (schedules and standards).
      1. Part- and full-time faculty members should be assessed on the same quality and generally similar overall quantities of accomplishment. Ordinarily the RPT modification for a part-time position is to increase the review period while requiring a similar total quantity of work at the point of formal review. The annual rate of scholarly productivity expected for each stage within a faculty career should reflect a position's percentage of full-time effort.
      2. Modified RPT terms during the pre-tenure probationary period.
        1. The normal pre-tenure probationary periods established in University Policy 6-311 (7, 6, or 5 years) and RPT procedures established under Policy 6-303 are based on an assumption that faculty members will be in full-time status (1.0 FTE) for each academic year throughout their probationary periods. The review for tenure occurs during the final year of the probationary period.
        2. The effect that taking a partial leave of absence at partial pay of one year or less will have on a faculty member's RPT probationary period is described in part III-B-2 above (one year increase for qualifying leave).
        3. The effect of taking temporary part-time status for a period up to two years (as per Part III-C) shall be determined as follows.
          1. Increases in the probationary period apply only for faculty members who are in a part-time status with the percentage of FTE reduced below .75 for nine months or longer.
          2. The probationary period for faculty members who are in a part-time status shall be increased by the amount of accumulated annual reductions in FTE below 1.0. For example, every two years at .5 FTE, or every three years at .67 FTE, shall increase the probationary period by one year. Because reviews occur on a University-wide annual timetable, however, the probationary period can only be increased in one-year increments. Consequently, if the sum of the increases results in a fractional year, the length of the probationary period will be increased by a whole year only if the fractional year is greater than .5. Notwithstanding this rule, any part-time arrangement that starts in the final tenure review year may be approved, but it shall not increase the probationary period.
        4. The provisions of Policy 6-311-Sec. 4-C apply for part-time faculty, to shorten or extend the otherwise applicable probationary period (calculated as described above), with the following modification. A faculty member who has served in the academic unit for a number of years equal to the normal probationary period for full-time faculty in that unit (albeit at part-time status for some of those years), and wishes to shorten the otherwise applicable period based on “extraordinary progress” (6-311-Sec. 4-C-1-b), must obtain (and need only obtain) the approvals of the department's chairperson and RPT committee chairperson.
        5. The RPT review schedules for faculty in part-time status shall ordinarily include annual reviews, with informal reviews to occur in any year a formal review is not scheduled. The first formal retention review shall ordinarily occur in the same year as for full-time faculty in the same academic unit. Formal reviews should be coordinated with any renewals of temporary part-time status, where possible, and should occur no less often than every four years of part-time status. The exact schedule of formal reviews must be articulated clearly in the RPT memorandum described in Part III-B-5 above or III-F-1-c or F-2-c below.
      3. Modified terms of post-tenure reviews and promotion.
        1. The University requirement of reviews of tenured faculty at least every five years (Policy 6-321) applies to faculty members serving some or all of that time in a part-time status.
        2. The criteria and standards for promotion in rank subsequent to granting of tenure shall ordinarily be the same as for full-time faculty except the time allowed to achieve the standards shall be increased.
    6. Procedures for requesting one-year partial leaves, two-year temporary part-time status or permanent part-time positions.
      1. New Appointments. In the process of interviewing for or negotiating an offer, a candidate for a new appointment at the University of Utah may request consideration of a part-time arrangement, of any of the three types permitted by this Policy (one-year partial leave, two-year temporary renewable, or permanent if appointed with tenure). Departments are encouraged to contact the office of the cognizant vice president as early as possible for guidance on processing such a request.
        1. (i) The department chairperson shall notify the members of the faculty appointments advisory committee (described in Policy 6-302-III-C) regarding a candidate's request for part-time status longer than a one-year partial leave at partial pay. (ii) A request for a permanent part-time position (with tenure) shall be presented for formal voting by the committee, with separate votes on recommendations as to the appointment, the permanent part-time arrangement, and then the rank of appointment (by rank-qualified voters per 6-302-III-C-2). (iii) Further steps for an appointment shall then proceed pursuant to Policy 6-302 (recommendations on appointment, rank, and any type of part-time status, made by department chairperson, dean, and vice president, forwarded to president). (iv) The process for granting of tenure at the time of appointment is described in Policy 6-303-III-K.
        2. The terms of a part-time arrangement approved at the time of initial appointment shall be detailed in the letter of offer or in a memorandum of understanding concluded before the candidate begins employment.
        3. To the extent that the terms of a part-time arrangement will include modification of any otherwise applicable criteria, standards, or procedure of formal review for tenure or promotion, such RPT modifications shall be specified in an RPT memorandum as described in part III-F-2 below, to be included in the faculty member's RPT file, The memorandum must be approved by the chairperson of the departmental RPT Advisory Committee as well as the department chairperson, and the cognizant dean and vice president. Unless the department chairperson and RPT Committee chairperson determine that circumstances require expedited procedures and it is impractical to convene the RPT Advisory Committee, the memorandum shall also be approved by a majority of the departmental RPT Advisory Committee. Any such RPT modifications shall be consistent with the principle of proportionality required by this Policy (see III-E-2 above) and all purposes and principles of this Policy and other RPT Policies (See 6-303, 6-311).
      2. Existing Faculty Procedures(see Part III-B for procedures for partial leave of one-year or less).
        1. The office of the cognizant vice president is available to advise any party on procedures for a request of an existing faculty member for a part-time arrangement.
        2. In the case of a faculty member in the pre-tenure probationary period, the RPT memorandum shall describe with particularity the manner in which the RPT criteria, standards, and procedures otherwise applicable to probationary candidates in the academic unit will be modified for the affected candidate. At a minimum the RPT memorandum shall describe any modifications to be made to the otherwise applicable terms as to length of the probationary period, schedule of formal and informal reviews, and standards for quantity (but not quality) of accomplishments of the candidate. Any such modifications shall be consistent with the requirements, purposes and principles of this Policy, particularly the principle of proportionality (see III-E-2 above), and consistent with the purposes of other Policies regarding RPT (See 6-303, 6-311). The RPT memorandum (and any subsequent changes of its primary terms) shall be approved by majority vote of the departmental RPT Advisory Committee, and approved and signed by the candidate, the department RPT Advisory Committee chairperson, the department chairperson, and the cognizant dean and vice president.
        3. For any case in which modifications in RPT procedures, criteria, or standards are made for a tenured faculty member serving temporarily or permanently in part-time status, such as an increase of time in those units that specify an expected time for achieving promotion in rank, an RPT memorandum describing such modifications shall be approved at or before the beginning of the part-time status. The RPT memorandum (and any subsequent changes of its primary terms) shall be approved by the part-time faculty member, the departmental RPT Advisory Committee chairperson, the department chairperson, and the cognizant dean and vice president.
        4. An approved RPT memorandum shall be included in the candidate's RPT file along with the otherwise applicable departmental Statement of RPT Criteria, Standards, and Procedures (as per Policy 6-303).
        5. The office of the vice president shall provide guidance in the appropriate formulation of such RPT memoranda, and may consult with the University RPT Standards Committee in developing such guidance.
        6. Request and approval of part-time arrangement.
          1. A request for a part-time arrangement (temporary, or permanent if already tenured) shall be submitted in writing to the department chairperson (or equivalent). This request letter shall describe the reasons for seeking a part-time arrangement, specify the proposed starting date for part-time status, specify whether the request is for permanent or temporary part-time status, and if temporary shall specify the proposed duration of part-time status (including the calendar date for reverting to full-time status). The request letter shall be copied to the cognizant vice president.
          2. (A) For two-year temporary or permanent arrangements, the department chairperson shall notify all tenure-line faculty members of the department that the request is under consideration. (B) Further, the tenure-line members of the faculty shall by secret ballot vote on a recommendation regarding any request which is for a permanent part-time position, or (C) is for a temporary part-time arrangement for any faculty member who has previously had any types of part-time arrangements totaling more than four years in succession or eight years in total, beginning subsequent to achieving tenure.
          3. The department chairperson should take reasonable steps to protect the privacy of the requesting faculty member, including consulting with the requesting faculty member in determining the limited details to be shared with other department faculty members regarding the reasons for the request.
          4. The chairperson shall forward to the cognizant dean the request, and a written recommendation as to its disposition, copied to the faculty member (and including a report of any recommendation voted upon by the faculty pursuant to part F-2-a-ii above). Typically, the workload memorandum described in 2-b below will accompany the chairperson's recommendation. The dean shall add a written recommendation and forward all materials to the cognizant vice president for a final decision (copied to the department chairperson and faculty member).
        7. Documentation of workload and compensation terms for part-time faculty.
          1. A memorandum of understanding (“workload memorandum”) shall be prepared for each faculty member in temporary or permanent part-time status, documenting the terms of the planned annual workload of the faculty member with respect to teaching, departmental, college and University service, and any other duties, the financial compensation and employee benefits while part-time, and any special terms associated with the status. The terms shall be consistent with the purposes and principles of this Policy, particularly the principle of proportionality. The workload memorandum shall specify the period of time for which it is applicable (which is a maximum of two years for temporary part-time status). This workload memorandum shall be separate from the RPT memorandum described in Part III-F-2-c below. This workload memorandum (and any subsequent changes of its primary terms) shall be approved and signed by the department chairperson, and the part-time faculty member, and then, with the faculty member's request letter, shall be submitted for approval by the cognizant dean and vice president. The office of the vice president shall provide guidance in the appropriate formulation of such memoranda.
        8. Procedures for approving modified terms for RPT reviews.
          1. For any case in which a faculty member will be part-time longer than a one-year partial leave of absence at partial pay, a separate memorandum of understanding about RPT modifications (“RPT memorandum”) shall be approved prior to the beginning of the part-time status.
    7. Rights, responsibilities, and benefits for part-time faculty.
      1. Voting rights and roles and responsibilities in shared governance.
        1. Each faculty member serving in a part-time status pursuant to this Policy at .5 FTE or greater shall: (i) have the same participation and voting rights as a full-time faculty member in the shared governance structure of the appointing academic department and college (or library equivalent), including advisory committees regarding appointments, retention, promotion, or tenure of faculty, and committees regarding curricular or other policy; and (ii) have the same eligibility as a full-time faculty member to be elected or appointed to representative roles within a department, college, and the University (including a college council, Graduate or Undergraduate Council, the Academic Senate, and Senate committees or other University committees), unless otherwise specified in another University Policy or in the charge of a specified University committee.
        2. Faculty members in a part-time status under this Policy are ordinarily expected to attend the general faculty meetings of their appointing unit. Other committee service and shared governance responsibilities of part-time faculty shall be generally proportional to those of full-time faculty.
      2. Faculty Rights and Responsibilities. Unless expressly stated to the contrary in this or another Policy, part-time faculty members have the same rights and responsibilities under University policies as full-time faculty members. Express statements of applicability to part-time faculty members appear in the Code of Faculty Rights and Responsibilities (Policy 6-316, Sec. 1-C ), Conflict of Interest Policy (Policy 1-006), and Patents and Inventions Policy (7-002, III-B-4.) inter alia.
      3. Academic benefits and privileges.
        1. Grants and awards. Part-time faculty members are eligible for any internal University grants and awards available to full-time faculty (unless otherwise specified in another governing University Policy or in the official announcement of a particular such grant or award opportunity, with good cause stated for limiting eligibility to full-time faculty).
        2. Sabbatical leaves, parental leaves, and other leaves of absence. Part-time faculty members are eligible for any sabbatical leaves or other leaves of absence on the same terms as full-time faculty, unless otherwise specified in another governing University Policy.
      4. Retirement, insurance, and other employee benefits. Part-time faculty members are eligible to participate in these benefits programs on the same terms as other employees of the same FTE. This may exclude some benefits received by full-time employees, such as tuition reduction, sick leave, and vacation. See Part III-B above regarding the effect a qualifying partial leave of absence at partial pay of one year or less will have on benefits eligibility. A faculty member whose position is otherwise at .5 FTE or above shall not lose benefits solely as a result of temporarily falling below that level as a result of taking a sabbatical or parental leave. Current benefits are listed in Policy 5-308. Faculty members should consult with Human Resources for further information about the particular terms and extent of such benefits.
    8. Reports.
      1. The numbers of part-time and full-time tenure-line faculty, including library faculty, within the scope of this Policy, shall be included in the administration's annual “report to the Academic Senate on the faculty make-up by category” described in Policy 6-300-III-Sec. 5.
      2. Three years after the first effective date of this Policy (which was July 1, 2011), a report regarding its implementation shall be made to the Academic Senate.

        Note: Parts IV-VII of this Regulation (and all other University Regulations) are Regulations Resource Information – the contents of which are not approved by the Academic Senate or Board of Trustees, and are to be updated from time to time as determined appropriate by the cognizant Policy Officer and the Institutional Policy Committee, as per Policy 1-001 and Rule 1-001.]
  4. Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms and other related resources


    1. Rules
    2. Procedures
    3. Guidelines
    4. Forms
      1. Memo sample
    5. Other related resource materials
  5. References: (Reserved)
  6. Contacts:

    The designated contact officials for this policy are:

    1. Policy Owners (primary contact person for questions and advice):  Associate Vice President for Faculty and Associate Vice President for Health Sciences.
    2. Policy Officers: Sr. Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Sr. Vice President for Health Sciences.

      See University Rule 1-001 for information about the roles and authority of policy owners and policy officers.
  7. History: 
    1. Revision History:
      1. Current version Revision 1.
        1. Effective Date. July1, 2024
      2. Previous Versions
        1.  Revision 0. Effective date July 1, 2011.
          1. Legislative History of Revision 0.

Policy 6-320 Rev: 1
Date: July 1, 2024

Last Updated: 1/9/25