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Policy 2-002: Board of Trustees

Revision 4. Effective date: February 8, 2022


  1. Purpose and Scope

  2. Definitions (Reserved)

  3. Policy

    1. Membership and Authority

    2. Functions and Responsibilities

    3. Meetings

    4. Committees

IV—VII Regulations Resource Information

  1. Purpose and Scope

    To outline the membership, authority, functions, and responsibilities of the University's Board of Trustees.

  2. Definitions (Reserved)

  3. Policy

    1. Membership and Authority

      1. As stated in Utah Code 53B-2-104, the voting membership of the University of Utah Board of Trustees consists of ten persons. Eight voting members are appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the Utah State Senate. There are two ex-officio voting members representing the University's alumni and current students: the President of the University Alumni Association Board of Directors; and the President of the Associated Students of the University of Utah.

      2. In accord with Utah Board of Higher Education Policy R223, the President of the University's Academic Senate and the President of the University's Staff Council shall have the opportunity to participate in Board of Trustees meetings, and to provide point of policy input and make reports to the Board.

    2. Functions and Responsibilities

      The powers and duties of the Board of Trustees are listed in Utah Code 53B-2- 103, and Utah Board of Higher Education Policy R220 and also Policy 3-005.

      Other functions and responsibilities are listed below.

      1. Duties related to university presidential appointments described in Utah Code 53B-2-102.

      2. To oversee the President of the University's exercise of enumerated and delegated powers as defined in Utah Code 53B-2-106.

      3. To perform such duties, responsibilities and functions as may be specifically delegated and authorized by the Utah Board of Higher Education, or provided by duly approved rules and regulations of the University.

      4. To act on behalf of the University in facilitating communication between the University and the community, in assisting in planning, implementing and executing fund raising and development projects aimed at supplementing the university appropriations, in perpetuating and strengthening alumni and community identification with the University's traditions and goals, and in selecting those persons to be the recipients of honorary degrees to be granted by the University.

      5. To approve all candidates for earned degrees and diplomas authorized by law and the board, conferred by the University.

      6. To assist the President in the safeguarding of all University property and in providing for the education, safety and welfare of all persons at the University.

      7. To enact such bylaws for its own government as it deems necessary. (see Board of Trustees Bylaws.)

      8. To approve contracts recommended by the President. See Board of Regents Policy R532.

      9. To render advice and consent to the University in developing and administering the Research Park Utah Code 53B-17-504.

      10. To exercise authority related to the University of Utah Health Care System Utah Board of Higher Education Policy R220.

      11. To approve any debt policy to meet the needs and objective of the University in regards to debt management Utah Board of Higher Education Policy R588.

      12. To exercise such powers and authorities, not specifically denied by the Utah Board of Higher Education policy and State law, as may be necessary and proper to assure the effective, efficient administration and operation of the University.

    3. Meetings

      1. The Board of Trustees shall hold regular, in most cases, monthly meetings. Special meetings may be called by the chair, or vice-chair in the absence of the chair, the President of the University, or a majority of the members.

      2. A quorum for conducting the business of the Board of Trustees consists of six voting members per Utah Code 53B-2-104.

    4. Committees

      1. The Board of Trustees shall establish an Executive Committee, also known as the Leadership Committee, shall have full authority of the Board of Trustees to act upon routine matters during the interim between Board of Trustees meetings. The Executive Committee may act on non-routine matters only under extraordinary and emergency circumstances and shall report its activities to the Board of Trustees at its next regular meeting following the action Utah Code 53B-2-104.

      2. Audit Committee. The Board of Trustees shall establish an Audit Committee to assist the full board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities for financial matters as set forth in Utah Board of Higher Education Policy R565 and the review of internal audits as designated in Utah Board of Higher Education Policy R220.

      3. The Board of Trustees may establish other such committees as it deems necessary to properly fulfill its responsibilities; provided, that such committees shall be advisory only Utah Code 53B-2-104.

        IV—VII Regulations Resource Information.

        **User Note: Parts IV-VII of this Regulation (and all other University Regulations) are Regulations Resource Information – the contents of which are not approved by the Academic Senate or Board of Trustees, and are to be updated from time to time as determined appropriate by the cognizant Policy Officer and the Institutional Policy Committee, as per Policy 1-001 and Rule 1-001.**

  4. Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms and other Related Resources

    1. Rules

    2. Procedures, Guidelines, and Forms

    3. Other Related Resources

      1. Utah Board of Higher Education Approval for Board of Trustees Oversight Authority for University Health Care System Regent Policy R220 Section 4.5.7.

  5. References

    1. Board of Trustee Bylaws

    2. Policy 3-005: Board of Trustees Review of Significant Transactions

    3. Policy 6-002: The Academic Senate

    4. Policy 5-003: University of Utah Staff Council

    5. Utah Board of Higher Education Policy R223: Faculty and Staff Participation in Board of Trustees Meetings

    6. Utah Board of Higher Education Policy 710: Capital Facilities

    7. Utah Board of Higher Education Policy R220: Delegation of Responsibilities to the President and Board of Trustees

    8. Utah Board of Higher Education Policy 532: Acceptance and Approval of Contracts and Grants

    9. Utah Board of Higher Education Policy R588: Institutional Debt

    10. Utah Code Section 53B-2-103

    11. Utah Code Section 53B-2-105

    12. Utah Code 53B-17-504

  6. Contacts

    1. Policy Owner(s) (primary contact person for questions and advice): Liaison to the Board of Trustees

    2. Policy Officer(s): Secretary to the University

      See University Rule 1-001 for information about the roles and authority of policy owners and officers.

  7. History

    Renumbering: Renumbered as Policy 2-002 effective 9/15/2008, formerly known as PPM 7-6.

    Revision History.

    1. Current version. Revision 4

      1. Approved by -- Academic Senate January 10, 2022 and Board of Trustees February 8, 2022, with effective date of February 8, 2022.

        Legislative History for revision 4.

    2. Past versions.

      1. Revision 3. Effective dates: February 9, 2016 to February 7, 2022

      2. Revision 2. Effective dates: August 24, 1982 to February 8, 2016

Date: February 8, 2022
Last Updated: 1/3/25