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Rev. 34

Date: November 17, 2004



Administrative leave, 2-23

Excessive, 2-9

Leaves with payment, 2-21, 8-8

Leaves without pay, 2-22, 8-8

Academic counseling, 9-8

Academic freedom, 8-7, 8-9, 8-12.2, 9-5.1

Academic Freedom and Tenure

Committee, 8-5, 8-7, 9-3, 9-5.5

Difficulties between members of university staff, 9-5.5

Election procedures, 8-7

Mandatory referral of protested resignations, dismissals and removals, 8-5, 9-5.5

Review of resignation or proposed dismissal, 8-5, 9-5.5

Termination of appointments for cause, 8-7

Academic librarians, 2-0, 8-2, 8-3, 8-4, 8-5, 8-6.1, 8-7, 8-8, 8-10.11, 9-3, 9-5.4

Academic organization, 8-2

Academic Outreach and Continuing Education, 9-8.1, 9-9

Correspondence study, 9-8.1

Academic Policy Advisory Committee, 9-3

Academic Senate, 8-5, 9-3

Academic staff, 9-5.6

Acceptance of materials, 4-7

Accident and injury prevention, 2-73

Accident reporting procedures, 2-74

Accommodations, 9-7

Accounting codes, 4-2

Acquisition and control of nonlibrary books, 1-4

ADA Americans with Disabilities Act, 2-14

Ad hoc committee 

To review structure of senate, 9-3

To advise president on competence or conduct of staff members, 8-5

Additional compensation and overload policy, 2-67

Adjunct, clinical, visiting appointments, 8-2, 9-2

Administrative leaves, 2-23, 8-8

Administrative organization, 8-2

Administrative personnel, definition of, 2-0

Administrative Policies Advisory Committee, General Information Section

Admission, undergraduate, 9-6

graduate, 9-9 to 9-9.21

Advance notice of termination or reduction in status, 2-9, 8-6

Advanced standing, 9-6

Advances in pay, 2-60

Affirmative action, 2-2, 2-6, 2-7, 4-1

After hours use of buildings, 2-70

Alcohol as entertainment expenses, 3-11

Drinking of alcoholic beverages, 2-9, 8-10.10

Tax free, 4-4


Faculty Regulations, 9-3, 9-10

Student Code, 8-10.13

University Regulations, 8-20

American Institutions Requirement, 9-8

Animal control, 5-13

Anniversary date, 2-41

Annuity programs, 2-42, 2-47, 8-4

Annuities and Salaries Committee, 8-5, 9-3


faculty, 9-5.1, 9-5.3, 9-5.5

staff, 2-32

students, 8-10.2

Application for admission, 9-6

Application for graduation, 9-8


Adjunct, clinical, or visiting, 2-0, 9-2

Continuing, 8-6.1, 9-5.2

Department advisory committees, 9-5

Faculty, 2-0, 8-4, 8-5, 8-6, 9-2, 9-5

Joint, 2-2.2, 8-6

Library, 8-4, 8-6.1, 9-5.2

Nonprofessional instructional staff, 9-5.6

Required disclosure of criminal records, 8-4

Required instructional quarters, 8-4

Subject to funding, 8-4, 9-2

Term of appointment, 8-4

Visiting, 8-15, 9-2, 9-5

With tenure, 9-4

Apportionment Board, 8-11

Architecture, Graduate School of,

Graduation requirements, 9-9.4

Archives, 1-3, 8-5

Assessments, special students, 3-8

Associate instructors, 9-5.6

Associated Students University of Utah, 8-11

Attendance, as basis for grading, 9-7

Audit, internal, 3-23


Academic Senate, 8-5

Board of Trustees, 7-6

Committees and Councils, 8-5

Faculty, 8-5, 9-2

State Board of Regents, 7-2

Authorized signatures on financial documents, 3-7

On official documents, 1-5

Automobile registration, 2-28

Auxiliary Enterprises, 4-19

Auxiliary faculty, 2-0, 2-2.1, 8-2

Award banquets, 3-11


Baccalaureate degree, 9-8, 9-8.13

Banking policy, 3-4


Eligibility Chart, 2-48

Health & insurance programs, 2-43

Holidays, 2-40

Recreational benefits, 2-44

Retirement programs 2-42, 2-46

Service benefits, 2-44

Tuition benefits, 2-45

Vacation, 2-41

Bicycle/Skateboard and Scooters, Operating Regulations, 5-14

Bidding requirements, 4-5

Blanket orders, 4-2

Board of Trustees

Duties, 7-6

Committees, 7-6

Functions and responsibilities, 7-6

Meetings, 7-6

Members, 7-0

Membership and authority, 7-6

Minutes, 9-3

Quorum, 7-6

Significant Transactions approval, 5-1.1

Staff participation, 2-33

Books, acquisition of nonlibrary, 1-4

Bookstore, 2-44, 3-8

Breaks, 2-59

Broadcasting services, 5-11

Budget Advisory Committee, 9-3

Budget preparation, 8-1

Building operation services, 5-1,

Buildings, naming of, 1-8

Business, Graduate School and College of Business

Graduation requirements, 9-8.3, 9-9.5


Call-Back Policy, 2-59

Campus mail, 2-1, 4-10

Campus orders, 4-9

Campus Planning Advisory Committee, 1-8

Campus services, requesting of, 4-9

Campus space, 1-1

Carpet policy, 4-13

Certificate guidelines, 9-9.23

Charges for university facilities, 8-9

Cheating, 8-10.10, 8-10.11

Check distribution, 2-60

Check request form, 3-10, 3-11

Civil disturbance, 7-8

Classification, job, 2-59

Clinical appointments, 8-2, 9-2

Closure Policy, 1-14

Codes, accounting, 4-2

Code of Conduct 2-27

Code of Faculty Responsibility, 8-12

Code, Student, 8-10

College councils, 9-4

College faculties, 9-4

College Retirement Equities Fund (CREF), 2-42, 2-47

Commencement, 9-8

Commercial advertising materials, 8-10.6

Commissioner of Higher Education, 7-5


Academic Senate, 9-3

Board of Trustees, 7-6

Faculty, 9-2

State Board of Regents, 7-4

University, 8-5


Additional, 2-67

Overtime, 2-59

Prepaid, 8-4

Compensatory time, 2-59

Competing with off-campus entities, 4-19

Complaints, by staff members, 2-32

Discrimination, 2-32

Against faculty member, 8-12.5

Conduct, personal, 2-27

Conduct, student, 8-10.10

Confidentiality, 2-27

of records, 3-1, 8-10.9

of salary information, 2-60, 3-1

Conflict of interest, 2-30, 4-8

Consensual relationships, 2-6A

Consolidated Hearing Committee (CHC) 9-3 Sec. 10

Consultant agreements, 4-14

Consultant services, 2-26

Continuing Education, Academic Outreach and 9-8.1, 9-9

Copy Centers, 4-12

Copyright policies, 6-4, 6-5, 6-6, 6-7

Correspondence study, 9-8.1

Cost transfers affecting federal contracts and grants, 3-20

Council of Academic Deans 8-2, 8-5

Council of Liberal Education, 9-8


College of area, 8-5, 9-4

University, 8-2

Course credit adjustments, 9-7

Course evaluation, 9-7

Course numbers, 9-7

Courses, 9-7

Credit cards, 4-15

Credit hour, 9-7

Credit/no credit option, 9-7

Credit Union, 2-44

Credits and Admissions Committee, 9-6

Criminal records required disclosure of, 8-4

Criteria for grading, 9-7

Curriculum Policy Review Board, 9-4

Control of animals on campus, 5-13


Damaged material claims, 4-7


colleges and schools, 8-3

with faculty appointments, 2-0

Death in family, 2-21

Death of employee, termination of contract, 2-60

Dedication of facilities, 1-8

Deductions, payroll, 2-60.1

Definitions, personnel, 2-0

Definitions of faculty ranks, 8-2, 9-2

Demonstrations, 8-10.7

Demotion, 2-59

Department chairpersons, 8-3

Department staff, 8-3

Development funds, 3-6

Diplomas and degrees, 9-8, 9-9

Disciplinary procedures, college, 8-10.15

Disclosure of criminal records, 8-4

Disclosure of salary information, 2-60, 3-1

Discrimination complaints, 2-32

Dismissals, 2-9, 8-5, 8-7, 9-5.5

Disorderly conduct, 2-9, 2-27, 7-8, 8-10.10

Disposal of surplus property, 3-40

Disruptions & civil disturbance, 7-8

Distinguished professor, 9-2

Distribution of checks, 2-60

Doctor of Education, 9-9.17

Doctor of Medicine, 9-9.19

Doctor of Pharmacy, 9-9.20

Doctor of Philosophy, 9-2.2, 9-9.3

Doctor of Social Work, 9-9.21

Doctoral dissertation, 9-9.2

Documents, official, 1-5

Donated securities, 3-3

Drinking of intoxicating beverages, 2-9, 2-27, 8-10.10

Drugs, use of, 2-9

Drug-Free Workplace, 2-12

Drug Testing, 2-12.1


Early Retirement, 2-46

Education, Graduate School of

Graduation requirements, 9-8.4, 9-9.6, 9-9.17

Educational trainees, 9-5.6

Educational opportunities, 2-45

Elections Academic Senate, 9-3

Electrical Engineer degree, 9-9.7

Electronic signatures, 1-17

Electronic records, 1-17

Emergency purchases, 4-3

Emeriti, 2-10, 2-45, 8-4

Employee relations & organizations, 2-1, 8-9

Employee tax shelter programs, 2-47

Employees, Definitions of, 2-0


Of individuals charged with crime, 8-4

Minorities, 2-2, 2-6

Minors, 2-59

Nondiscrimination, 2-2, 2-6

Preference, 2-2

Recruitment procedures, 2-2

Relatives, 2-5

Responsibilities, 2-26

Selection, 2-2

Staff members, 2-2

Testing, 2-2

Energy law degree, 9-9.11A

Engineering, College of

Graduation requirements, 9-8.5, 9-9.8, 9-9.9, 9-9.10

Entertainment expense reimbursement, 3-11

Equal opportunity and nondiscrimination employment, 2-2, 2-6, 2-7

Equipment inventory screening, 4-16

Establishment of accounts and receipt of funds, 3-2

Evaluation, course, 9-7

Evaluation of Admission Criteria, 9-6

Examination, 9-7

Excess property, 3-40

Executive Committee,

Academic Senate, 9-3

State Board of Regents, 7-4

Exempt employees, 2-59

Exit interviews, 2-9

Expedited procurement, 4-3


Facilities, naming of, 1-8

Facilities, use of, attachment behind 8-9


Appointments, 2-2.2, 8-4, 8-5, 8-6, 9-2, 9-4, 9-5

Authority, 8-5

Club, 9-2

Committees, 9-2

Composition, 8-5

Definition of faculty ranks, 2-0, 9-2

Degree candidacy, 9-2, page 2

Dismissals, 8-5, 8-7, 9-5.5

Meetings, 9-2

Membership, 9-2

Nontenured, 9-5.3

Officers, 9-2

Promotions, 8-5, 9-5.1

Ranks, 8-2

Removals, 8-5, 9-5.5

Resignations, 8-5, 9-5.5

Retention, 8-6, 9-5.1

Retirement, 8-4

Faculty Regulations,

Amendments, 9-3, 9-10

Faculty Responsibility, Code of, 8-12

Faculty/Staff Employee Record, 2-2.1

Fair Labor Standard Act, Requirements of, 2-59

Family leave 2-21, 8-8

Federal government contract surplus, 4-4

Field trip policy, 1-10

Financial exigency, 8-7, 8-12.7

Financial information policy, 3-1

Fine Arts, College of

Graduation requirements, 9-8.5

Firearms, 2-9, 8-10

Flexible time scheduling, 2-59

Floor coverings policy, 4-13

Food Service, 2-4, 4-4

Foreign travel, 3-10

Fraternal social organizations, 8-13

Fraud on employment application, 2-9

Full-time personnel, definition of, 2-0, 2-26

Funeral leave, 2-22


Garnishments, 2-24

General Information (behind General Information Tab, Vol. I)

Gifts, 4-1, 3-6, 2-30

Golf Course, 2-44,

Government property, 3-40

Grades, 9-7

Graduate certificate guidelines, 9-9.23

Graduate Council, 9-9

Composition and authority, 8-5

Graduate study, 9-9

Graduate study and degrees, 9-9 to 9-9.21

Graduate study by faculty, 9-2

Graduation, 9-8

Graduation requirements,

Baccalaureate degrees, 9-8.1 to 9-8.13

Greek Council, 8-13

Grievances, 2-32, 9-5.5

G.S.A. purchases, 4-4

Guns, weapons, 2-9, 8-10


Handbills, distribution of, 8-10.6

Harassment, 2-6, 2-32, 8-10.1, 8-12.4

Health, College of

Graduation requirements, 9-8.7

Health requirements, 2-4

Health and safety, 2-73

History, University, 1-3.1

Holidays, 2-40

Honorarium payments, 3-24

Honorary degrees, 1-9

Honors, 9-7

Hospitalization plan, 2-43

Hours of work and work week, 2-59

Housestaff, medical, 9-5.6

Housing, student, 8-10.8

Humanities, College of

Graduation requirements, 9-8.8


Identification cards, 2-29

Immediate family, definition of, 2-5

Import items, procurement of, 4-4

Incompetence, 2-9

Incompletes, 9-7

Independent consultant agreements, 4-14

Information Resources Policy, 1-15

Information Technology

Resource Security Policy, 1-18

Injury prevention, 2-73

Instruction and evaluation, 9-7

Instructional quarters, 8-4

Instructors, 9-2

Insurance inspections, 2-75

Insurance programs, 2-43, 3-42

Internal audit policy, 3-23

Interviews, 2-2


Job classifications, 2-59

Joint appointments to faculty positions, 2-2.2, 8-6

Juris Doctor degree, 9-9.18

Jury Duty, 2-22


Key policy, 5-1, 5-12


Law, College of

Disciplinary Code, 8-10.15

Graduation requirements, 9-9.18

Lead worker policy, 2-59

Leasing and renting, 4-6

Leaves of absence

Administrators with faculty appointments, 2-23, 8-8

Administrators without faculty appointments, 2-23, 8-8

Disability, 2-22

Effect on tenure, 8-6

Faculty leaves without pay, 8-8

For death in family, 2-21

Jury duty, 2-21

Librarians, academic, 8-8

Maternity, 2-21, 2-22

Military, 2-21, 2-22

Partial, 8-8

Political, 2-22

Sabbatical, 8-8

Sick, 2-21

Special, 2-22

Temporary, 8-8

With pay, 2-21

Without pay, 2-22

Liberal education

Council, 9-8

Requirements, 9-8

Librarians, academic, 2-0, 8-2, 8-3, 8-4, 8-5, 8-6.1, 8-7, 8-8, 8-10.11, 9-3, 9-5.2

Libraries, 8-2, 8-5

Establishment of branch, 8-5

Library directors, 8-3, 8-5

Library privileges, 2-44

Lights, 2-70

Limitations upon election of subjects, 9-8

Limited term instructor, 2-2.1, 9-2

Longevity, 2-22

Lost property, 3-42

Lunch periods, 2-59


Mail, campus, 4-10

Mailing bureau services, 2-1, 4-10

Maintenance services, plant operations, 5-1

Majors and minors, 9-8

Martin Luther King holiday, 2-40

Master of Architecture, 9-9.4

Master of Arts, 9-9.1

Master of Arts in Teaching, 9-9.22

Master of Business Administration, 9-9.5

Master of Education, 9-9.6

Master of Electrical Engineering, 9-9.7

Master of Engineering, 9-9.8, 9-9.9

Master of Engineering Administration, 9-9.10

Master of Fine Arts, 9-9.11

Master of Laws - Energy Law, 9-9.11A

Master of Music, 9-9.12

Master of Philosophy, 9-9.2

Master of Professional Accountancy, 9-9.13

Master of Public Administration, 9-9.14

Master of Science, 9-9.1

Master of Social Work, 9-9.15

Master of Statistics, 9-9.16


Acceptance of, 4-7

Receipt of, 4-7

Maternity, 2-21, 2-22

Matriculated students with degrees, 9-6

Medical housestaff, 9-5.6

Medical faculty consultations, 2-26

Medical Leave, 2-21, 8-8

Medical services, 2-44

Medical technologist, 2-42

Medicine, School of

Faculty Practice Plan, 2-26.1

Graduation requirements, 9-9.19


Academic Senate, 9-3

Board of Trustees, 7-6

Faculty, 9-2

State Board of Regents, 7-2


Dues in association, 4-4


Leave, 2-21

Service, 2-22

Mines and Earth Sciences,

State College of

Graduation requirements, 9-8.9, 9-9.9

Minimum wage, 2-59

Minutes and agenda,

Academic Senate, 9-3

Minorities, employment of, 2-6


Employment of, 2-59

Teaching, 9-8

Misuse of university property and funds, 2-9

Motor pool, 5-3

Motorized vehicles on pedestrian walks, 5-15

Moving expenses, 3-12


Name, personal change of, 2-31

Naming of university buildings and other facilities, 1-8

Narcotics, procurement of, 4-4

Negligence, 2-9

Nepotism, 2-5

New accounts, 3-2

Noncredit courses, 9-7

Noncitizens, 2-32

Nondiscrimination, 2-2, 2-6, 2-32

Nonexempt employee, 2-59

Nonfaculty personnel,

recruitment of, 9-5.6

Nonlibrary books, acquisition and control of, 1-4

Nonmatriculated admission, 9-6

Nonmatriculated students, 9-8.1

Nonprocurable items, 4-4

Nonprofessional instructional staff, 9-5.6

Nursing, College of

Faculty Practice Plan, 2-26.2

Graduation requirements, 9-8.10


Office hours, 2-70

Office parties, 3-11

Officers of administration,

Definition of, 2-0

Officers enumerated

State Board of Regents, 7-3

Officers of the faculty, 9-2

Officers of the university

Deans of colleges and schools, 8-3

Department chairpersons, 8-3

Other general administrative officers, 8-3

President, 8-3

Vice presidents, 8-3

Office, off-campus, 2-26

Official documents, 1-5

On-call pay, 2-59

Operation of motorized vehicles on pedestrian walks, 5-15

Organizational chart - General

Information section

Organization of the university,

Academic, 8-2

Administrative, 8-2

Faculty ranks, 8-2

University faculty and councils, 8-2


Employee, 2-1, 8-9

Nonbudgeted university, 8-9

Organizations board, 8-11

Orientation of new personnel, 2-3

Outside employment activities, 2-26, 2-67

Overhead, 6-1

Overload and additional compensation, 2-26, 2-67

Overtime, compensation, 2-59


Parking, 2-28

Parliamentary rules, 9-1, 9-3

Participant, 2-32

Parties, staff, 3-6

Part-time appointment, 2-59, 8-8

Patents, 6-3, 6-4

Pay advances, 2-60

Payment in kind, 2-59

Payroll deductions, 2-60.1

Payroll policies, 2-60

Personal change of name, 2-31

Personal conduct, 2-27

Personal preference holiday, 2-40

Personal purchases, 4-1, 4-4

Personal use of university property, 2-70, 8-12.4


Categories of, 2-0

Department of, 2-2

File, 2-0.1

Orientation, 2-3

Personnel & Elections Committee, 9-3

Personnel Classification Committee, 2-59

Personnel not paid by the university, 2-2.1

Petty Cash funds, 3-21

Pharmacy, College of

Graduation requirements, 9-8.11, 9-9.20

Phased retirement, 2-42, 2-49, 8-4

Photocopy equipment, 4-12

Physical examination, 2-4

Physical facilities,

Community impact, 1-6

Plagiarism, 8-10.10, 8-12.4

Plant operations

Services, 5-1

Political leave, 2-22

Portrait Policy, 1-11

Post-doctoral fellows, 9-5.6

Post-doctoral stipends,

supplementation of, 6-2

Posting of notices and posters, 8-10.6

Pre-doctoral stipends,

supplementation of, 6-21

Pregnancy, 2-21, 2-22

Prepaid compensation policy, 8-4

President, 8-3

Additional authority, 7-8

Appointment and authority, 7-7

Duties, 7-7

Responsibilities, 7-7

Printing, campus policy, 4-12

Private practice, 2-26

Private research or development, 6-3

Probationary period

Staff, 2-7, 2-9, 2-59

Faculty, 8-6, 9-5.1

Problems and appeal, staff, 2-32

Processing official documents, 1-5

Procurement code, 4-1

Procurement policies, 4-1 to 4-8

Profit-making corporations,

University faculty, 6-3


Staff, 2-2, 2-7, 2-59

Faculty, 8-5, 9-5.1

Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee, 9-5.4


Government, 3-40

Property-Insurance Program, 3-42

Protection of, 2-70

University, 3-40, 8-12.4, 4-4

Use and Security of, 2-70

Protested dismissals, 9-5.5

Protested resignations, 9-5.5

Publications Council, 8-10.5, 8-11

Public addresses, 2-26

Public Safety, Dept. of, 2-70, 5-12, 5-13

Purchase orders not to exceed $300, 4-3

Purchase requisitions, 4-2, 8-1

Reduction in work force, 2-9.1

Purchasing policies, 4-1 to 4-8


University of Utah, 7-1

Utah State Board of Regents, 7-2



Required instructional, 8-4


Academic Senate, 9-3

Board of Trustees, 7-6

State Board of Regents, 7-2


Radioactive materials, procurement of, 4-4

Radio broadcasting and licensing, 5-11

Reactivated students, 9-6

Receipt of Funds, 3-2

Materials, 4-7

Receipts for purchases, 4-7


of existing positions, 2-59

of staff members, 2-7


Retention of, 1-3

Destruction of, 1-3

Student, 3-1, 8-10.9

Recreational benefits, 2-44

Recruitment and entertainment expense reimbursement policy, 3-11

staff members, 2-2

Reduction in force and severance pay, 2-9.1

Reduction in status,

Advance notice of, 8-6

Staff personnel, 2-59

Reduction in tuition fees, 2-45

Reemployment, after leave without pay, 2-22

Refunds, salary, 2-60, 8-4

Regents, State Board of, 7-0

Registration of vehicles, 2-28

Reinstatement from military service, 2-22

Reinstatement of permanent staff, 2-13

Relatives, employment of, 2-5

Religious holidays, 2-40

Remodeling, 1-2, 5-1

Removal of faculty member, 8-5, 9-5.5

Remunerative consultation and other employment activities, 2-26

Renting and leasing, 4-6

Report of grades, 9-7

Reporting injuries, 2-74

Requests for campus services, 4-9

Required disclosure of criminal records, 8-4

Required instructional quarters, 8-4

Requisitions, preparation of,

Processing, 4-2

Research appointments, 9-2

Research procurement, contracts and grants, 4-4

Research misconduct, 6-1.1

Residence work required, 9-8

Residency determination, 8-14

Resignations, 2-9, 8-5, 9-5.5

Advance notice, 2-9, 9-5.5

Rest periods, 2-59

Retention, 8-6, 9-5.1


Benefits, 2-10

Early retirement, 2-46

Faculty members, 8-4

Policy, 2-10

Phased retirement, 2-42, 2-49, 8-4

Programs, 2-42, 2-47

Review of deans and department chairpersons, 8-3

Review of decision to terminate nontenured faculty member, 9-5.3

Review of tenured faculty, 8-3

Robert's Rules of Order

Academic Senate, 9-1

Faculty, 9-1

School and College faculties, 9-1

State Board of Regents, 7-2

Rollerskates, regulations, 5-14

Rosenblatt House, maintenance and operation of, 5-20

Royalty earnings, 6-4

RPT standards, 9-3

Committee, 9-5.3


Sabbatical leave, 8-8

Safety, 2-73



    for permanent staff, 2-59

    for temporary staff, 2-59

Disclosure of salary information, 2-60, 3-1

Payment after death of employee, 2-60

Salary policy, 2-59

Sanctions, 2-9, 2-32, 8-10, 8-12

Scheduling secretary, 8-9

Scholastic average required for graduation, 9-8

Scholastic requirements, 9-7

Scholastic Standards Committee, 9-7

School and college faculties, 9-4

School disruptions, 7-8

Science, College of

Graduation requirements, 9-8.12

Scooters, operating regulations for, 5-14

Season tickets, 2-44


Academic Senate, 9-3

Faculty, 9-2

State Board of Regents, 7-3


Donated, 3-3

Transfer of, 3-3


Clearance, 2-71

Of property, 2-70

Officer, 2-70, 2-71

Senate (see Academic Senate)

Senior citizens tuition, 2-45

Separation notice, 2-9

Service benefits, 2-44

Severance pay, 2-9, 2-9.1

Sexual harassment, 2-6, 2-6A, 2-32, 8-10.1, 8-12.4

Shift differential, 2-59

Shipments of materials, 4-7

Sick leave, 2-21

Signature requirements for official documents, 1-5

Signatures on financial documents, 3-7

Skateboards operating regulations for, 5-14

Smoking, 8-10.10

Social and Behavioral Science, College of

Graduation requirements, 9-8.13

Social, staff, 3-6

Social Work, Graduate School of

Graduation requirements, 9-9.15, 9-9.21

Social security tax (FICA), 2-60

Solicitation of bids, 4-3

Solicitation of funds, 8-10.6

Space, requesting and assigning of buildings and office, 1-1

Speech policy, 8-9 (see Facilities, Use of)

Special Hearing Committee,

Student Code, 8-10

Special procurement, 4-4

Special student assessments, 3-8

Staff members

Definitions of, 2-0, 2-59

Employment of, 2-2

Problems; Appeals, 2-32

Recruitment and selection of 2-2

Termination, 2-9

Staff socials, 3-6, 3-11

Standards for credit-bearing courses, 9-7

State Board of Regents

Appointment and membership, 7-4

Commissioner, 7-5

Committees, 7-4

Duties of officers, 7-3

Election of officers, 7-3

Functions and responsibilities, 7-2

Meetings, 7-2

Members, 7-0

Membership and authority, 7-2

Officers enumerated, 7-3

Order of business, 7-2

Parliamentary rules, 7-2

Purpose, 7-2

Quorum, 7-2, 7-4

Staff employee separations, 2-8

Stipends, 3-22, 6-2, 6-21

Stolen property, 3-42

Student Affairs Committee, 8-10, 8-11

Student Advisory Committee, 9-4, 9-5.1

Student Behavior Committee, 8-10.11

Student Code

Academic evaluation, 8-10.2

Access to and challenge of accuracy of records, 8-10.9

Administrative suspension, 8-10.11

Amendments, 8-10.13

Appeals, 8-10.2

Appendix, 8-10.15

Commercial material and solicitation of funds, 8-10.6

Conduct of classes, 8-10.2

Confidential character of records, 8-10.9

Definitions, 8-10

Demonstrations, 8-10.7

Disciplinary records, 8-10.9

Due process, 8-10.1

Emergency amendments, 8-10.13

Emergency rules and regulations, 8-10.12

Freedom of the press, 8-10.1

Freedom of speech and assembly, 8-10.1

Handbills, 8-10.6

Harassment, 8-10.1

Internal solution of problems, 8-10

Matter prohibited in official records, 8-10.9

Nondisclosure of student views, 8-10.2

Nondiscrimination, 8-10.1

Pending criminal proceedings, 8-10.11

Permanent amendments, 8-10.13

Permanent rules and regulations, 8-10.12

Posting of notices and posters, 8-10.6

Privacy, 8-10.1

Proscribed conduct, 8-10.10

Protection against unreasonable searches and seizures, 8-10.1

Publication Council, 8-10.5

Purposes, 8-10

Right to form organizations, 8-10.3

Sanctions, 8-10.11

Speaker policy, 8-10.4

Special hearing committees, 8-10.11

Student Affairs Committee, 8-10.11

Student Behavior Committee, 8-10.11

Student bill of rights, 8-10.1

Student government, 8-10.3

Student housing, 8-10.8

Student press, 8-10.5

Student publications, 8-10.5

Student records, 8-10.9

Student representation in university governance, 8-10.1

Student rights in classroom, 8-10.2

Supersession, 8-10.14

Treatment of records following graduation or withdrawal, 8-10.9

Student Faculty Relations Committee, 8-10

Student Government ASUU, 8-11

Student Affairs Committee, 8-11

Student organizations, 8-11

Student senate, 9-3

Students, employment of, 2-59

Student evaluations, 9-7

Summer quarter service, 2-67, 8-4

Summer work,

Upper division and graduate work, 9-9

Supplemental retirement annuities, 2-42

Supplementary compensation, 2-67

Surplus property, 3-40

Surplus, special procurement, 4-4

Survivors' benefits, 2-43, 2-45


Tax deferred income, 2-60

Tax exclusion allowance, 2-42

Tax exempt payments and stipends, 3-22

Tax shelter program, 2-47

Teacher Education, University Council on, 9-3

Teacher Evaluations, 9-7

Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association of America (TIAA), 2-42, 2-47

Teaching assistants, 9-5.6

Teaching fellows, 9-5.6


Professional listings, 2-26

Requests for service, 4-2

Use for personal business, 2-70

Telops master file, 2-2.1

Temporary leaves of absence, 8-8

Tenure, 8-6, 9-5.1 to 9-9.5

Appointments with tenure, 9-4

Review of tenured faculty, 8-3

Tenure management policy, 8-6.5


due to financial exigency, 8-7, 8-12.7

of appointments for cause, 8-5, 8-7

of faculty member without tenure, 9-5.3

of staff members, 2-9, 2-9.1

of tenured faculty member for cause, 8-7

or reduction in status, 8-6

program cancellation, 8-7

Terms of appointments, 2-67, 8-4

Ticket discounts,

Athletic, 2-44

Theatre, 2-44

Traffic rules and regulations, 2-28

Transfer of staff members, 2-2, 2-7

Transfer students, 9-6

Travel policy, 3-10


Assistant, 3-2.1

State Board of Regents, 7-3

Trustees, Board of

Duties, 7-6

Committees, 7-6

Functions and responsibilities, 7-6

Meetings, 7-6

Trustees, Board of

Members, 7-0

Membership and authority, 7-6

Minutes, 9-3

Quorum, 7-6

Staff participation, 2-32

Tuition benefits, 2-10, 2-45


Undergraduate admission requirements, 9-6

Undergraduate Certificates, 9-8.14

University archives, 1-3, 8-5

University committees

of Academic Senate, 9-3

composition and authority, 8-5

University Council on Teacher Education, 9-3

University Closure, 1-14

University Curriculum Policy Review Board, 9-4

University faculties and councils, 8-2

University Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee, 9-5.2

University of Utah

Purpose, 7-1

University professor, 9-2

University property, 2-70, 3-40, 8-12.4

University Salary Policy, 2-59

University Speaker Policy, 8-9

University Studies degree, 9-8.2

University writing program, 9-8

Use of property, 2-70, 8-12.4

Utah State Retirement System, 2-42, 2-47


Vacation policy, 2-41


Lease of, 5-3

Operation by minors, 2-59, 5-3

Procurement of, 4-4, 5-3

Registration and parking of, 2-28

Vending equipment, 4-4

Vice presidents, 8-3

Violation of proscribed conduct, 8-10.10

Violence in the Workplace and Academic Environment, 2-76

Visiting appointments, 9-2, 9-5

Visiting graduate student, 8-16

Visiting postdoctural scholars, 8-16

Visiting scholars, 8-15


Wage and salary administration,

permanent staff, 2-59

temporary nonexempt staff, 2-59

Weapons, 2-9, 8-10

Web policy, 1-16

Withdrawal from classes, 9-7

Withholding tax, 2-60

Word processing systems, 4-18 (Reserved)

Work week, 2-59

Workers compensation insurance, 2-21, 2-72

World wide web resources, 1-16

Writing program, 9-8


X-rays, 2-4


Youth, employment of, 2-59

Last Updated: 1/3/25