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Rule 6-401A: Recognized Student Organization Classification.

Revision 1. Effective date: August 7, 2024

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  1. Purpose and Scope
  2. Definitions
  3. Rule
    1. Student Organization Recognition
    2. Requirements for Maintaining Registration as a Recognized Student Organization and Failure to Meet Requirements
    3. Suspension or Withdrawal of Recognition for Violations of a University Policy or Rule
    4. Classification
    5. Change in Classification from a Sponsored Student Organization or Affiliated Student Organization
    6. Benefits
    7. Expectations and Limitations
    8. Non-Registered Student Organization
  4. Policies/ Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms and other Related Resources
  5. References
  6. Contacts
  7. History

  1. Purpose and Scope‌

    1. Purpose.

      This University Rule has been developed to explain the University’s recognition process and to clearly establish, define, and formalize the relationship shared between recognized student organizations and the University of Utah.

      Student Leadership & Involvement (SLI) exists, in part, to help students succeed and to support individual growth and development. Through involvement in one of the variety of recognized student organizations, students have the opportunity to enjoy meaningful relationships with others, learn about themselves, and develop lifelong skills. Additionally, recognized student organizations have the capacity to make a meaningful difference and significantly impact the University of Utah and the University community.

      A few recognized student organizations are directly connected with a University department or unit and are so closely aligned with the mission and culture of the University that their actions will be considered the actions of the University. This will have legal, risk and other implications for the University. These sponsored student organizations receive more benefits from the University but also require more oversight and direction by University departments. At the opposite end of the spectrum, some recognized student organizations have virtually no connection with the University other than the fact that the membership is comprised, at least in part, of current students of the University. Most recognized student organizations fall somewhere between these two extremes.

    2. Scope.

      This Rule applies to all students of the University and all organizations formed by University students.

  2. ‌Definitions‌

    The definitions provided in Policy 6-401 apply for this rule. In addition, the terms below apply for the limited purpose of this rule.

    1. “SLI” shall mean the Student Leadership & Involvement.

    2. “Recognized student organization” as used in this Rule shall refer to any student groups which registers with, and receives recognition from, SLI in accord with the requirements of this Rule.

    3. “ASUU” shall mean the Associated Students of the University of Utah government. The ASUU is not considered a recognized student organization for purposes of this Rule.

  3. ‌Rule‌

    1. ‌Student Organization Recognition‌

      1. A student organization that wishes to be recognized by the University and to receive any of the benefits associated with recognition, must meet the requirements of this Rule and must comply with the registration process outlined by SLI.

      2. To qualify, the student organization must select their own leadership, and the leaders must not be financially compensated by a University department for their involvement with the organization.

      3. For purposes of registration, at a minimum, the student organization must provide:

        1. The name of the organization;

        2. The names and contact information of at least three currently registered, matriculated University of Utah students who are officers or representatives of the student organization;

        3. A constitution, charter, or official statement of the organization that clearly:

          1. sets forth the purposes of the organization;

          2. defines the qualifications and responsibilities for membership;

          3. provides a method of choosing the officers of the organization all of whom shall be current students

          4. acknowledges that the organization will abide by the non-discrimination policies of the University of Utah (Policy 1-012). Exceptions: In a few circumstances, federal law permits a club to select members based in part upon gender (e.g., social fraternities and sororities). A student club that wishes to select members based in part upon gender must receive advanced approval.

    2. ‌Requirements for Maintaining Registration as a Recognized Student Organization and Failure to Meet Requirements‌

      1. Each recognized student organization shall annually renew its registration and recognition with the University by filing a renewal request with SLI. This renewal request shall include any changes in the official registration information since its latest filing and shall list the current recognized official representatives of the organization. A Recognized Student Organization that fails to request annual renewal automatically loses recognition as a Recognized Student Organization

      2. University Student Leadership and Involvement may establish requirements for a student organization to maintain recognition as a Recognized Student Organization. These requirements include:

        1. maintaining a constitution;

        2. maintaining an organizational structure and activities that are consistent with the mission the University, adhering to Policy 1-012: University Non- discrimination Policy and the student behavioral standards of Policy 6- 400: Student Rights and Responsibilities, and engaging with and responding to requests from Student Leadership and Involvement; and

        3. any other requirements that Student Leadership and Involvement establishes for registration, including requirements established in state or federal law.

      3. The Dean of Students or designee may impose consequences on a Recognized Student Organization that fails to meet the requirements for registration, including:

        1. issuing a warning or letter of reprimand;

        2. permanently or temporarily restricting the Recognized Student Organization’s access to benefits of being a Recognized Student Organization, such as priority on-campus space reservations and access to Associated Student of the University of Utah (ASUU) funding;

        3. putting the Recognized Student Organization on probation until the Recognized Student Organization resolves the issue or until another time determined by the Dean of Students or designee;

        4. changing the classification of the Recognized Student Organization; or

        5. withdrawing the organization’s recognition as a Recognized Student Organization.

      4. Prior to the Dean of Students or designee imposing a consequence for failure to meet requirements for maintaining registration, the Office of Student Leadership and Involvement shall provide the leaders of the Recognized Student Organization notice of the proposed consequence and an opportunity to respond.

    3. ‌Suspension or Withdrawal of Recognition for Policy or Law Violations‌

      ‌The Vice President of Student Affairs or designee may suspend a recognized student organization or withdraw its recognition for violating University regulations including but not limited to Policy 6-400 or for violations of federal, state, or local laws through the process described in Rule R6-401B. An organization that has its recognition as a Recognized Student Organization withdrawn may continue to operate as a non-recognized student organization.

    4. ‌Classification‌

      Each recognized student organization shall be classified as an organization that is either “sponsored”, “affiliated”, or “registered.” SLI determines this classification by assessing the student organization's relationship to the university, the scope of its activities, and the perceived potential risk to participants and the University. Recognized student organizations in each classification have the following characteristics:

      1. Sponsored Student Organization

        1. Considered integral to the mission and culture of the University and is sponsored by a University college or department.

        2. Operates under the direct and constant guidance of the sponsoring department or office which must be committed to supporting the student organization’s mission and activities. This may include the use of a designated office or workspace provided by the University, access to funding from University revenues with accounting staff support, and access to staff members whose job description includes coordination of the organization.

        3. Inherently linked to the University because of its role in representing the University of Utah or in presenting events that are considered an integral part of the institution.

        4. Routinely present events for the campus and broader community.

        5. Has an advisor assigned by the sponsoring unit who oversees the student organization as part of their university job responsibilities.

      2. Affiliated Organization

        1. Contributes to the mission and culture of the University by routinely presenting events for its members and invited guests. Has an affiliation with a University department or unit but, unlike a sponsored organization, the University does not have direct oversight of the day-to-day activities of the organization.

        2. Often housed within or connected to a larger sponsored organization or a University department.

        3. Must select an advisor who is a University employee who possesses the skills and/or training necessary to advise the organization.

      3. Registered Organization

        1. The organization’s structure and activities are consistent with the mission and culture of the University and student affairs and primarily presents events limited to its membership.

        2. Typically will focus on a specific issue or activity and function with minimal support from or interaction with the University.

        3. Is encouraged, but not required, to select an advisor who is affiliated with the University, which may be a faculty member, professional or associate staff member, or graduate assistant.

    5. ‌Change in Classification from a Sponsored Student Organization or Affiliated Student Organization‌

      1. A department or office that sponsors a Recognized Student Organization may withdraw sponsorship at any time.

        a. If a department or office withdraws sponsorship of a Recognized Student Organization or an affiliation with a Recognized Student Organization, the dean, department chair, or director, as appropriate, shall notify the Office of Student Leadership and Involvement in writing.

      2. If a department or office withdraws a Recognized Student Organization’s sponsorship or affiliation, the Dean of Students or designee shall determine whether the organization remains a Recognized Student Organization, and the organization’s classification.

    6. ‌Benefits‌

      A recognized student organization may be listed on the SLI’s online student organization management system. In addition, a recognized student organization within each classification receives the following benefits:

      1. Sponsored Student Organization

        1. Significant guidance and support from the faculty and/or staff of the sponsoring department/unit.

        2. Access to funding from University revenues and/or student fees through the sponsoring department.

        3. Use of a University fiscal account with all its privileges and supervising accounting staff support that are capable of providing full financial documentation disclosure upon request.

        4. Use of the University’s tax identification number in accordance with University policy.

        5. The ability to accept donations from external sources that are eligible for gift receipts from the University as outlined by University of Utah Office of Development.

        6. Review of contracts by the sponsoring University department with input from the Offices of General Counsel and Risk & Insurance Management when appropriate.

        7. Use of University names trademarks as specifically outlined by the University Trademarks and Licensing Program under the supervision of the sponsoring department.

        8. Priority consideration for reserving University facilities, such as meeting rooms.

        9. Ability to apply for funding from ASUU in accordance with ASUU Constitution and Bylaws.

      2. Affiliated Organization

        1. Significant guidance and support from University staff.

        2. Limited use of the University’s name and trademarks arranged through coordination with the University Trademarks and Licensing Program.

        3. Priority consideration for reserving University facilities, such as play fields and meeting rooms.

        4. Ability to apply for funding from ASUU in accordance with ASUU Constitution and Bylaws.

      3. Registered Organization

        1. Use of the University of Utah name in connection with the organization but only as follows: [Student organization’s name followed by] “at the U of U”, “@ U of U” , “at the University of Utah”, “@ University of Utah”, or “@ Utah.”

        2. Priority consideration for reserving University facilities, such as meeting rooms.

        3. Ability to apply for funding from ASUU in accordance with ASUU Constitution and Bylaws.

    7. ‌Expectations and Limitations‌

      Each recognized student organization must comply with University policy and procedure and with federal state and local laws and ordinances. In addition, recognized student organizations within the following classifications are obligated to meet the listed expectations and comply with the listed limitations:

      1. Sponsored Organization

        1. The sponsored student organization must be assigned an employee of the University whose job description designates them as the primary advisor to the sponsored organization. The employee is responsible to provide regular oversight and advice for the sponsored organization and its associated activities and programs. The employee will answer to the U administration relative to any problems or questions and be responsible to ensure all University policies and procedures, as well as laws and ordinances are followed.

        2. The sponsored student organization must conduct all financial activity of the organization through a University Account. To facilitate this, a separate account (“Activity”) within the University’s financial system will be established and will be managed by appropriate University employees. This account will be used for all financial transactions of the organization according to University policies and procedures.

          1. If the sponsored student organization remains inactive for more than two consecutive academic years and the balance in the activity is less than $5000, then the funds will be transferred to the University’s General Scholarship Fund.

          2. If the sponsored student organization remains inactive for more than two consecutive academic years and the balance in the activity is $5000 or more, the sponsoring University department, in consultation with the University Controller will come up with a plan for appropriate resolution of the remaining funds.

          3. Upon request, full financial disclosure shall be provided to SLI.

        3. The sponsored organization may not establish bank or other accounts outside of the University.

        4. The sponsored student organization must work closely with the appropriate University departments and/or sponsoring office in the planning of events for the campus and broader community.

        5. The sponsored student organization must designate an officer to be responsible for, respond to, and help manage legal, risk and other issues. This officer is responsible for developing and maintaining protocols for the organization, which may be reviewed at least annually by the sponsoring University department and SLI in collaboration with the Offices of General Counsel, Risk & Insurance Management and other University departments.

        6. Officers must complete student leader training provided throughout the year by SLI.

        7. Advisors must also complete advisor training provided throughout the year by SLI.

        8. A sponsored student organization that serves as a governing body for any affiliated or registered organizations is responsible for providing appropriate levels of support and oversight for these organizations.

      2. Affiliated Organization

        1. Each affiliated student organization is responsible for selecting an advisor who is a University employee who possesses the skills and/or training necessary to advise the organization

        2. Prior to hosting events targeting the campus or broader community, it is the responsibility of the affiliated organization to follow established campus scheduling procedures and guidelines.

        3. The affiliated student organization must be assessed by the affiliated University department and SLI with input from the Offices of General Counsel and Risk & Insurance Management during the recognition process to determine whether the organization must meet additional

          requirements, such as developing an operations manual and/or carrying additional liability insurance.

        4. The affiliated student organization must comply with all rules, procedures, conditions, stipulations, or restrictions placed on its recognition by the affiliated University department.

        5. Officers must complete student leader training provided throughout the year by the affiliated University department and SLI.

        6. Advisors must also complete advisor training provided throughout the year by SLI.

        7. The affiliated student organization is prohibited from establishing accounts within the University’s financial system. Instead, all financial activities are the sole responsibility of the affiliated organization and must be held outside the University. Use of the University’s taxpayer identification number is prohibited.

        8. The affiliated student organization is not permitted to solicit donations or gifts using the University’s charitable status.

        9. The affiliated student organization is prohibited from using the University’s name and trademarks without the express permission of the University Trademarks and Licensing Program.

        10. The affiliated student organization is not permitted to enter into contracts in the name of or on behalf of the University of Utah.

      3. Registered Organization

        1. Prior to hosting events targeting the campus or broader community, it is the responsibility of the registered organization to follow established campus scheduling procedures and guidelines.

        2. The registered student organization is responsible for complying with any conditions, stipulations, or restrictions placed on its recognition.

        3. Officers must complete student leader training provided throughout the year by SLI.

        4. If an advisor(s) has been identified, they are encouraged to complete advisor training provided throughout the year by SLI.

        5. The registered student organization is not permitted to solicit donations or gifts using the University’s charitable status.

        6. The registered student organization is prohibited from establishing accounts within the University’s financial system. Instead, all financial activities are the sole responsibility of the student organization and must be held outside the University. Use of the University’s taxpayer identification number is prohibited.

        7. The registered student organization is prohibited from using the University’s name and trademarks except as expressly provide above.

        8. The registered student organization is not permitted to enter into contracts in the name of or on behalf of the University of Utah.

    8. ‌Non-Registered Student Organization‌

      Any group that does not meet the requirements for registration described above will not be recognized by the University or SLI as a registered organization. The University of Utah does not exercise any control, supervision or responsibility for any non-registered organization’s activities. The University acknowledges the right and privilege of individual students and groups of students to assemble peacefully on campus for any lawful purpose. The University may impose reasonable time, place and manner restrictions on the exercise of the right of peaceful assembly to ensure that the essential operation of the University or the rights and/or welfare of other members of the University community are not impaired, diminished or threatened. (See Policy 1-007—The University Speech Policy).

      Sections IV- VII are for user information and are not subject to the approval of the Academic Senate or the Board of Trustees. The Institutional Policy Committee, the Policy Owner, or the Policy Officer may update these sections at any time.

  4. ‌Policies/ Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms and other Related Resources‌

    1. Policies/ Rules.

      1. Policy 6-401: Students of the University

      2. Rule R6-401B: Suspension or Withdrawal of a Student Organization’s Recognition

    2. Procedures, Guidelines, and Forms.

    3. Other Related Resources.

      1. University of Utah Club Sports Manual

  5. ‌References‌

    1. Policy 1-007 University Speech Policy

    2. Policy 1-012 University Non-Discrimination Policy

  6. ‌Contacts‌

    The designated contact officials for this Regulation are

    1. Policy Owner(s) (primary contact person for questions and advice): Associate Dean for Student Engagement and Leadership

    2. Policy Officer(s): Vice President for Student Affairs

      See Rule 1-001 for information about the roles and authority of policy owners and policy officers.

  7. ‌History‌

    Revision History.

    1. Current Revision. Revision 1.
      1. Initially approved by President Randall as an interim rule with an effective date of August 7, 2024. Approved by the Academic Senate August 26, 2024 to take effect September 10, 2024 with no changes.
      2. Legislative History
      3. Editorial Revisions
    2. Previous Revisions

      1. Revision 0. Effective Date April 30, 2018.

    3. Renumbering

      1. Not applicable

Last Updated: 2/19/25