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Rule 1-011A: Police Officer Body-Worn Cameras. Revision 1

Rule 1-011A establishes policies and guidelines for the operation and use of  body-worn cameras by University of Utah police officers. An interim rule was approved in July, 2021 and this final rule makes some change from the interim rule. Visit the rule's webpage to read the regulation's full text, find information about the policy owner (primary contact for questions about the rule) and officer, and see the rule's legislative history.

Keep Track of Recently Revised Regulations

This page describes recently enacted and revised regulations. Click on a blog post to read more about revisions and to see the revised regulation. Each regulation has a "legislative history" section at the bottom, which tells you about changes to the regulation. Click the "subscribe" button to be added to a list to receive an email notification when new and revised regulations are published.

Policy 6-407: University General Student Fees, and the University General Student Fees Advisory Board

Policy 6-407 was revised as an interim policy in July, 2021. This final policy was enacted with no changes from the interim policy. It establishes the University General Student Fees Advisory Board and governs the University's processes for establishing, reviewing, revising, or repealing general student fees. Visit the policy's webpage to read the full text, find information about the policy owner (primary contact for questions about the policy) and policy officer, and review the policy's legislative history.

Policy 4-010 University Individual Email Policy

Newly enacted Policy 4-010 requires that all University of Utah employees and officers use the University's official enterprise email system whenever they are conducting University business email communications. Visit the policy's webpage to read the full text, find information about the policy owner (primary contact for questions about the policy or rules) and policy officer, and review the policy's legislative history.

Interim Rule 1-011A: Policy Officer Body-Worn Cameras

Newly enacted Interim Rule 1-011A establishes policies and guidelines for the operation and use of  body-worn cameras by University of Utah police officers. The rule will remain in effect until the University enacts a final rule. Visit the rule's webpage to read the regulation's full text, find information about the policy owner (primary contact for questions about the rule) and officer, and see the rule's legislative history.

Last Updated: 3/7/25