8-University Regulations
Policy: 8
Rev: 15
Date: May 8, 2006
Chapter I: Disbursement of University Funds 8-1
Section 1. Budget Preparation
Section 2. Expenditure of Funds
Chapter II: Organization of the University 8-2
Section 1. Academic Organization
Section 2. Administration Organization
Section 3. Faculty Ranks
Section 4. University Faculties and Councils
Chapter III: Officers of the University 8-3
Section 1. The President
Section 2. Vice Presidents
Section 3. Deans of Colleges and Schools
Section 4. Other General Administrative Officers
Section 5. Department Chairpersons
Section 6. Library Directors
Section 7. Review of Deans, Department Chairpersons, and Library Directors
Chapter IV: Appointments, Annuities, and Retirement 8-4
Section 1. Faculty and Library Appointments
Section 2. Term of Appointments
Section 3. Required Disclosure of Criminal Records
Section 4. Period of Responsibility for University Service
Section 5. Off-semester Compensation for Faculty With Nine-month Appointments
Section 6. Annuity Programs
Section 7. Retirement of Faculty Members
Section 8. Payment of Compensation
Chapter V: Faculties, Committees, and Councils 8-5
Section 1. Composition and Authority of the University Faculty
Section 2. Composition and Authority of the Academic Senate
Section 3. Composition and Authority of University Committees
Section 4. Composition and Authority of School and College Faculties
Section 5. Composition and Authority of Graduate Council
Section 6. Undergraduate Council
Section 7. University of Utah Libraries - Policy Statement for their Government and Administration
Chapter VI: Faculty Retention and Tenure 8-6
Section 1. Definitions and Qualifications
Section 2. Achievement of Tenure
Section 3. Pretenure Probationary Period
Section 4. Advance Notice of Termination or Reduction in Status
Section 5. Retention and Tenure Status for Faculty Members Serving as Administrators
Section 6. University Management Policy for Tenured Positions
Chapter VI-A: Academic Librarians and Continuing Appointments 8-6.1
Section 1. General Provisions
Section 2. Advance Notice of Termination or Reduction in Status
Chapter VII: Terminations and Program Discontinuance 8-7
Section 1. Termination of Appointments
Section 3. Procedures Governing Dismissal for Cause or for Medical Reasons
Section 4. Procedures Governing Terminations Required by Financial Exigency
Section 5. Procedures Governing Terminations because of Bona Fide Program Discontinuance for Academic Reasons
Section 6. Effect Upon Students
Section 7. Academic Freedom
Section 8. Employment after Termination
Section 9. Decision-making with Regard to a Major Financial Crisis which is Short of a Financial Exigency
Chapter VIII: Leaves of Absence 8-8S
Chapter VIII-A: Parental Leaves of Absence 8-8.1
Chapter VIII-B School of Medicine (SOM) Parental Leaves of Absence 8-8.2
Chapter IX: University Speech Policies 8-9
Chapter X: Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities 8-10
Section 1. General Provisions and Definitions
Section 2. Student Bill of Rights
Section 3. Student Behavior
Section 4. Student Academic Performance
Section 5. Student Academic Conduct
Section 6. Student Professional and Ethical Conduct
Section 7. Student Records
Chapter XI: Students of the University 8-11
Section 1. General Regulations
Section 2. Associated Students of the University of Utah
Section 3. Apportionment Board
Section 4. Student Affairs Committee
Chapter XII: Code of Faculty Rights and Responsibilities
Chapter XIII: Fraternal Social Organizations 8-13
Chapter XIV: Residency Determination for Tuition 8-14
Chapter XV: Visiting Scholars 8-15
Chapter XVI: Visiting Graduate Student or Visiting Postdoctoral Scholar 8-16
Chapter XX: Amendments 8-20