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Guideline 5-112B: Retirement and Retiree Benefits, Basic Retiree Benefits

Revision 0. Effective Date: December 13, 2022

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  1. Purpose and Scope
  2. Definitions
  3. Guideline
    1. Basic Retiree Benefits for Retired Employees
    2. Benefits Subject to Change
  4. Policies/ Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms and other Related Resources
  5. References
  6. Contacts
  7. History

  1. Purpose and Scope‌

    1. Purpose.

      To outline the benefits available to eligible Retirees.

    2. Scope.

      This guideline is applicable to all University Employees.

  2. Definitions‌

    The following definitions apply for the limited purposes of this guideline and any associated regulations.

    1. The definition of "Retiree" and “Retirement” provided in Policy 5-112 apply for purposes of this guideline.

  3. Guideline‌

    1. Basic Retiree Benefits for Retired Employees‌

      1. To be eligible for University Retiree benefits, Employees meet the eligibility requirements to be a Retiree described in Policy 5-112.

      2. Retirees are eligible for the following basic Retiree benefits:

        1. Retiree Ucard.

        2. Enrollment in one of the University’s group Retiree health plan options. Enrollment is available to the retiree and family members who meet the eligibility requirements of the plans. Retirees and their eligible family members pay the full cost of coverage. Enrollment in certain plans may be available only for those who are eligible for and enrolled in Medicare.

        3. Discount on purchases at the University of Utah Campus Store.

        4. Access to Eccles Student Life Center and other University physical fitness and recreation facilities, classes, and programs with payment of membership or course fees.

        5. Use of those Union Building facilities requiring Ucards.

        6. Discounts on University athletic and theater season tickets and other University events determined by the appropriate Vice President.

        7. Parking with purchase of appropriate pass.

        8. Borrowing privileges at University library facilities. All circulating physical collections are available for checkout. Due to the license agreements the Marriott Library has negotiated with vendors and publishers, most of the databases, online journals and electronic books offered by the Library are only available to University of Utah students, faculty and other employees. Individuals who are not current students, faculty members, or otherwise employed by the University may secure access to some electronic resources if using a Library computer.

        9. Reduced tuition of 50% for University courses as governed by Policy 5- 305 and Rule R5-305A.

        10. Other basic retiree benefits as amended from time to time are listed on the Human Resources Retiree web page.

    2. Benefits Subject to Change‌

      Discount rates, fee or price reductions, and other limitations or conditions applicable to benefits described above, shall be prescribed by the cognizant vice president and are subject to change from time to time, without prior notice.

  4. Policies, Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms and other Related Resources‌

    1. Policies/Rules

      1. Policy 5-112: Retirement and Retiree Benefits

    2. Procedures, Guidelines, and Forms

      1. Guideline G5-112A: Appointment of Emeritus Administrative Officers

      2. Guideline G5-112C: Retirement and Retiree Benefits, Additional Benefits for Emeritus Retirees

    3. Other related resource materials.

  5. References‌

    1. Policy 5-001: Employee Definitions

    2. Policy 5-305: Reduced Tuition Benefits

  6. Contacts‌

    The designated contact officials for this Policy is the Director of Benefits for the University and the Manager of Benefits for the University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics are responsible for the application of this Policy to all Employees.

  7. History‌

    1. Revision 0. Effective Date December 13, 2022

      1. Legislative History

Last Updated: 1/3/25