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Policy 5-100: Employee Relations and Organizations

Revision #2. Effective date: June 29, 2004

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  1. Purpose and Scope
  2. Definitions
  3. Basic Policies
    1. Shared Responsibility
    2. Obligations of Administrators to Employees
    3. Obligations of Employees
    4. Interpretation of Policy and Procedures
  4. Employee Organizations Policy
    1. Official Neutrality
    2. Organizational Activities on Campus
  5. Policies/ Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms and other Related Resources
  6. References
  7. Contacts
  8. History

  1. Purpose and Scope‌

    1. Purpose.

      To outline university policy with respect to nonacademic employee relations and employee organizations.

    2. Scope.


  2. Definitions‌


  3. Basic Policies‌

    1. Shared Responsibility‌

      University Employees at all levels share responsibility to promote and preserve a physical environment and intellectual climate conducive to successful performance of the university's threefold mission: instruction, research, and public service.

    2. Obligations of Administrators to Employees‌

      Under the direction of the president, university administrative officers should:

      1. Establish fair and orderly Procedures for administering employee relations which:

        1. Satisfy all applicable legal requirements, including but not limited to the Affirmative Action Program and nondiscriminatory employment policy of the university.

        2. Assure respect for the dignity of each employee and encourage interpersonal cooperation and support.

      2. Appoint competent supervisors who are concerned for the needs and career development of employees within their areas of responsibility.

      3. Inform employees about the progress of the university and whenever possible give advance notice of changes that would affect an individual's job.

      4. Provide clear and accepted channels for the consideration of suggestions, grievances or complaints.

      5. Provide the maximum job security which fair treatment and good planning can provide.

      6. Provide fair and competitive compensation and benefits consistent with appropriated and available funds.

      7. Maintain safe working conditions.

      8. Provide the opportunities and counseling needed by employees to advance and achieve commensurate with ability.

    3. Obligations of Employees‌

      University Employees are expected to:

      1. Render satisfactory performance in their assigned positions, consistent with established job requirements and university and departmental standards.

      2. Observe established practices and Procedures in the performance of assigned responsibilities, and in the presentation of suggestions, complaints, or grievances to university supervisors and officials. Whenever feasible, interviews with university officers should be arranged by appointment.

    4. Interpretation of Policy and Procedures‌

      Questions relating to any aspect of university Employee practices, or to the interpretation and application of this policy relating to Employee Relations and Organizations, and any proposals for changes therein, should be addressed to the Chief Human Resources Officer.

  4. Employee Organizations Policy‌

    1. Official Neutrality‌

      The university neither encourages nor discourages the establishment of employee organizations for lawful purposes. In accordance with this policy of neutrality:

      1. Every employee is recognized to have the right to join, or to refuse to join, an employee organization. For the purpose of this policy, "employee organization" includes a labor union or association.

      2. University administrators and supervisors may not intentionally either reward or penalize, or threaten or promise either to reward or penalize, an employee for joining or refusing to join an employee organization.

      3. University administrators and supervisors will meet and confer on matters of university business with individual employees or groups of employees, and, upon invitation by employees, with representatives of employee organizations, upon the same nonpreferential terms and impartial conditions.

      4. A university administrator, supervisor, or employee enjoys the right of freedom of expression upon the university campus, and thus is free to express his or her personal opinions and views regarding employee organizations and university policy with respect to them, provided the expression (a) is not accompanied by and does not employ any form of intimidation, coercion, or inducement to secure assent to the personal views expressed, and (b) does not include or imply a representation that the person is authorized to express those views for or on behalf of the university or any officer of the university unless he or she is in fact authorized to do so. A deliberate violation of the requirements of this rule, or a deliberate misrepresentation of facts with the intent to discredit the university, may be treated as misconduct on the part of any university officer or employee.

    2. Organizational Activities on Campus‌

      University facilities and services are available to an employee organization and its members and guests, to the same extent and upon the same impartial terms and conditions as they are available to other nonuniversity organizations, subject to applicable scheduling requirements and to reasonable job performance rules. In accordance with this policy, university supervisors are expected to assure compliance with the following requirements:

      1. An employee organization and its members are subject to the University Speaker Policy (Policy and Procedures 1-007) and Student Code (Policy and Procedures 6-400), to the extent they may be applicable.

      2. Use of university facilities and meeting rooms for meetings of an employee organization will be permitted on a nonpreferential basis consistent with general university policies, provided such meetings are not scheduled for times or in locations that will interfere with or disrupt normal instructional, research, or working arrangements of persons invited or expected to attend or of other persons who may be affected thereby. Organizational meetings not open to all interested persons should not be scheduled in university facilities, except as authorized by the University Speaker Policy.

      3. University bulletin boards, services, equipment, or materials and supplies, including campus mail services, reproduction equipment, printing facilities, telephones, vehicles, stationery and other office supplies, are not to be employed for the private purposes or for the benefit of an employee organization or its members, except to the extent that general university policies permit such use on an approved cost reimbursement or fee basis.

      4. A university employee, or the representative of an employee organization, may not solicit memberships, dues, or contributions for an employee organization or for a purpose or program sponsored by an employee organization, during the regular working time of the person to whom the solicitation is addressed, nor at any place or by any method which tends to interfere with performance by other employees of their assigned work or otherwise disrupt the peaceful and orderly conduct of university business.

      5. By written request to the university payroll office, an employee may arrange to have dues or other contributions to an employee organization withheld from paychecks on an authorized payroll deduction basis in accordance with and subject to uniform university policies applicable thereto.

        Sections V- VIII are for user information and are not subject to the approval of the Academic Senate or the Board of Trustees. The Institutional Policy Committee, the Policy Owner, or the Policy Officer may update these sections at any time.

  5. Policies/ Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms and other Related Resources‌

    1. Policies/ Rules. [ reserved ]

    2. Procedures, Guidelines, and Forms. [ reserved ]

    3. Other Related Resources. [ reserved ]

  6. References‌

    1. reserved ]

  7. Contacts‌

    The designated contact officials for this Regulation are

    1. Policy Owner(s) (primary contact person for questions and advice): Director of Employee Relations for Human Resources

    2. Policy Officer(s): Chief Human Resources Officer

      See Rule 1-001 for information about the roles and authority of policy owners and policy officers.

  8. History‌

    Revision History.

    1. Current version. Revision 2.

      1. Approved by -- Effective date June 29, 2004.

      2. Editorial Revisions

        1. Editorially revised January 19, 2023 to move to current regulations template

        2. Editorially revised October 11, 2011 to reflect the changes in employee definitions as set forth in Policy 5-100.

    2. Previous versions.

      1. Revision 1. Effective Date. October 25, 1999

      2. Revision 0. Effective Date. March 1, 1974

    3. Renumbering

      1. Renumbered from Policy and Procedures Manual 2-1

Last Updated: 3/7/25