Policy 3-201: Physical Facilities Community Impact
- Purpose & Scope
- To establish a process for planning and construction of physical facilities on the university campus which minimizes any adverse impact on nearby residents, businesses and local government.
- Definitions: [reserved]
- Policy
- Derivation of Authority
- The University of Utah is not subject to the planning and zoning authority of municipalities or other local governmental units in which it is located (Utah Code 10-9-29), but as an institution of the state, it is subject to control and direction by its governing boards, the State Division of Facilities Construction & Management, and the state legislature. However, it is the policy of the university to address in each stage of its physical facilities planning and construction activities those pertinent factors which would ordinarily be considered in municipal planning and zoning processes.
- Community Impact
- When planning and constructing physical facilities on campus, the university shall seek to minimize any adverse impact on adjacent neighborhoods and/or the community in a manner consistent with the attainment of its missions and goals.
- Consultation with Municipalities
- The university shall consult with planning and zoning authorities of affected municipalities about proposed or impending physical facilities construction projects when changes to traffic volume and patterns, health and safety, noise, parking, land use, impact on utilities systems and other municipal services and similar matters may substantially affect the municipality or the off-campus residential/business community. The university administration shall meet regularly with appropriate municipal authorities to share campus facilities master plans and other pertinent data, such as traffic studies and consulting reports. The university administration shall receive and consider comments and recommendations offered by municipal authorities.
- Meetings with Community Residents, Businesses, Community Councils and Other Organizations
- To promote meaningful participation by off-campus residents, businesses and other
organizations likely to be affected by proposed additions or changes to the university's
physical facilities and operations, the Board of Trustees will sponsor an annual public
meeting for the purpose of:
- Presenting current and proposed campus facilities master plans.
- Presenting general information and pertinent data, i.e., probable sites, building
size, number of expected occupants, functions to be housed, incremental traffic to
be generated, etc., for new campus facilities projects reasonably expected to be funded
during the next five years.
- Emphasis shall be on projects expected to be initiated during the ensuing year.
- Providing information relating to proposed major renovation of buildings and campus infrastructure which is expected to have a significant impact on traffic levels, parking requirements, noise levels and similar factors.
- Identifying potential community impacts, as well as mitigating actions, which might result from proposed physical facilities projects.
- Informing participants of expected changes in student enrollment, university employment and any major anticipated changes in public services, which can reasonably be expected to result in increased motor vehicle traffic, changes to existing traffic patterns, or other changes which may significantly affect nearby residents, businesses and other entities.
- Informing participants of the university's intentions to request approval of governing boards and the legislature for the planning and/or construction of specific physical facilities projects.
- Receiving verbal comments and recommendations from interested participants during
the meeting and written comments and recommendations within 20 days after the meeting
regarding the university's physical facilities programs, its operations and their
effects on residential and business neighborhoods.
- At least 45 days prior to the meeting date, the Board of Trustees shall make public
the date of the meeting and the agenda and individually notify in writing the following
- Salt Lake City Council members
- Salt Lake City Mayor
- Community Council Chairs whose districts are adjacent to the university campus
- Salt Lake City Transportation Division Director
- Salt Lake City Planning and Zoning Director
- Salt Lake City Communications Director
- At least 45 days prior to the meeting date, the Board of Trustees shall make public
the date of the meeting and the agenda and individually notify in writing the following
- Interim meetings shall be scheduled by the university administration to inform the
adjacent community of proposed major changes to the physical facilities master plan,
construction schedules, student enrollment, public services and the university's missions,
when such information was not available at the time of the last annual meeting and
it is not prudent to delay planning activities or the dissemination of the information
until the next scheduled annual meeting. A minimum of 10 days advance notice of the
meeting will be provided in writing to the following persons:
- Salt Lake City Council members
- Salt Lake City Mayor
- Community Council Chairs whose districts are adjacent to the university campus
- Salt Lake City Transportation Division Director
- Salt Lake City Planning and Zoning Director
- Salt Lake City Communications Director
- Comments and recommendations will be sought and received from interested participants regarding the facilities projects and programs presented.
- Comments and recommendations received from residents, businesses, municipal officials, and others who participate in the annual and interim meetings will be evaluated and considered in the planning and construction of physical facilities and in the development or revision of the university's operating plans.
- To promote meaningful participation by off-campus residents, businesses and other
organizations likely to be affected by proposed additions or changes to the university's
physical facilities and operations, the Board of Trustees will sponsor an annual public
meeting for the purpose of:
- Presentations to Governing Boards
- Annually the university administration shall present for approval of the Board of Trustees and the Board of Regents its campus facilities master plan, proposed construction projects, anticipated changes in enrollment and operations, together with minutes of all public annual and interim meetings and a summary of written comments and recommendations received from interested persons. It will also include minutes of scheduled meetings with municipal authorities, as described in this policy.
- Actions of Governing Boards
- After due consideration of public comment the University shall exercise final decision-making authority to proceed with physical facilities projects and to implement changes to its operations and programs as directed by its governing boards.
- Derivation of Authority
- Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms, and other related resources
- Rules [reserved]
- Procedures [reserved]
- Guidelines [reserved]
- Forms [reserved]
- Other related resource materials [reserved]
- References
- 53B-6-101, Utah Code Annotated 1953
- 53B-20-101, Utah Code Annotated 1953
- 63-l-33 to 63-1-35, Utah Code Annotated 1953
- 63-1-36 to 63-1-44, Utah Code Annotated 1953
- Policy 3-205, Remodeling and Construction Policy
- Contacts
- Acting as the Policy Owner, the Office of the Associate Vice President of Facilities Management is responsible for answering questions and providing information regarding the application of this policy. Acting as the Policy Officer, the Vice President for Administrative Services is responsible for representing the University's interests in enforcing this policy and authorizing any allowable exceptions.
- History
- Approved, Institutional Council: January 16, 1990 [MO1]
- Approved, Board of Trustees: August 14, 1990
- Reformatted, updating contact information and correcting titles of those affected: February 9, 2012
- Editorially revised May 13, 2022 to remove references to the State Building Board in accordance with 2022 General Session S.B. 82, which repealed the State Building Board.

Policy: 3-201 Rev: 0
Date: Feb. 9, 2012
Date: Feb. 9, 2012