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Policy 6-402: Fraternal Social Organizations

Revision 5. Effective date: August 7, 2024

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  1. Purpose and Scope
  2. Definitions
  3. Policy
    1. Policy
    2. Guidelines and Procedures
    3. Contents of Salt Lake City Zoning Ordinance 21A.36.150: FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES (as amended)
  4. Policies/ Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms and other Related Resources
  5. References
  6. Contacts
  7. History

  1. Purpose and Scope
    1. Purpose.

      The purpose of this policy is to establish the standards for granting and maintaining recognition of fraternal social organizations, otherwise known as Greek-letter fraternities and sororities.

    2. Scope.


  2. ‌Definitions

    The following definitions apply for the limited purposes of this policy and any associated regulations.

    1. “Fraternity" includes any private incorporated or chartered social organization for either male or female students that has become duly affiliated with the University of Utah pursuant to the University policy.

    2. "President" means the President of the University of Utah.

  3. ‌Policy

    1. ‌Policy

      1. It is the policy of the University to facilitate and encourage voluntary fraternity organizations as a means for providing a learning experience for University students beyond the formal atmosphere of the classroom in small, personal, social and living groups. Fraternity social and physical arrangements, however, should be organized within suitable policy guidelines and limitations designed to assure that participating students will experience opportunities for personal growth, development of leadership skills, and the responsible application of concepts of democracy, community service, brotherhood/sisterhood, equality, fair play, individual morality, and social justice.

    2. ‌Guidelines and Procedures

      1. Advisory Staff: The University of Utah will provide advisory staff personnel to (1) encourage the fraternities to realize policies of behavior and attitude consistent with their own philosophy and the policies of the university;(2) assist fraternities in fully utilizing the resources of the university; (3) oversee the various programs of chapters and work with alumni of chapters; and (4) provide general supervision of fraternity activities, on their premises and the campus, to assure compliance with the standards set forth herein.

      2. Standards: The university as part of its supervision expects each recognized fraternity to:

        1. Conduct all of its activities in accordance with applicable laws and ordinances, and applicable University of Utah regulations (including the University of Utah Student Code and the ASUU Organizational Policies and Procedures Manual), as well as in conformity with the national or local policies of the fraternity not inconsistent with such laws, ordinances, and University regulations. In particular, fraternities shall comply with the specific zoning requirements set forth in Salt Lake City Zoning Ordinance, 21A.36.150(C) (1) (a-n) (as amended): FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES, the current contents of which Ordinance are expressly incorporated herein as a part of this policy in Part III. C. below.

        2. Recruit and initiate only members who are currently matriculated students at the University of Utah.

        3. Operate on a nondiscriminatory basis with regard to gender identity/expression or sexual orientation, race, creed, ethnic origin, and color in membership selection and privileges.

        4. Seek in good faith to obtain a membership reflective of the University’s racial, academic, religious, ethnic, and geographic demographics.

        5. Conduct orderly recruitment techniques involving action and publicity consistent with good taste and appropriate to an institution of higher learning.

        6. Develop meaningful programs with regard to training of new members and programming for the chapter as a whole that are designed to assist each member to accept responsibilities and to contribute to the larger society.

        7. Support its chosen leaders in the best democratic sense.

        8. Establish and maintain orderly financial and accounting procedures, and be current in meeting its financial obligations.

        9. Provide a comfortable environment for the members of the chapter and maintain the property in keeping with general standards of good housekeeping and exterior upkeep characteristic of the campus environs.

        10. Cooperate with the university administration in building and maintaining constructive community relationships with neighbors in the residential area in which it is located.

        11. Develop orderly processes for dealing with infractions by fraternity members of any of the provisions of this statement of University Policy, including appropriate provisions for sanctions including warning, probation, suspension, or termination of membership.

      3. Fraternity Rights. Subject to the standards set forth in Section B above, the university recognizes the right of a fraternity to:

        1. Select its own membership from those students who voluntarily participate in the recruitment system.

        2. Determine its own judicial structure, memberships and procedures, consistent with ASUU Judiciary Policies and Procedures (ASUU Policies and Procedures IV.).

      4. Fraternity Colonizing. Prior to a fraternity's application to its national for a charter or for independent affiliation with the university, the following procedures must be observed:

        1. The fraternity colony must meet applicable requirements of the approved Expansion Policy adopted by the Greek Council or other cognizant representative bodies.

        2. The Constitution of the petitioning fraternity shall be reviewed by the legal counsel of the University of Utah.

        3. Greek Council, or other cognizant representative body within the fraternity system must recommend to the vice president for student affairs, in writing, that the colony receive its charter. The recommendation must include a statement to the effect that the colony has met the requirements outlined in the relevant Expansion Policy.

        4. After endorsement by the vice president/dean for student affairs and services, the recommendation may be submitted to the president for approval.

        5. If the president approves the recommendation, the president will extend an invitation to the national fraternity to charter a chapter on the University of Utah campus.

      5. Recognition and Status of Chapters

        1. Recognition. If a fraternal organization successfully colonizes and is in compliance with the applicable standards outlined above (III. B), it may request recognition by the University of Utah. Requests for recognition, bearing the written endorsement of the Greek Council and the Committee on Student Affairs, should be submitted to the president. If the president approves the request, an official letter extending recognition to the chartered chapter on the University of Utah campus will be sent to the chapter president and the national office of the fraternity. Upon receipt of the official letter of recognition, the chapter shall be eligible for the privileges available to a student organization under University Regulations Policy 1-007 and Policy 6-400.

        2. Chapters in Good Standing. Chapters of fraternal social organizations that have been duly recognized by the University of Utah shall be deemed in good standing so long as they are:

          1. In compliance with applicable policies of the national fraternity, local chapter, Greek Council, and the University of Utah, including III.B.2., above.

          2. In compliance with applicable federal and state statutes and local ordinances.

          3. Maintaining communication with the Greek Council advisor at least once a semester.

        3. Chapters on Warning. Chapters found to be in minor violation of the above provisions (III.B.5.b.) may be placed on warning by action of the Greek Council, the Greek Council Judiciary, or the Greek Council advisor. A chapter on warning will remain so for a period of 60 to 180 days at the discretion of the authority issuing the warning. Prior to the end of the warning period, a chapter must demonstrate that it is no longer in violation of applicable policies. Failure to do so may result in possible probation or suspension.

        4. Chapters on Probation

          1. Chapters found, after notice and opportunity for hearing, to be in serious or habitual violation of III.B.5.b., above, may be placed on probation for a period of six to twelve months by action of Greek Council, Greek Council Conduct Boards, or the president, or designee, subject to such sanctions and other reasonable conditions as may be specified.

          2. Sanctions may include monetary fines, suspension of social events, limitations of privileges, and/or uncompensated service projects. Fines are payable to the Greek Council, and shall be used solely for administrative costs of Greek Council, or for other purposes beneficial to the fraternity system, as approved by Greek Council. A statement concerning the disposition of such funds shall be issued by Greek Council.

          3. Prior to the end of the period of probation, a chapter must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the authority which imposed the probationary status that it has fulfilled all conditions of probation including full payment of all fines imposed, and that it is no longer in violation of applicable policies. Failure to do so may result in suspension or termination of recognition.

          4. A written report of any hearing held under paragraph a. of this section, resulting in placing or refusing to place a chapter on probation, shall be filed with the president, or designee who may direct that supplemental hearings or other proceedings be held and thereafter may impose additional sanctions or conditions, or may reduce, modify, or annul those previously imposed.

        5. Suspension or Termination of Recognition

          1. The president, or designee, may suspend or terminate recognition of a chapter that has failed to fulfill all conditions imposed as a condition of probation under Section III.B.5.d., above.

          2. The president, or designee, after notice and opportunity for a hearing, may suspend or terminate recognition of a chapter that has been found responsible for an egregious violation(s) of III.B.5.b. above.

          3. A suspension or termination of recognition of a chapter is subject to the due process requirements for suspension or withdrawal of a student organization’s recognition established in Rule R6-401B.

          4. The vice president for student affairs, or designee, may place an immediate administrative suspension on a chapter prior to an initial inquiry and hearing if such action appears necessary to protect the health or well-being of any member of University community, any member of the public, or to prevent serious disruption of the academic process. Prior to, contemporaneous with, or immediately after the suspension, the vice president shall give the chapter written notice of the suspension specifying the alleged misconduct and setting forth briefly the relevant facts and supporting evidence. The matter will be referred for an opportunity for a hearing and the suspension will be in effect pending a final determination of the matter. The vice president shall notify other University administrators of the suspension as a appropriate.

    3. ‌Contents of Salt Lake City Zoning Ordinance 21A.36.150: FRATERNITIES AND SORORITIES (as amended):

      1. No one under twenty one (21) years of age shall be allowed to consume alcoholic beverages on the premises of any fraternity or sorority (the term "premises" shall include all areas owned, controlled or routinely used by the fraternity or sorority, including parking areas);

      2. No charge shall be levied for the purchase of alcoholic beverages consumed on the premises;

      3. No admission charge shall be levied at any activity on the premises of any fraternity or sorority at which alcoholic beverages are consumed;

      4. No funds of any fraternity or sorority shall be used to purchase alcoholic beverages and that no collection of funds shall be made by any fraternity or sorority, or any members thereof, for the purposes of purchasing alcoholic beverages to be consumed on the premises of any fraternity or sorority;

      5. At any activity on the premises of any fraternity or sorority where alcoholic beverages are consumed, there shall be food and alternative nonalcoholic beverages readily and visibly available for consumption;

      6. Except with respect to certain philanthropic activities as defined by the Dean of Students Office, only individuals bearing: 1) a personal invitation issued in advance, 2) an admission ticket issued in advance, or 3) Greek identification issued by the University's ID Office indicating membership in the fraternity/sorority system shall be allowed to attend any activity on the premises of a fraternity or sorority;

      7. At any "philanthropic" function on the premises benefiting a recognized nonprofit organization sponsored by the fraternity or sorority, no alcohol may be present, sold or consumed;

      8. At any gathering, other than for a regularly scheduled chapter meeting or a regularly scheduled meal time, involving sixty (60) or more people on the premises of any fraternity or sorority, at which alcoholic beverages are served or consumed, the hosting fraternity/sorority shall hire uniformed police officers from the Salt Lake Police Department or the University's Department of Public Safety in reasonable numbers (a minimum of two officers) to assist in checking admission, checking identification and monitoring compliance with all applicable city and county ordinances, state laws and University regulations, and, furthermore, that a representative of at least twenty one (21) years of age from the hosting fraternity or sorority's house corporation be present at all times during such a gathering;

      9. No activities on the premises of any fraternity or sorority shall occur before eight o'clock (8:00) A.M. and activities shall close before eleven o'clock (11:00) P.M. on all nights except Friday, Saturday and the day before any legal holiday, on which day such activities shall close by twelve o'clock (12:00) midnight;

      10. No band performances, amplified music or other activities shall take place outside on the premises of any fraternity or sorority between the hours of ten o'clock (10:00) P.M. and nine o'clock (9:00) A.M. and any activities taken place outside or inside the premises of any fraternity or sorority at other times shall otherwise comply with all applicable city and county ordinances, state laws, and University regulations;

      11. No public lewd, obscene, or licentious activities will be sponsored or permitted on the premises by the fraternity or sorority;

      12. After any activity on the premises of any fraternity or sorority, the sponsoring entity must clean the exterior of the fraternity or sorority's property and all nearby property on which debris or garbage from the activity has been deposited by ten o'clock (10:00) A.M. the following morning;

      13. Each fraternity or sorority chapter shall have in place a risk management policy to be filed annually with the Dean of Students Office; and

      14. The appearance and landscaping of the premises of any fraternity or sorority shall be accomplished and maintained in a manner that is harmonious with the residential character of the surrounding neighborhood.”

        Sections IV- VII are for user information and are not subject to the approval of the Academic Senate or the Board of Trustees. The Institutional Policy Committee, the Policy Owner, or the Policy Officer may update these sections at any time.

  4. ‌Policies/ Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms and other Related Resources

    1. Policies/ Rules. [ reserved ]

    2. Procedures, Guidelines, and Forms. [ reserved ]

    3. Other Related Resources. [ reserved ]

  5. ‌References

    1. Rule R6-401B: Student Organization Violations of Law or Policy

    2. Salt Lake City Zoning Ordinance 21A.36.150 (C)(1)(a-n): Fraternities and Sororities

  6. ‌Contacts

    The designated contact officials for this Regulation are:

    1. Policy Owner(s) (primary contact person for questions and advice): Vice President for Student Affairs

    2. Policy Officer(s): Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Senior Vice President for Health Sciences

      See Rule 1-001 for information about the roles and authority of policy owners and policy officers.

  7. ‌History

    Revision History.

    1. Current Revision. Revision 5. 
      1. Initially approved by President Randall as an interim policy with an effective date of August 7, 2024. Approved by the Academic Senate August 26, 2024 and approved by Board of Trustees September 10, 2024 with no changes.
      2. Legislative History
      3. Editorial Revisions
    2. Previous versions.

      1. Revision 4. Effective Date. July 1, 2024

      2. Revision 3. Effective Date. April 10, 2012

      3. Revision 2. Effective Date. October 26, 1999

      4. Revision 1. Effective Date. May 9, 1994

    3. Renumbering

      1. Renumbered from Policy and Procedures Manual 8-13 and formerly University Regulations Chapter XIII.

Last Updated: 3/12/25