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Policy 6-317: Academic Visitors (Visiting Scholars, Visiting Postdoctoral Scholars, and Visiting Graduate Students).

Revision 1. Effective date: October 14, 2014

  1. Purpose
    1. To state the Policy and procedures for inviting for visiting academic visitors to the university.
    2. This Policy governs the following categories of academic visitors to the University: Visiting Scholars, Visiting Postdoctoral Scholars, and Visiting Graduate Students, all of which are neither members of the University Faculty, nor employees of the University. This Policy is not intended to govern Visiting Faculty positions (a category of faculty members as described in Policy 6-300-III),
    3. [User note: Revision 1 of this Policy 6-317 is a combination of the former contents of 6-317 Revision 0 (which previously governed Visiting Scholars, and of former Policy 6-405 (which previously governed Visiting Postdoctoral Scholars and Visiting Graduate Students. All of those topics are now combined into this single Policy 6-317.]
  2. Definition
    1. [Reserved]
  3. Policy
    1. Visiting Scholars.
      1. "Visiting Scholar" is title conferred by the Dean of the Graduate School upon visiting persons who normally have an academic appointment at another institution or an permanent appointment elsewhere and who wish to spend at least one or more semesters on our campus. This title may also be conferred upon visiting scientists and visiting dignitaries.
      2. A person is appointed a Visiting Scholar by the Dean of the Graduate School. Appointments are for specified periods only. Individuals appointed to the position of Visiting Scholar receive letters of welcome from the Dean of the Graduate School.
      3. Visiting Scholars are encouraged to participate in the academic and social life of the University. Visiting Scholars are therefore entitled, without charge, to audit University classes with the permission of the instructor, and to use University research equipment and computing facilities, on such terms as may be agreeable to those responsible for such resources. They will receive access to on-campus parking, library, and recreational privileges, on the same basis as tenure-line faculty members, and will also enjoy approved faculty discounts at the bookstore, and at the theatre, athletic contests, and other events.
      4. Visiting Scholars are not employees of the University, and therefore are not entitled to payment of compensation as employees of the University, or to  eligibility for employee benefits paid for in part or whole by the University (such as University subsidized health insurance). They, are not appointed to teaching or research positions, and do not receive direct financial support either from or through the University except for one-time honorariums
        under special circumstances approved by the cognizant Senior Vice President. Any incidental services performed for the University by a Visiting Scholar are deemed to be performed as a volunteer.
      5. The Visiting Scholar designation is not a contractual relationship, and therefore should not be used for postdoctoral fellows, for visiting faculty members who have teaching responsibilities, or for persons employed for a short period for the purpose of performing services for the University in return for an agreed compensation. Where compensation is contemplated, faculty appointment (typically in the category of Visiting Faculty, or if appropriate in a Career-line category, as described in Policy 6-300) or consulting contract, as may be appropriate, should be used.
      6. A person who registers for regular academic credit ordinarily does not qualify for appointment as a Visiting Scholar.
      7. Procedures
        1. Recommendations for appointment of Visiting Scholars must be approved by (i) majority vote of the faculty appointments advisory committee (as defined in Policy 6-302) or equivalent committee of the academic unit (college, department, program, institute, or center), which will be hosting the Visiting Scholar and providing any support and resources promised to the Visiting Scholar such as an office or other assistance or, (ii) by a subcommittee of that advisory committee to which such authority has been delegated by prior vote of the full advisory committee. Such recommendations must carry the endorsement of the deans (or equivalent officer) of the appropriate university unit colleges or schools, and are submitted to the Dean of the Graduate School.
        2. A registry of Visiting Scholars is kept by the Graduate School.
        3. Appropriate University identification cards will be issued to Visiting Scholars to facilitate extension to them of the privileges associated with Visiting Scholar status.
        4. Provision of laboratory access, computational resources, office space, or other working quarters for a visiting scholar is the responsibility of the university unit submitting the appointment recommendation, and is subject to availability of resources.
    2. Visiting Postdoctoral Scholars and Visiting Graduate Students.
      1. "Visiting Graduate Student" or "Visiting Postdoctoral Scholar" is a title conferred by the Dean of the Graduate School upon visiting graduate students or visiting postdoctoral scholars.
      2. A person is appointed a Visiting Graduate Student or Visiting Postdoctoral Scholar by the Dean of the Graduate School. Appointments are for specified periods only. An individual appointed to the position of Visiting Graduate Student or Visiting Postdoctoral Scholar receives a letter of welcome from the Dean of the Graduate School.
      3. Visiting Graduate Students and Visiting Postdoctoral Scholars are encouraged to participate in the academic and social life of the University. They therefore receive library privileges, may attend the University as nonmatriculated students, and may use University research and computing facilities on such terms as are agreeable to those responsible for such resources. Library privileges are provided without charge. Visiting Graduate Students and Visiting Postdoctoral Scholars are provided University identification, and may receive access to additional University resources, such as parking and Campus Recreation Services.
      4. Visiting Graduate Students and Visiting Postdoctoral Scholars are not employees of the University, and therefore are not entitled to payment of compensation as graduate assistants or employees of the University or to eligibility for employee benefits paid for in part or whole by the University (such as University subsidized health insurance). They are not appointed to teaching or research positions, and do not receive direct financial support either from or through the University.
      5. Procedures
        1. Recommendations for appointment of Visiting Graduate Students or Visiting Postdoctoral Scholars must approved by (i) majority vote of the faculty appointments advisory committee (as defined in Policy 6-302) or equivalent committee of the relevant University unit or, (ii) by a subcommittee of that advisory committee to which such authority has been delegated by prior vote of the full advisory committee. They must carry the endorsement of the deans (or equivalent officer) of the appropriate University unit, and are submitted to the Dean of the Graduate School.
        2. A registry of Visiting Graduate Students and Visiting Postdoctoral Scholars is kept by the Graduate School.
        3. Appropriate identification cards will be issued to Visiting Graduate Students and Visiting Postdoctoral Scholars to facilitate extension to them of the privileges associated with their status.
        4. Provision of laboratory access, computational resources, office space, or other working quarters for Visiting Graduate Students and Visiting Postdoctoral Scholars is the responsibility of the relevant university unit submitting the appointment recommendation, and is subject to availability of resources.

      6. [Note: Parts IV-VII of this Regulation (and all other University Regulations) are Regulations Resource Information – the contents of which are not approved by the Academic Senate or Board of Trustees, and are to be updated from time to time as determined appropriate by the cognizant Policy Officer and the Institutional Policy Committee, as per Policy 1-001 and Rule 1-001.]
  4. Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms and other related resources.
    1. Rules [reserved]
    2. Procedures [reserved]
    3. Guidelines
    4. Forms [reserved]
    5. other related resource materials [reserved]
  5. References
  6. Contacts

    The designated contact officials for this Policy are:

    1. Policy Owners (primary contact person for questions and advice): Dean of the Graduate School.
    2. Policy Officers: Sr. Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Sr. Vice President for Health Sciences.

      See University Rule 1-001 for information about the roles and authority of policy owners and policy officers.
  7. History
    1. Renumbering:
    2. Revision History:
      1. Current version
        1. Approved: Academic Senate September 8, 2014
        2. Approved: Board of Trustee October 14, 2014
        3. Legislative History
      2. Earlier versions: [fill in later]

Approved: University Senate 10/6/80

Approved: Institutional Council 10/13/80


Policy: 6-317 Rev: 1
Date: October 14, 2014

Last Updated: 1/9/25