Policy 6-221: Graduate Studies and Degrees--Doctor of Pharmacy
Purpose and Scope
Policy: Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Pharmacy
A candidate for the degree of Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) will ordinarily spend
a minimum of two calendar years (eight academic quarters) in the Health Sciences Center
and at affiliated facilities. The program involves intensive course work, clerkships,
and research.
Course Requirements. A planned program with a normal minimum of 126 graduate level
credits, with at least a 3.0 average is required. Eight consecutive academic quarters
in residence are normally require. In addition a clinically oriented research project
must be completed and a concurrent residency in Clinical Pharmacy Practice must also
be completed.
Clinical Pharmacy Residency Requirement. A residency program which is concurrent with
the Doctor of Pharmacy degree program must be completed.
Admission to Candidacy. Candidates normally hold a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor
of Pharmacy degree. Exceptional students may enter the program following successful
completion of 2 years pre-pharmacy and 2 years of the professional curriculum. A minimum
grade point average of 3.0 is normally required.
Supervisory Committee. The College Doctor of Pharmacy Committee must approve each
candidate's course of study. The Doctor of Pharmacy Committee in cooperation with
the department chairperson will appoint an academic advisor for each candidate. The
advisor shall be a member of the Clinical Pharmacy faculty. The advisor will chair
a supervisory committee of at least three faculty members, at least one of whom shall
hold an academic appointment in a discipline other than Clinical Pharmacy. The supervisory
committee shall approve and supervise the candidate's research program.
Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms and other related resources
Other related resource materials
Policy Owner:
Questions about this Policy and any related Rules, Procedures and Guidelines should
be directed to the Dean of the Graduate School.
Policy Officers:
Only the Sr. Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Sr. Vice President for Health
Sciences or their designees have the authority to grant exceptions to this policy.