Policy 6-218: Graduate Studies and Degrees, Educational Administrators
Purpose and Scope
Policy: The University of Utah's Field-based ED.D. Program for The
Advanced Preparation of Educational Administrators
The Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) Program is designed to provide
advanced preparation to individuals with experience working as
ad ministrators in educational organizations. Based on a model of
professional inquiry, the Ed.D. program emphasizes the use of
theory in directing its field-based approach to problem solving.
Graduates will study theory and research in the core domains of
organizations and leadership ad in selected areas of
specialization. They will use the knowledge gained in these areas
of study to frame problems of administrative practice and to seek,
critically examine, and apply information to solve problems.
Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms and other related resources
Other related resource materials
Policy Owner:
Questions about this Policy and any related Rules, Procedures and Guidelines should
be directed to the Dean of the Graduate School.
Policy Officers:
Only the Sr. Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Sr. Vice President
for Health Sciences or their designees have the authority to grant exceptions to this