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Policy 2-005: Officers of the University.

Revision 8. Effective date: February 8, 2022


  1. Purpose and Scope [Reserved]
  2. Definitions [Reserved]
  3. Policy
    1. Officers of the University

IV-VII Regulations Resource Information

  1. Purpose and Scope [Reserved]

    1. Purpose.
    2. Scope.
  2. Definitions [Reserved]

  3. Policy

    1. Officers of the University.

      1. The President

        1. In addition to the responsibilities and duties enumerated in Policy 2-003, the president shall be an ex officio member of the Academic Senate, and of university committees, of school and college faculties, including college councils. The president shall be the official medium of communication between the university faculty and councils and the Utah Board of Higher Education and Board of Trustees and between the students and the Utah Board of Higher Education.

        2. The president shall prepare all budgets for presentation to the Utah Board of Higher Education. The president shall make reports and recommendations to the Board of Trustees or the Utah Board of Higher Education, as appropriate, and to the university faculty, Academic Senate, and college councils, as the president may deem desirable, for all the proper conduct, extension, and improvement of the work of the university. The president shall sign all duly authorized certificates and diplomas, and shall issue degrees conferred by the university.

      2. Vice Presidents

        1. The president may appoint one or more vice presidents who shall serve at the pleasure of the president. The vice president(s) shall perform such duties as may be assigned them by the president. During the temporary absence or incapacity of the president, the senior vice president for academic affairs shall perform the duties of the president. One of the duties of the senior vice president for academic affairs and the senior vice president for health sciences is to ascertain that each college, through its departments and colleges, is effectively reviewing tenured faculty members.

      3. Deans of Colleges and Schools

        1. Appointment

          1. Each college or school shall be administered by a dean, appointed by the president. The search for a dean shall originate with the president or the cognizant senior vice president who shall confer with chairpersons or the departments of the school or college concerned and arrange for faculty input. The dean shall serve at the pleasure of the president and shall be the executive officer of the college or school. The dean is accountable to the cognizant senior vice president.

        2. Duties and Responsibilities

          1. The dean shall (1) preside over the meetings of the faculty; (2) formulate and present policies for the consideration of the faculty, provided that the right of any member thereof to present any matter shall not be abridged; (3) after consultation with the department faculties; recommend the appointment, renewal of appointment, or termination of appointment of department chairpersons; (4) prepare and recommend annually an operating budget and assure that university budget guidelines are observed; (5) be responsible for the efficient use of space and other physical facilities allocated by the president for the needs of the college and its departments; (6) make annually a detailed report to the cognizant senior vice president upon the work, prospects, and needs of the college or school; (7) supervise the admission and progress of its students; (8) be the medium of communication for all official transactions; (9) be responsible for the initiation and effective execution of all university policies so far as they affect the college or school concerned; (10) participate in the nominations of faculty and staff members in departments assigned to the college or school concerned; (11) ascertain that each department in the college is effectively reviewing tenured faculty members.

      4. Other General Administrative Officers

        1. The president shall appoint other administrative officers as needed.

      5. Department Chairpersons

        1. Appointment

          1. Each academic department shall be administered by a department chairperson appointed by the president. The initiation of a search for a department chairperson shall originate with the dean of the school or college to which the department is administratively assigned, who shall confer with the cognizant senior vice president, the members of the department faculty, and the deans of other school or colleges which the department serves. The chairperson is accountable to the cognizant dean.

        2. Duties and Responsibilities

          1. The chairperson of a department shall (1) be in immediate charge of the work, space, equipment, and supplies assigned to the department; (2) be responsible for effective execution of the university policies insofar as they affect the department, and for the expenditure of all funds appropriated to the department; (3) represent the department in its official business with other university authorities, with students, and with the public; (4) participate in the nomination of members of the department faculty as hereinafter provided; (5) prepare and submit department reports; (6) be responsible for the development of systematic annual recommendations for individual faculty salary adjustments; (7) prepare and submit department budgets after consulting with the faculty members of the department, (8) supervise the work of and make specific teaching and other appropriate assignments to individual faculty and staff members of the department while recognizing and encouraging their initiative; (9) in collaboration with the faculty and staff, endeavor constantly to advance in methods and effectiveness the instruction in the department.

        3. Review of Tenured Faculty

          1. In order to carry out the above responsibilities more effectively, it shall be the duty of the department chairperson to administer a review of the work of each tenured faculty member of the department, in accord with the schedules and procedures described in Policy 6-321.

        4. Department Activities

          1. In the exercise of departmental authority the chairperson shall, so far as practicable, seek to share with the members of the faculty and staff, through discussion and other democratic procedures, the responsibility for department activities. The chairperson shall not undertake any work in the department entailing expense for which funds have not been allocated in the department’s budget without the consent of the president or by following regulations prescribed by the president.

        5. Responsibilities of Departmental Faculty

          1. The members of a department faculty are responsible for the effective instruction of the students in their classes, but they should also be concerned with research and investigation in their special fields; and may be appointed or elected to the various councils and committees of the university or to serve in other administrative and educational capacities in the service of the university and the community. Such duties shall be considered a legitimate part of their work in the determination of their teaching schedules and compensation.

        6. College without Departments

          1. In non-departmentalized colleges and schools, the dean functions as the department chairperson.

      6. Library Directors

        1. Appointment

          1. Each library shall be administered by a library director, appointed by the president. The nomination of a library director shall originate with the senior vice president or college dean to which the library is administratively assigned who shall confer with academic librarians on the library staff and the deans of the schools or colleges which the library serves.

        2. Duties and Responsibilities

          1. The library director shall be in immediate charge of the functioning, building, equipment, book collections, and supplies of the library. The library director shall: (1) be responsible for efficient implementation of university policies insofar as they affect the library, and for the expenditure of all funds assigned to the library; (2) represent the library in its official business with other university authorities, with faculty, students, staff, and with the public; (3) participate in the nomination of academic librarians for appointment to the library staff; (4) make an annual report to the senior vice president or dean to which the library is assigned upon the programs, prospects and needs of the library; (5) prepare and submit library budgets after consulting with the academic library staff; (6) supervise the work of the members of the library staff while recognizing and encouraging their initiative; (7) in collaboration with the faculty and staff, endeavor constantly to develop and improve the library collections and to advance in methods and efficiency the services of the library. The library director shall be responsible directly to the senior vice president or dean of the school or college to which the library is assigned for its work and through the cognizant senior vice president, to the president.

        3. Director of James E. Faust Law Library

          1. The director of the James E. Faust Law Library shall be, ex officio, Professor of Law [Endnote 1]. The director of the James E. Faust Law Library shall: (1)have the right and obligation to participate in all policy decisions of the faculty of the college of law; (2) be eligible to be elected as a representative of the college of law to the Academic Senate; and (3) be eligible to be elected or appointed to any university committee or college of law committee upon which professors of law may serve.

      7. Review of Deans, Department Chairpersons, and Library Directors

        1. The service of each dean and library director shall be formally reviewed at least every five years. The service of each department chairperson shall be formally reviewed at least every three years. The review of a dean shall be made by the appropriate senior vice president. The review of a department chairperson shall be made by the appropriate dean. In either case, the review shall include a careful assessment of the individual’s administrative effectiveness and shall take into consideration the opinions of the faculty, staff, and representative students in the college or department for which the individual is responsible. The review of the library director shall be made by the appropriate senior vice president or dean and shall take into consideration the opinions of the academic librarians/faculty, staff, representative students, and the faculty and staff of the schools and colleges which the library serves.

          IV—VII Regulations Resource Information.

          **User Note: Parts IV-VII of this Regulation (and all other University Regulations) are Regulations Resource Information – the contents of which are not approved by the Academic Senate or Board of Trustees, and are to be updated from time to time as determined appropriate by the cognizant Policy Officer and the Institutional Policy Committee, as per Policy 1-001 and Rule 1-001.**

  4. Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms and other Related Resources

    1. Rules. [ reserved ]

    2. Procedures, Guidelines, and Forms. [ reserved ]

    3. Other Related Resources. [ reserved ]

  5. References

    1. Utah Code Section 53B-2-106

  6. Contacts

    The designated contact officials for this Regulation are

    1. Policy Owner(s) (primary contact for questions and advice): Liaison to the Board of Trustees

    2. Policy Officers: Secretary to the University

      See University Rule 1-001 for information about the roles and authority of policy owners and policy officers.

  7. History

    Renumbering effective 9/15/2008, formerly known as PPM 8-3, and previously as University Regulations Chapter III.

    Revision History.

    1. Current version. Revision 8.

      1. Approved by -- Academic Senate January 10, 2022, and Board of Trustees February 8, 2022 with effective date of February 8, 2022..

        Legislative History for revision 8.

    2. Past versions.

      1. Revision 7

        Legislative history for revision 7.

      2. Revision 6

      3. Revision 5

Editorial Revisions: [reserved]

Endnote 1. The ex officio title of Professor of Law applies only to the individual holding the appointment of director of the S.J. Quinney Law Library and only during the period of such incumbency, and carries no implications for tenure under University or Faculty Regulations.

Last Updated: 3/7/25