9-Faculty Regulations
Policy: 9
Rev: 17
Date: May 14, 2007
Chapter I: Parliamentary Rules 9-1
Chapter II: University Faculty 9-2
Section 1. Membership of the Faculty
Section 2. Tenure-line - Tenured and Tenure-Eligible Faculty
Section 3. Library Faculty
Section 4. Career-line, Adjunct, and Visiting Faculty
Section 5. Uniform Use of Categories and Reports of Instructional Activities
Section 6. Authority of the Faculty
Section 7. Officers of the Faculty
Section 8. Meetings
Section 9. Order of Business
Section 10 Committees of the Faculty
Section 11. Faculty Club
Chapter III: The Academic Senate 9-3
Section 1. General Provisions
Section 2. Membership
Section 3. Officers
Section 4. Committees
Section 5. Elections
Section 6. Meetings
Section 7. Order of Business
Section 8. Minutes and Agenda
Section 9. Faculty Initiative and Review
Section 10. Consolidated Hearing Committee (CHC) for Faculty Disputes
Section 11. Academic Freedom and Faculty Rights Committee
Chapter IV: College Faculties and Councils 9-4
Section 1. School and College Faculties
Section 2. College Councils
Chapter V: Appointments, Retention, Promotion, and Tenure 9-5.6
Section 1. Appointments 9-5
Section 2. Retention, Promotion, and Tenure 9-5.1
Section 3. University Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee 9-5.2
Section 4. University RPT Standards Committee 9-5.3
Section 5. Academic Librarians 9-5.4
Section 6. Resignations 9-5.5
Section 7. Grievances 9-5.5
Section 8. Requests for Opinions 9-5.5
Section 9. Academic Staff, Educational Trainees, Postdoctoral Fellows, and Medical Housestaff 9-5.6
Section 10. Appointment, Reappointment and Evaluation of Auxiliary Faculty and Other Instructional Personnel 9-5.7
Chapter VI: Undergraduate Admission 9-6
Section 1. Application for Admission
Section 2. Credits and Admissions Committee
Section 3. Admission to the Freshman Class
Section 4. Admission to Advanced Standing - Transfer and Readmitted Students
Section 5. Department and College Admission Criteria
Section 6. Nonmatriculated Admission
Section 7. Reactivated Students
Section 8. Matriculated Students with Degrees
Section 9. Evaluation of Admissions Criteria
Chapter VII: Instruction and Evaluation 9-7
Section 1. The Academic Year
Section 2. The Credit Hour
Section 3. Standards For Undergraduate Credit-Bearing Courses
Section 4. Noncredit Courses
Section 5. Courses
Section 6. Course Numbers
Section 7. Examinations
Section 8. Grades
Section 9. Report of Grades
Section 10. Academic Evaluation & Standards Committee
Section 11. Scholastic Requirements
Section 12. Honors
Section 13. Academic Renewal
Section 14. Course Evaluation by Students
Section 15. Attendance Requirements
Section 16. Accommodations
Chapter VIII: Graduation 9-8
Section 1. Definitions
Section 2. References
Section 3. Awarding of Diplomas and Degrees
Section 4. Semester Credit Hours & Residency Requirements
Section 5. Scholastic Average Required
Section 6. Catalog Rights
Section 7. General Education and Baccalaureate Degree Requirements for Graduation
Section 7A. Majors and Minors
Section 8. The Division of Continuing Education 9-8.1
Section 9. Requirements for Graduation with a Bachelor of University Studies Degree 9-8.2
Section 10. Requirements for Graduation from the College of Business 9-8.3
Section 11. Requirements for Graduation from the Graduate School of Education 9-8.4
Section 12. Requirements for Graduation from the College of Engineering 9-8.5
Section 13. Requirements for Graduation from the College of Fine Arts 9-8.6
Section 14. Requirements for Graduation from the College of Health 9-8.7
Section 15. Requirements for Graduation from the College of Humanities 9-8.8
Section 15A. Requirements for Graduation (with B.S. Degree) from the School of Medicine 9-8.8A
Section 16. Requirements for Graduation from the College of Mines and Earth Sciences 9-8.9
Section 17. Requirements for Graduation from the College of Nursing 9-8.10
Section 18. Requirements for Graduation from the College of Pharmacy 9-8.11
Section 19. Requirements for Graduation from the College of Science 9-8.12
Section 20. Requirements for Graduation from the College of Social & Behavioral Science 9-8.13
Section 21. Undergraduate Certificates 9-8.14
Chapter IX: Graduate Study and Degrees 9-9
Section 1. Graduate Council and Committees
Section 2. Graduate Degrees
Section 3. Admission to Graduate Study
Section 4. Summer Work
Section 5. Continuing Education
Section 6. Off-Campus Programs
Section 7. General Requirements and Provisions for the Degrees of Master of Arts and Master of Science 9-9.1
Section 8. General Requirements and Provisions for the Degree of Master of Philosophy 9-9.2
Section 9. General Requirements and Provisions for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy 9-9.3
Section 10. Requirements for the Degree of Master of Architecture 9-9.4
Section 11. Requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration 9-9.5
Section 12. Requirements for the Degree of Master of Education 9-9.6
Section 13. Requirements for the Degree of Electrical Engineer 9-9.7
Section 14. Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering for the College of Engineering 9-9.8
Section 15. Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering for the College of Mines and Earth Sciences 9-9.9
Section 16. Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering Administration 9-9.10
Section 17. Requirements for the Degree of Master of Fine Arts 9-9.11
Section 17A. Requirements for the Master of Laws -- Energy Law Degree 9-9.11A
Section 18. Requirements for the Degree of Master of Music 9-9.12
Section 19. Requirements for the Degree of Master of Professional Accountancy 9-9.13
Section 20. Requirements for the Degree of Master of Public Administration 9-9.14
Section 21. Requirements for the Degree of Master of Social Work 9-9.15
Section 22. Requirements for the Degree of Master of Statistics 9-9.16
Section 23. Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Education 9-9.17
Section 24. Requirements for the Degree of Juris Doctor 9-9.18
Section 25. Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Medicine 9-9.19
Section 26. Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Pharmacy 9-9.20
Section 27. Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Social Work 9-9.21
Section 28. Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts in Teaching 9-9.22
Section 29: Graduate Certificate Guidelines 9-9.23
Chapter X: Amendments 9-10