7-State System of Higher Education
Policy: 7
Rev: 1
Date: August 24, 1982
Memberships 7-0
Chapter I: The University and the State 7-1
Section 1. Purpose of the University
Chapter II: State Board of Regents 7-2
Section 1. Purpose
Section 2. Membership and Authority
Section 3. Functions
Section 4. Meetings
Section 5. Quorum
Section 6. Parliamentary Rules
Section 7. Order of Business
Chapter III: Officers of the State Board of Regents 7-3
Section 1. Officers Enumerated
Section 2. Election of Officers
Section 3. Duties of Chair and Vice-Chair
Section 4. Duties of Secretary
Section 5. Duties of Treasurer
Chapter IV: Committees of the State Board of Regents 7-4
Section 1. Committees Enumerated
Section 2. Appointment and Membership
Section 3. Executive Committee
Section 4. Committee Meetings
Section 5. Quorum Section 6. Special Committees
Chapter V: Commissioner of Higher Education 7-5
Section 1. Appointment
Section 2. Duties and Responsibilities
Chapter VI: Board of Trustees 7-6
Section 1. Membership and Authority
Section 2. Functions and Responsibilities
Section 3. Meetings
Section 4. Quorum
Section 5. Committees
Chapter VII: The President of the University 7-7
Section 1. Appointment and Authority
Section 2. Responsibilities
Section 3. Duties
Section 4. Rule Promulgation Authority
Chapter VIII: School Disruptions & Civil Disturbance 7-8
Section 1. President May Withdraw Consent Remain on Campus
Section 2. Reinstatement of Consent
Section 3. Authority to Request State or Local Law Assistance
Section 4. Additional Authority of President and Procedures