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Policy 10-001: Portrait Policy

  1. Policy
    1. University portraits shall be authorized by the University of Utah Board of Trustees in recognition of and appreciation for service and support to the University that are truly exceptional.
    2. In order to retain the value of such recognition, the University only rarely commissions portraits of persons other than the University President. All University presidents shall have their portraits painted during their tenure in office, preferably in the first or second year of their administration. (The process for commissioning portraits described below applies to all university entities.)
  2. Procedure
    1. Nominations of subjects for University portraits may be submitted to the President's Office with the following information:
      1. Rationale for the nomination.
      2. Suggestions as to where the portrait should be hung.
      3. Source of funds.
    2. Nominations received in the President's Office shall be forwarded to the cognizant vice president for review. The vice president shall return the nomination with any supporting data to the president with a recommendation for approval or rejection.
    3. If the president approves the nomination, it shall be forwarded to the Portrait Committee of the Board of Trustees for evaluation and recommendation, and submission to the whole Board for final determination. If the president rejects the nomination, the basis for the rejection will be conveyed to those making the proposal and no further action will be taken.
    4. If the nomination is approved by the Board, the portraitist shall be chosen jointly by the University and the subject, in consultation with the chair of the Art Department. A contract will be drawn up between the portraitist and the University that is consistent with this Policy. The Administration shall determine where the portrait is to be hung, and from time to time may move portraits to alternate sites.
    5. All portraits become the property of the University of Utah. A list of portraits and their location shall be kept by the President's Office and the Director of the Museum of Fine Arts, who will be responsible for curating the collection.
  3. Contacts:
    1. Policy Owner: Questions about this Policy and any related Rules, Procedures and Guidelines should be directed to the the Secretary to the University.

    2. Policy Officer: Only the Secretary to the University or his/her designee has the authority to grant exceptions to this Policy.

Approved: Institutional Council 3/9/87


Policy: 10-001 Rev:
Date: July 1, 1987
Last Updated: 3/7/25