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Rule R5-403A: Additional Compensation Staff (Hourly/Exempt).

Revision 1. Effective date: February 14, 2023

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  1. Purpose and Scope
  2. Definitions
  3. Policy
  4. Policies/ Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms and other Related Resources
  5. References
  6. Contacts
  7. History

  1. Purpose and Scope‌

    1. Purpose.

      This Rule implements Policy 5-403. Policy 5-403 generally prohibits payment of Additional Compensation to an Employee unless specifically authorized under that policy and associated regulations, this Rule describes conditions and processes for such authorization for payments of Additional Compensation for Hourly and Exempt Staff employees.

    2. Scope.

      This Rule applies to all exempt and hourly staff employees of the University.

  2. Definitions‌

    The definitions provided in Policy 5-403 apply for this rule.

  3. Rule‌

    1. Approval Requirements and Exceptions.

      1. An Additional Compensation request must be submitted pursuant to Policy 5-403, this rule, and the associated procedure for the type of Additional Compensation.

      2. Requests will route to each approving officer. By approving an Additional Compensation request, each approver certifies that all the requirements of the Additional Compensation are satisfied as specified in Policy 5-403, this rule, and the associated procedure.

      3. University Level Approvals

        1. University level approvals for additional compensation for amounts greater than $2500 for University of Utah academic campus or $5000 and above for University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics (UUHC) are required for the following types of additional compensation:

          1. Additional Compensation for Additional Services (Procedures P5-403A and P5-403C).

          2. Discretionary and Non-Discretionary Bonuses (Procedures P5-403D and P5-403E)

          3. Payment of Exempt Clinical Shift (Procedure P5-403F)

        2. Pre-approval, including university level approvals, for all teaching additional compensation, regardless of amount, is required. (Procedure P5-403B)

      4. Payment through Payroll System

        1. All Additional Compensation payments made to an Employee under Policy 5-403 and this rule shall be paid through the University payroll system, and are subject to applicable withholding and deductions.

          Sections IV- VII are for user information and are not subject to the approval of the Academic Senate or the Board of Trustees. The Institutional Policy Committee, the Policy Owner, or the Policy Officer may update these sections at any time.

  4. Policies/ Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms and other Related Resources‌

    1. Policies/ Rules.

      1. Policy 5-403: Additional Compensation Policy

    2. Procedures, Guidelines, and Forms.

      1. P5-403A: Additional Compensation for Exempt Staff, Academic Non-Faculty, and Staff Administrators

      2. P5-403B: Additional Compensation Teaching

      3. P5-403C: Additional Compensation Hourly/Non-Exempt

      4. P5-403D: Discretionary Bonus

      5. P5-403E: Non-Discretionary Bonus

      6. P5-403F: Exempt Clinical Shift Compensation

      7. P5-403G: Prizes and Awards

      8. P5-403H: Clinical Income Payment

      9. P5-403I: Moving Allowance Payments

    3. Other Related Resources. [reserved}

  5. References‌

      1. Policy 5-001: Employee Definitions

  6. Contacts‌

    The designated contact officials for this Regulation are:

    1. Policy Owner(s) (primary contact person for questions and advice): Associate Director, Payroll

    2. Policy Officer(s): Chief Human Resource Officer and Chief Human Resource Officer UUHC

      See Rule 1-001 for information about the roles and authority of policy owners and policy officers.

  7. History

    Revision History.

    1. Current version. Revision 1.

      1. Approved by -- Academic Senate January 9, 2023, and Board of Trustees February 14, 2023, with effective date of February 14, 2023.

      2. Legislative History
    2. Previous versions.

      1. Revision 0. Effective Date. December 13, 2011

Last Updated: 3/7/25