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Interim Procedure P5-113A: Drug Free Workplace Rev. 0

  1. Purpose & Scope:
    1. The purpose of the Drug-Free Procedure is to describe the process for reviewing, revising and distributing the University's Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program to all University of Utah employees and students.
  2. Definitions:
    1. "Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program" or "DAAPP" is the program developed by the University of Utah, pursuant to the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, to prevent the unlawful possession, use, and distribution of drugs and alcohol on campus and at recognized events and activities.
  3. Procedure:
    1. Annual Review of DAAPP
      1. Prior to the Fall Semester of each academic year, the University's Center for Student Wellness shall review and update, as required, the University's Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program.
    2. Annual Distribution of DAAPP
      1. On or before the first day of class in the Fall semester of each year, the University's Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs shall distribute via email or other electronic means to all employees and students of the campus a disclosure and summary of the University's DAAPP.
    3. Semi-Annual Distribution of DAAPP
      1. On or before the first day of class in the Spring and Summer semesters of each year, the Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs shall distribute via email or other electronic means a copy of the DAAPP to all new employee and new students who have joined the University of Utah since the last publication of the DAAPP.
    4. Publication of DAAPP to University Website
      1. A copy of the DAAPP shall be published annually on the University's Financial Aid and Scholarships website.
  4. Policies, Rules, Guidelines, Forms, and other related resources:
    1. Policy 5-113: Drug Free Workplace
  5. References:
    1. The Drug Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989
  6. History:
    1. Implemented October 1, 2014

Procedure: 5-113A
Rev: 0
Date: October 1, 2014
Last Updated: 3/7/25