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Policy 5-202: Leaves for Administrative Officers without Tenure-line or Career-line Faculty Appointments.

Revision 5. Effective date: April 9, 2024

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  1. Purpose and Scope
  2. Definitions
  3. Policy
    1. Leave for Administrators without Tenure-line or Career-line Faculty Appointments
    2. Benefits During Leave
  4. Policies/ Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms and other Related Resources
  5. References
  6. Contacts
  7. History

  1. Purpose and Scope‌

    1. Purpose. To outline the University policy regarding leaves for administrative officers who do not hold Tenure-line or Career-line Faculty appointments.

    2. Scope.


  2. ‌Definitions‌


  3. ‌Policy‌

    1. ‌Leave for Administrators without Tenure-line or Career-line Faculty Appointments‌

      1. Officers of the administration classified as Category B without a Tenure-line or Career-line faculty appointment may be eligible after three years of continuous service at the university to request administrative leave. This leave is limited to a period of three calendar months with pay and the individual is expected to contribute one year's increment of annual vacation to the period covered by the leave.

      2. Such leaves may be granted when the purpose of the leave will be of value to the university in that the recipient is expected to engage in significant research or investigation, acquire professional training or experience, or complete the final phase of a doctoral degree, provided also that no other administrative leave with pay or partial pay has been taken during this three- year period.

      3. Administrators without Tenure-line or Career-line Faculty appointments and classified as Category D are eligible for administrative leave with pay if they meet the criteria described in Section III.A, except that the purpose of the leave must be specifically to complete the final phase of a doctoral level program that has particular value to the university.

    2. ‌Benefits During Leave‌

      1. To the extent permitted by law, personnel on leave under this Policy will be regarded as in active University employment status for purposes of benefits and will continue to receive and accrue such benefits under applicable University policies as if they were in active University service, except that payments for insurance premiums and retirement contributions which are related to amount of the employee's compensation will be based upon actual payments made to the individual by the University during the period of the leave and not upon the budgeted salary for the position. Subject to legal restrictions, the individual may make arrangements with Human Resources for personal payment of additional amounts, if necessary to maintain full insurance and retirement benefits during the period of the leave.

        Sections IV- VII are for user information and are not subject to the approval of the Academic Senate or the Board of Trustees. The Institutional Policy Committee, the Policy Owner, or the Policy Officer may update these sections at any time.

  4. ‌Policies/ Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms and other Related Resources‌

    1. Policies/ Rules. [ reserved ]

    2. Procedures, Guidelines, and Forms. [ reserved ]

    3. Other Related Resources. [ reserved ]

  5. ‌References‌

    1. Policy 5-001: Employee Definitions

    2. Policy 5-200: Leaves of Absence (Health-Related)

    3. Rule 5-200B: Paid Time Off for University of Utah Hospitals and Clinics Staff Members

    4. Policy 5-201: Leaves of Absence (Non Health-Related)

    5. Policy 5-301, Vacation Policy

    6. Policy 6-314, Leaves of Absence

  6. ‌Contacts‌

    The designated contact officials for this Regulation are

    1. Policy Owner(s) (primary contact person for questions and advice): Director of Benefits

    2. Policy Officer(s): Chief Human Resource Officer, Sr. Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the Sr. Vice President for Health Sciences

      See Rule 1-001 for information about the roles and authority of policy owners and policy officers.

  7. ‌History‌

    Revision History.

    1. Current version: Revision 5

      1. Approved by -- Academic Senate April 1, 2024, and Board of Trustees April 9, 2024, with effective date of April 9, 2024.

      2. Legislative History

      3. Editorial Revisions

    2. Previous versions:

      1. Revision 4: Effective November 18, 1977

Last Updated: 3/7/25