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University Rule R1-007C: Demonstrations and Picketing at Health Care Facilities

  1. Purpose
    1. The purpose of this Rule is to provide for specific implementation of the general University Speech Policy 1-007 in the context of health care facilities, so as to facilitate the free exchange of ideas while creating a health care environment that is comforting and safe for patients and protects patients and their relatives from unwanted encounters, confrontations and unwarranted invasions of personal privacy. All applications of this Rule shall be governed by the principles of that Policy 1-007, including the central statement of purpose “to protect and enhance the free exchange of ideas in the University and on the University campus.”
  2. Definitions
    1. Demonstrations and Picketing: This term as used in the interim rule shall include all free speech activities including: demonstrating; picketing; bannering; passing out handbills, leaflets, petitions or other written materials; and canvassing, counseling and other personal free speech interactions.
    2. Health Care Facility: This term shall mean any University of Utah building regularly visited by patients for the purpose of obtaining medical advice and services.
  3. Rule
    1. Demonstration and Picketing Permitted: Consistent with the University's general Speech Policy 1-007, groups and individuals wishing to express their ideas in the vicinity of a University Health Care Facility are free to do so in any area and in any manner that is consistent with Policy 1-007 and this Rule. The University of Utah will assist groups and individuals in locating appropriate areas for demonstrating and picketing that provide a clear and unobstructed view of the demonstration activities by employees, patients and visitors to the Health Care Facility while also meeting the reasonable and appropriate time, place and manner restrictions in Policy 1-007 and this Rule.
    2. Additional Time, Place and Manner Restrictions at Health Care Facilities: In addition to the general time, place and manner restrictions contained in Policy 1-007, any group or person desiring to demonstrate at a Health Care Facility shall abide by the following restrictions:
      1. No Demonstrating or Picketing Inside Health Care Facilities. No groups or individual may engage in any demonstrating or picketing activities inside of a Health Care Facility.
      2. Buffer Zone: No group or individual may engage in any demonstration or picketing activities within one hundred (100) feet of any entrance door to a Health Care Facility.
      3. Patient Walkways to Health Care Facilities: Beyond the Buffer Zone, no group or individual may engage in any demonstrating or picketing activities within eight (8) feet of a sidewalk or other walkway that provides primary access between a patient parking area and a Health Care Facility. No group or individual may engage in any demonstrating or picketing activities within eight (8) feet of a sidewalk or other walkway that provides primary access between the Health Care Facility and a public or University bus stop providing public transportation access to the Health Care Facility.
      4. Other Applicable University Regulations. Groups or individuals wishing to engage in any demonstrating or picketing activities shall otherwise comply with applicable University regulations concerning the use of University property (See e.g., Policy 1-007, Title V(A) & (B)).
  4. References
    1. Policy 1-007: University Speech Policy
    2. Utah Administrative Rule R805-4-3.
  5. Contacts:
    1. Acting as the Policy Owner, the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences is responsible for answering questions regarding the application of this policy.
    2. Acting as the Policy Officer, the General Counsel has the authority to allow exceptions to this policy.
  6. History:
    1. Current version. Revision 0
      1. This Rule was first put into effect by the University's President as Interim Rule R1-007A on April 20, 2011. It was subsequently adopted as Rule 1-007C, Revision 0, on October 3, 2011.
        1. Background information for Revision 0.

Rule: 1-007C Rev: 0
Date: October 3, 2011
Last Updated: 3/7/25