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Regulation B: Governing the Use of University Facilities by the Non-University Community

University of Utah Scheduling Office

  1. Reference
    1. "Guidelines for Developing Institutional Policies Relating to Use of Institutional Facilities and Services by Off-Campus Users," dated April 29, 1982, Utah State Board of Regents, Commissioner of Higher Education.
    2. University Regulations, Policy and Procedures Manual, "University Speech Policies," Number 1-007, dated May 15, 1987.
    3. State Board of Regents' Policy and Procedures Manual, "Providing Facilities, Goods and Services in Competition with Private Enterprise," Number R555, dated November 14, 1986.
  2. General Policy
    1. These regulations establish policies and procedures for the use of University facilities by non-members of the University community, and apply to all events held in or scheduled for areas and/or facilities which fall under the scheduling jurisdiction of the Scheduling Office. Unauthorized use of the facilities involved, i.e., nonscheduled, or nonconforming, to these regulations shall not be permitted.
  3. Responsibilities
    1. The Scheduling Office has primary responsibility for scheduling facilities of the University. Facilities covered under this responsibility include outdoor campus areas, auditoriums, lecture halls, classrooms, physical education facilities and generally all other areas except specific facilities under the control of administrative offices and academic departments, including laboratories, seminar and conference rooms, offices and computer facilities. The Scheduling Office may, as needed, consult with the Vice President for University Relations if there is some question as to whether off campus groups or organizations, who apply for permission to use University facilities, meet eligibility standards.
  4. Eligibility Standards
    1. University facilities (including buildings, grounds, real and personal property) are established and maintained primarily for the use of the University in accomplishing its academic purposes and generally do not constitute a public forum available for general use by persons or organizations.
    2. Permission to use University facilities may be extended to non-University community members and to members of the University community for non-University uses, if the user pays applicable use fees and charges and (1) the use has relevance to the mission of the University or has special significance or value to the University; (2) will not place the University's facilities in unfair competition with private facilities or services elsewhere in the community; and (3) the activity is approved by an official operating unit of the University of Utah.
    3. The University will not advertise for or solicit the use of its facilities by the non-University community for non-University related activities. This restriction shall not preclude certain operating elements of the University, such as Conferences & Institutes of the Academic Outreach and Continuing Education (AOCE), from participating within the functional limitations of their operating charters in sponsoring conferences, institutes, seminars, concerts, and other events consistent with the eligibility standards herein defined. Nor does this restriction preclude the same operating elements from disseminating pertinent information as to programs, functions, or activities involving the use of facilities and services.
    4. The University will neither grant nor deny permission to use University facilities for any reason that is in violation of constitutional standards or discriminates on the basis of race, color, ethnic origin, sex, sexual preference, religion, handicapped status, age, political belief or other impermissible basis.
  5. Facility Scheduling and Restrictions
    1. Any use of University facilities by the non-University community shall be subject to the following restrictions and conditions.
      1. Appropriateness of use.
        1. The use must be appropriate to the nature and purpose of the facility.
        2. The use must not interfere with University programs or functions.
        3. The use must not place facilities, property, participants, equipment, or spectators above an acceptable level of risk of harm, damage, or injury as evaluated and determined by the Scheduling Office and the Director of Public Safety. The University Risk Manager shall be consulted periodically to insure that appropriate concerns are addressed. University police are authorized to immediately cancel any campus event if in their judgement an unacceptable level of risk of harm, damage, or injury to any facilities, property, participants, or spectators has been reached.
        4. The use must not violate any applicable law or regulation.
      2. Facility Rental Fees
        1. Rental fees are required for the uses of University facilities granted under these regulations. The Scheduling Office provides a detailed breakdown of the fees charged. The University reserves the right to waive or revise the rental fee schedule as may be deemed necessary.
      3. University Police Support
        1. The need for University police officer support in conjunction with any use of facilities, shall be determined by the Scheduling Office, in coordination with the Director of Public Safety, and shall be arranged by the Scheduling Office. Users shall be required to reimburse the University for any costs arising from police officer support.
      4. Parking Requirements and Restrictions
        1. Parking regulations are enforced all year, including periods when classes are not in session. Visitor to the campus, including those who have been granted the privilege to use University facilities, must comply with parking regulations as published by the Divisions of Parking Services.
        2. For special events permission may be given by Plant Operations for a limited number of vehicles to traverse or park on campus sidewalks, plazas, etc., for purposes of unloading or loading materials, such as musical instruments, speaker systems, food supplies, etc. Vehicles so authorized must display approved parking signs in the vehicle windshield area. Signs will be obtained from Plant Operations at the time of making the reservation.
        3. Any vehicle not displaying approved signs, or otherwise parked illegally, will be subject to ticketing and/or removal to impound facilities at the owner's expense.
      5. Event Ending Times
        1. Normal ending times of events on campus will be midnight, unless otherwise approved by the Scheduling Office. The University expressly reserves the right to require that any event end at an earlier time, given considerations of safety, crowd control, weather, noise and potential disruption of favorable community relationships. This determination will be made at the time of finalizing a reservation/contract at which time all parties shall be made aware of any special ending time requirement.
      6. Sound Amplification
        1. Levels of sound from amplification equipment shall not exceed noise levels specified by Noise Control Regulations of the Salt Lake City/County Health Department. Measurements may be taken at any University boundary or at any point within the property (facility) affected by the noise:
          1. 10:00 p.m., to 7:00 a.m. - 50 decibels
          2. 7:00 a.m., to 10:00 p.m. - 55 decibels
        2. Responsible officials of the University have the right to require that amplification systems be turned down, or off entirely, whenever it is determined that sound levels exceed the levels described above, or whenever it is determined that the event is disturbing or disruptive to surrounding University neighbors, or to other activities that may be taking place elsewhere on campus.
      7. Food Distribution, Consumption
        1. Distribution and consumption of food is not allowed in auditoriums, classrooms, gymnasiums, natatoriums, plazas, open areas, and other University facilities covered by these regulations without the express permission of the facility manager and/or the Scheduling Office. Whenever permission, as described above, is granted it shall be required that the facility/area user obtain a temporary food permit. Regulations related to food handling are available at the Scheduling Office.
      8. Liability Insurance Requirements
        1. Whenever, in the judgment of the Scheduling Office, there may be potentially unacceptable or unreasonable risk to either property, participants or spectators, users shall be required to provide evidence of liability insurance, unless expressly waived by the Scheduling Office. Users shall also agree to hold the University harmless from any and all liability arising from the user's use of University facilities.
      9. Alcoholic Beverages
        1. No alcoholic beverages of any type shall be in possession of or consumed by individuals in any University facility or outdoor areas scheduled under the provisions of these regulations.
      10. Solicitation Sales
        1. Solicitation door to door, office to office, for sale of goods and/or food items is not allowed in or on any campus facility or area covered by these regulations without express permission. This restriction shall apply also to the sale (scalping) of tickets to any and all events held in all areas of the campus.
  6. Scheduling Procedures
    1. The Scheduling Office will enter into appropriate contractual agreement with users of University facilities. The agreement will serve to confirm reservation of the facility, to outline all rental fees, charges for campus support services, and to constitute an agreement by the user to comply with provisions of these regulations, plus provisions of terms contained on both sides of the reservation/contract form.
    2. A due date for payment of all charges will be established and included on the reservation form. Failure to pay all assessed costs or rental fees, or mistreatment of persons or property, or violation of University regulations and policies, may constitute justification for denial of future requests from the same organization, group, or individual(s).
    3. Charges from campus agencies who provide support to off campus users will be transmitted to the Scheduling Office, which will in turn bill the user for payment. The Scheduling Office will reimburse the campus agencies through the use of campus orders.
    4. If the requested use of a facility is denied, or if the potential user objects to the facility assigned, the Vice President for University Relations may be consulted on appeal. The appeal shall be informal and expedited as reasonably required. The Vice President for University Relations will communicate the decision to the Scheduling Office who will proceed as directed.
  7. History
    1. This Rule was originally numbered as Regulation B of Policy 1-007:Univeristy Speech Policy. At the October 3, 2011 Academic Senate meeting, the members requested that this document be renumbered as Rule 1-007B.


Rule 1-007B Rev: 0
Date: May 23, 1988
Last Updated: 3/7/25