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University Rule 1-006A: Individual Conflict of Interest Committee Membership Rule

This Rule goes into effect on August 20, 2012

  1. Purpose and Scope
    1. This Rule is enacted to implement University Policy 1-006, Individual Financial Conflicts of Interest.
  2. Definitions.
    1. The definitions provided in Policy 1-006 apply for purposes of this Rule.
  3. Rule
    1. Membership of the Individual Financial Conflict of Interest Committee.
      1. The general provisions for membership of the Individual Conflict of Interest Committee (“Committee”) are set forth in Policy 1-006-III-E: “The voting members shall be nominated by the Personnel and Elections Committee of the Academic Senate and appointed by the President of the University for three year terms. A majority of the voting members shall be University faculty. The Committee shall be a campus-wide committee with broad representation from across campus. The President shall also appoint non-voting ex-officio participants from relevant administrative offices. Further details of the membership structure may be specified in a University Rule associated with this Policy, to be approved as per Policy 1-001.”
      2. Further details of Committee membership. The Committee shall have 21 voting members, including at least:
        1. Three staff members from the Health Sciences and two staff members from other academic units within the University
        2. Three faculty from the School of Medicine
        3. Two faculty from the College of Science
        4. Two faculty from the College of Engineering
        5. Two faculty from the College of Social and Behavioral Science, the College of Law or the School of Business
        6. One faculty from the College of Architecture and Planning or the College of Fine Arts
        7. One faculty from the College of Pharmacy
        8. The Committee may choose to include other non-voting 'ad-hoc' participants to assist in discussions and decisions as needed.
      3. Committee rotation. One-third of the Committee membership shall be regularly appointed each year.
      4. Chairperson. The Vice President for Research shall appoint one faculty from among the voting members of the Committee who has completed at least one year of service on the Committee to serve as the Chairperson for a two year term. The Chairperson shall only cast a vote in the case of a tie.
      5. Panels. The Committee Chair shall have authority to assign members to panels as needed to conduct the business of the Committee. Each panel shall have at least 5 voting members present to conduct business.
      6. Recusals. A committee member shall be recused from deliberation and voting on a particular case if:
        1. The committee member has a compelling personal interest in the case (such as research or academic collaboration with the Investigator or Employee whose case is under consideration); or
        2. The committee member has a financial interest in the case under consideration.

Rule: 1-006A Rev: 0
Date: August 20, 2012
Last Updated: 1/3/25