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Procedure 1-006A: Reviewing Individual Conflict of Interest BRR Disclosure Forms.

Revision 1. Effective date: July 1, 2020

This Procedure implements Policy 1-006 and its associated Rules.

1. The Individual Conflict of Interest Committee (“Committee”) shall review potential conflicts of interest and recommendations forwarded by the Conflict of Interest Office.

2.If the Committee determines that a financial conflict of interest exists, and the Investigator or Employee proposed a plan to manage, reduce, or eliminate the conflict, the Committee shall determine whether the proposed plan is acceptable. The Committee will give the individual an opportunity to provide the Committee with additional information pertaining to the potential conflict or the proposed plan.

3.If the Committee determines that the proposed plan is acceptable, the Conflict of Interest Officer shall transmit the Committee's decision to the individual, the individual’s department chair or supervisor, and appropriate University offices (e.g., Institutional Review Board, Office of Sponsored Projects, Technology Licensing Office, Procurement & Contracting Services, Graduate School).

4.If the Committee determines that the proposed plan is not acceptable, or if the individual does not propose a plan, the Committee shall draft an appropriate plan to manage, reduce, or eliminate the conflict. The Committee will give the individual an opportunity to provide any additional information pertaining to the potential conflict of interest. The Conflict of Interest Officer will transmit the Committee's decision and the plan to the individual, the individual’s department chair or supervisor, and appropriate University offices (e.g., Institutional Review Board, Office of Sponsored Projects, Partners for Innovation, Ventures, Technology Licensing Office, Procurement & Contracting Services, Graduate School).

5. If the individual does not agree with the decision or plan approved by the Committee, the Committee will give the individual opportunity to resolve any differences with the Committee directly.

 Procedure: 1-006 Rev: 1
Date: July 1, 2020
Last Updated: 3/7/25