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Policy 1-001: Policy on University Regulations

[Senate Executive Committee 2008-12-15. Academic Senate January 12, 2008]


From: Interim members of the Institutional Policy Committee

To: University of Utah central administration, Academic Senate, other interested persons.

Re: Proposal to adopt University Rule 1-001, to further implement the new system for development and publication of University Regulations as established under the July 2008 inception of University Policy 1-001

Date: December 7, 2008

University Policy 1-001 was adopted in spring 2008, after approval by the Academic Senate and Board of Trustees, and broad consultation across the University community. It may be seen at URL (/general/1-001.php ). A February 2008 explanatory memorandum for that Policy is included at the end of these materials, and may also be seen at URL (/general/1-001.php).
A major purpose for that Policy is to set in place more effective and much more efficient systems for developing, revising, and publishing University Regulations. As was explained during consideration of the enactment of the Policy, the proponents committed to come forward within the year after enactment of the Policy with a Rule to provide further details for implementing the new system. This proposal for Rule 1-001 carries out that commitment. As proposed, Rule 1-001 fills in a number of details for the broader framework established by its parent Policy.

Institutional Policy Committee.
Policy 1-001 replaced the long-existing Administrative Policy Advisory Committee with a successor-the Institutional Policy Committee (“IPC”), to carry out a variety of functions regarding development and publication of University Regulations. The Policy intentionally left unstated many details of the IPC makeup and functions, including the membership structure. Leading up to the offering of this proposal for Rule 1-001 an interim set of members of the IPC (many of whom are anticipated to be named as ongoing members) have been conducting trial applications of some of the key components for the new system, including how the IPC itself should function. The group has been meeting regularly as it has pursued several projects. That experience provided the informational foundation for the detailed plan reflected in the proposed Rule, which includes formalizing the structure and functions of the IPC.

Development and revision of Regulations.
The Rule adds the details needed for long-term management of a system for development and revision of University Regulations. That will include a thoughtfully designed process for obtaining and acting upon feedback from various constituent groups as proposals are developed for initial enactment or revision of various Regulations. A problem encountered too often under past practices was that a proposal for a new or revised Regulation would be developed within one sector of the campus community, and not be adequately brought to the attention of other sectors until the proposal appeared on the agendas of the Academic Senate or Trustees (or worse, not until after the new Regulation was adopted). The IPC functions implemented through this Rule will provide for much earlier consultation, and should typically lead to a better final product through greater cross-campus cooperation.
Policy 1-001 also set up a system of several different types of Regulations (e.g., Polices and Rules), and the new Rule will provide greater detail on the steps to be followed in developing each type of Regulations, and more guidance on the proper roles for each type.

¬University Regulations Library website, and reorganized Regulations.
In September 2008 the interim IPC replaced the longstanding but increasingly inadequate Policy and Procedures Manual through the interim launch of a new University Regulations Library Website (see URL ). As it was overseeing development of the website, the group also labored through a comprehensive reorganization and renumbering of all existing Regulations (without making any substantive changes). The reorganized-renumbered set of Regulations was put in place simultaneously with the website launch.
The proposed Rule will provide clear long-term authority for ongoing operation of the Regulations Library website as the primary means for officially publishing Regulations, and making them and related useful materials easily accessible to users throughout the University community. With that tool in place, and the initial massive reorganizing and renumbering carried out, interested members of the University community, assisted by the IPC, can proceed to subsequent stages of the overall project of revitalizing the system of Regulations. The ultimate goal for the overall project is a logically organized, internally consistent, appropriately updated, and easily accessed set of Regulations. Details provided through adoption of Rule 1-001 will aid greatly in progress toward the goal.

Further information.
For more information about Rule 1-001, its parent Policy 1-001, the University Regulations Library Website, or other aspects of the new overall system for development, revision, and publication of Regulations, please contact any of the following interim members of the IPC working group:
John Morris-Vice President and General Counsel; Jeffrey West-Associate V.P. for Financial and Business Services-Administrative Services; Bob Flores, Professor of Law, Special Assistant for Faculty Policy-V.P. for Academic Affairs, and Parliamentarian and past-president of the Academic Senate; Phil Johnson-Associate V.P. Human Resources; Mike Perez-Associate V.P. Facilities-Administrative Services; Ken Nye-Business Services Director-Administrative Services; Larry Dew-Assistant V.P. for Health Sciences Finance; Ed Barbanell---Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies-Sr. Assoc. V.P. for Academic Affairs; Kevin Taylor---Director---Office of Information Technology; Susan Olson-Associate V.P. for Faculty-Academic Affairs; Laura Snow---Special Assistant to the President and Secretary to the University; Rebecca Riley-Executive Assistant-Board of Trustees-Office of the President.

Memorandum R 1-001
Date: December 7, 2008
Last Updated: 1/3/25