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Procedure 9-002: Honorary Degrees

  1. Procedure
    1. Nomination
      1. Nominations of individuals to be considered for honorary degrees may be submitted to the Secretary to the University by any member of the faculty or staff of the University, as well as by Board members, alumni, and friends of the University. Each nomination should be submitted in writing or electronically, using the nomination form available online. Nominations should contain the full name of the nominee plus and any or all of the following information:
        1. List of academic degrees earned and the institutions granting them.
        2. Career history or experience that is deemed relevant to the nomination.
        3. List of memberships in learned societies, professional association, and civic organizations, etc.
        4. List of significant honors already attained.
        5. Identify any current or past connections or ties to the University.
        6. Any additional comments that add interest or pertinent information concerning the nominee.
      2. Nominations should be submitted to the Secretary to the University according to the following schedule:
        1. For the University's annual Commencement -- not later than May 31st of the previous year.
        2. For Special Convocations -- not later than three six months before the date of the Special Convocation.
      3. Other nominations may be invited by members of the Board of Trustees on an ongoing basis.
    2. Selection and Approval
      1. The Secretary to the University will submit the list of nominees to the Honors Committee of the Board of Trustees. This committee, in consultation with the President and Vice President for Institutional Advancement, will make its selection of honorary degree recipients and submit its choice(s) to the full Board of Trustees for final approval.
    3. Confidentiality
      1. All matters pertaining to the nomination and selection of honorary degree candidates are confidential.
  2. History
    1. Revision history:
    1. Current version: Revision 0
        1. Approved by the Academic Senate: November 1, 2010
        2. Approved by the Board of Trustees: November 9, 2010
      1. Legislative History: Policy 9-002: Honorary Degrees, was reformatted in compliance with the new Regulations Library. The procedures were removed from the Policy, and Procedure 9-002 was created.

Procedure: 9-002 Rev: 0
Date: November 9, 2010
Last Updated: 1/3/25