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University Rule 3-070-C: Health Sciences Center Payment Card Processing

  1. Purpose and Scope
    1. This rule outlines the process by which all departments or units within the Health Sciences Center may acquire or modify any aspect of payment card processing.
  2. Definitions
    1. Health Sciences Center- Comprised of University of Utah units reporting to the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences, including, but not limited to, University Hospitals and Clinics, School of Medicine, Colleges of Health, Nursing and Pharmacy, Huntsman Cancer Institute, Eccles Health Sciences Library, University Medical Billing and University of Utah Medical Group
    2. School of Medicine- Comprised of departments and units reporting to the Office of the Dean of the School of Medicine.
    3. University of Utah Hospitals & Clinics (UUHC) - A unit of the Health Sciences Center, which includes but is not limited to: Huntsman Cancer Hospital, University Orthopaedic Center, University Neuropsychiatric Institute, Moran Eye Center, Community Clinics, and University Hospital.
  3. Rule
    1. Departments or units within the Health Sciences Center, which need to establish or modify merchant information or equipment, must contact the following individuals:
      1. School of Medicine Departments must contact the Associate Dean for Finance and Administration in situations pertaining to clinical operations.
      2. UUHC units must contact the UUHC Accounting Office manager.
      3. All other Health Sciences Center units must contact University of Utah Financial and Business Services. The Associate Dean of Finance and Administration for the School of Medicine and the UUHC Accounting Office Manager may delegate this function to qualified individuals as necessary.
    2. School of Medicine and UUHC departments that contact University of Utah Financial & Business Services will be directed to the designated Health Sciences contact (except for non-clinically related matters pertaining to the School of Medicine).
    3. Changes to Health Sciences merchant accounts initiated by University of Utah Financial & Business Services will be communicated to the appropriate Health Sciences contact named above before implementation.
    4. It is the responsibility of the School of Medicine and UUHC contacts designated above to follow appropriate procedures regarding activation or modification to merchant accounts and communicate those changes to University of Utah Financial & Business Services.
  4. References:
    1. Policy 3-070
    2. Executive Summary
Rule: 3-070-C Rev: 0
Date: April 6, 2009
Last Updated: 3/7/25