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Policy 3-215: University Motor Vehicles

  1. Purpose & Scope
    1. In order to maintain a safe and healthful environment this policy sets forth the intent of the University of Utah with respect to acquisition, ownership, assignment, maintenance, and use of motor vehicles.
  2. Definitions
    1. Motor Vehicle - motorized vehicle capable of carrying passengers. Motor vehicle includes golf cards, forklifts, construction equipment, etc.
    2. University Motor Vehicle - any motor vehicle owned, operated, or leased by the University of Utah; any other vehicle so designated by the vice president for administrative services.
    3. Official University Business - the authorized activities of university employees, students, and designated agents related to approved programs and functions of the university and its colleges, departments, operating units and related organizations.
    4. Authorized Carrier - a common or contract carrier regulated by the Public Service Commission or Interstate Commerce Commission or successor agencies.
    5. Fleet Services - the University of Utah department which has been assigned the responsibility for the management and operation of university motor vehicles.
    6. Vehicle Donation - a vehicle that is donated to the University for the purpose of resale or to be placed in service for university business.
    7. Idling - vehicle engine is running while the vehicle is stationary or the piece of equipment is not performing work.
    8. Expansion vehicle - a vehicle that is new to the university vehicle inventory, thus increasing the total number of vehicles owned, operated or leased by the University.
    9. Drivers Eligibility Board. - the panel formed for the purpose of determining state vehicle driving privileges.
    10. University Police - the law enforcement agency with jurisdiction for traffic accident investigations on campus.
    11. Environmental Health and Safety - the University of Utah department assigned responsibility for chemical and biological program management on campus.
    12. Risk and Insurance Services - the University of Utah department assigned responsibility for insurance management and driver safety education on campus.
    13. University Surplus and Salvage - the University of Utah department assigned responsibility for managing operations involving resale of university property, purchased or donated.
  3. Policy
    1. Ownership, acquisition, maintenance, licensing and disposal of vehicles shall be administratively managed by the university Fleet Services.
    2. University motor vehicles shall be used only for official university business purposes.
    3. Operation of university motor vehicles is limited to persons who are authorized by college or department administration to use a university vehicle, and who are (1) employees of the university or registered students, (2) at least 18 years of age, and (3) possess a valid Utah operator's license, except that authorized nonresident students over 18 years of age may operate a university motor vehicle if they possess a valid operator's license from the state or country of their residence.
    4. University vehicles and equipment are prohibited from idling except under certain pre-determined conditions (Further information is available in Rule 3-215, Section III.E.10. University Motor Vehicle Rules).
    5. Drivers of university vehicles shall be personally responsible for fines, forfeitures of bail, or other penalties based upon parking and traffic violations and citations or other infractions or violations of law involving the use of university motor vehicles.
    6. The privilege of driving university motor vehicles may be suspended or permanently revoked for repeated traffic citations, at-fault accidents, or for the unauthorized use of university vehicles.
    7. All motor vehicle accidents must be promptly reported and subsequent repairs completed within 90 days, except for cases as approved by Risk Management or Fleet Services.
  4. Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms and other related resources
    1. Rules
      1. R3-215A, University Motor Vehicles, Date 09/14/2010
    2. Procedure [reserved]
    3. Guidelines [reserved]
    4. Forms [reserved]
    5. Other related resource materials [reserved]
  5. References
    1. Policy 5-310, Accident Reporting Procedure
    2. Utah State Board of Regents Policy R556 Transportation in Campus Vehicles
    3. Utah Administrative Rule, R-27, Fleet Operations
    4. Utah Code Annotated 1953, Section 41-7-1.5 Vehicle Identification
    5. Utah Code Annotated 1953, Section 41-1-44.1 Vehicle Registration
    6. Utah Code Annotated 1953, Section 41-1-49.7 Vehicle Registration
    7. Utah Division of Air Quality: Choose Clean Air Program: Idle Free Utah
    8. Utah Indoor Clean Air Act Statute and Rule, UC 26-38-3(1)
  6. Contacts:
    1. Acting as the Policy Owner, the Manager of Fleet Services is responsible for answering questions and providing information regarding the application of this policy. Acting as the Policy Officer, the Vice President for Administrative Services is responsible for representing the University's interests in enforcing this policy and authorizing any allowable exceptions.
  7. History:
    1. Current version - Revision 5: Effective date: 09/14/2010
      1. Date approved by Academic Senate: 08/30/2010
      2. Date approved by Board of Trustees: 09/14/2010
      3. Executive Summary
    2. Past Versions
      1. Revision 4 Approved by Academic Senate: 03/04/1991; Approved by Board of Trustees 03/11/1991

Policy: 3-215 Rev: 5
Date: Sept 14, 2010
Last Updated: 1/3/25