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University Rule 6-100A: Election of Credit/No-Credit (CR/NC) Grading for Undergraduates

Revision 0.Effective date: July 1, 2011.

  1. Purpose
    1. To implement Policy 6-100 - III-G-7 regarding the use by undergraduate students of the option for electing the credit/no-credit (CR/NC) grading option.
  2. Definitions (Reserved)
  3. Rule
    1. Undergraduate Students may elect a limited number of courses in which they will receive the grade "CR" in place of grades "A" through "C-" or the grade of "NC" in the place of "D+," "D," "D," "E" and "EU". The "CR" grade shall carry credit toward graduation, but neither the "CR" nor "NC" grades will be included in computing grade point averages.
      1. Any undergraduate student who is permitted to register in university courses for credit is eligible to exercise a CR/NC grading option. A student may exercise the option of CR/NC grading for a maximum of 15 semester hours while an undergraduate at the University. However, an undergraduate student who has accumulated more than 22.5 quarter hours under the CR/NC option prior to Fall of 1998 shall be permitted to register for up to a total of 30 semester hours (or 45 quarter hours) of CR/NC. Any CR/NC course registration in excess of the applicable maximum will be considered a registration for a letter grade. Hours from courses graded CR/NC as a matter of policy (courses producing one credit hour or less) will not be included in the total.
      2. A student may not exercise a CR/NC option in Writing 1010 or Writing 2010 or in courses which are required for the baccalaureate degree by the student's major department. However, a student's major department may allow the student to exercise the CR/NC option in required allied courses taken outside the student's major department. In the event a student changes their major department, the student may request that a maximum of two courses previously taken in the department (constituting the student's new major) on a Credit/No Credit basis be changed to a letter grade. This option can be exercised for no more than two changes of a major department (i.e., a maximum of four courses).
      3. The CR/NC option must be initiated at the Office of the Registrar on the form prescribed by the Registrar for that purpose. Requests for changing to the CR/NC option will not be accepted after the 14 calendar day of the semester. Change from CR/NC back to graded status may occur any time before the Monday of the last week of classes. The hours for any class thus changed will continue to count toward the maximum specified in paragraph (1) above. If a student feels there is justification for an exception to the preceding restriction, the student must appeal in writing to the Registrar. If the request is denied, the student will have the right to request a review of the denial by a committee composed of the student's college dean, the director of University College, and the Registrar. Appeals will not be accepted after the semester is completed. Retroactive requests must be initiated by the dean of a student's major college.
      4. Final grade sheets will not indicate which students have exercised CR/NC options. The Registrar will convert the letter grades "A" through "C-" to credit, and "D+," "D," "D-," "E," and "EU" to no credit.
      5. A statement must accompany each form prescribed by the Registrar for CR/NC options advising students of the various disadvantages of taking many classes CR/NC. Specifically, they should be warned that some graduate schools consider "credit" grades as "C" work when looking at transcripts and that some schools place more emphasis on exams such as the G.R.E. than on transcript grade point averages when those transcripts contain numerous grades of "credit."
      6. When students change majors, their new major department will have the right to accept or not to accept, in partial satisfaction of the department's requirements for graduation, courses in that department which the students have previously taken on a CR/NC basis.
      7. Students shall have earned letter grades in not less than 75 percent of the credit hours of course work that they present as their minor for teaching certification.
  4. Policies, Procedures, Guidelines,forms and other related resources:
    1. Policies
      1. Policy 6-100
    2. Procedures [reserved]
    3. Guidelines [reserved]
    4. Forms [reserved]
    5. Other related resources [reserved]
  5. Contacts:
    1. The designated contact officials for this Regulation are

      1. Policy Owners (primary contact person for questions and advice): Sr. Associate Vice President - Undergraduate Studies, 801-585-3582
      2. Policy Officers: Sr. Vice President for Academic Affairs, 801-581-5057, and Sr. Vice President for Health Science, 801-581-7480

      See University Rule 1-001 for information about the roles and authority of policy owners and policy officers.

  6. History
    1. Revision history:
      1. Current version. Revision 0.
        1. Approved by Academic Senate: December 6, 2010, effective July 1, 2011
        2. Cover memo
        3. Editorially revised to remove gendered language on April 29, 2022.

Rule: 6-100A Rev: 0
Date: July 1, 2011
Last Updated: 3/7/25