Rule 6-001CMP: Curricula Management Plans of Academic Units.
Revision 0. Effective date: July 1, 2021
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- Purpose and Scope
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- Rule
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- Purpose and Scope
This Rule implements certain portions of Policy 6-001--Academic Units and Academic Governance, by providing further details for the requirement that academic units develop and follow written Curricula Management Plans, which describe their Curricula Management Processes, including the processes for conducting Learning Outcomes Assessments. This Rule describes the contents required for such Plans and Processes, the procedures for approving the written Plans, and the schedules for periodically reviewing the Plans and for periodically reviewing curriculum in accord with the Plans. -
This Rule applies to all academic units of the University which offer any credit- bearing course or any Credentialed Academic Program (as defined here).
For related information, refer to Policy 6-500 Curriculum Management and Administration, which describes the University’s overall system and processes for approval of curricula.
The definitions provided in Policy 6-001 apply for this rule. In addition, the terms below apply for the limited purpose of this rule.- Credentialed Academic Program —means-- the term as it is defined in Policy 6- 001 and Policy 6-500 (Curriculum Management and Administration): which provides: “each Degree, Major, Minor, Certificate, or Emphasis is considered to be a Credentialed Academic Program (‘Credentialed Program’). Each such Credentialed Program is offered by a specific academic unit, is conferred by the University, and is awarded by the Office of the Registrar.”
- Course-offering unit— means-- as is defined in Policy 6-100-II, (Instruction and Evaluation), which provides: "an academic unit authorized to offer credit-bearing courses and bearing primary responsibility for the content, instruction and evaluation of such courses."
- Rule
- Policy 6-001 Principles for Units with Curricular Responsibilities
- Policy 6-001-III-B-2-b provides: “ii. Principles for creation and review of academic
units with curricular responsibilities.
- Curricula Management Process and Plan. An academic unit which has primary curricular responsibility for any Credentialed Academic Program (as defined above—degree, major, minor, emphasis, certificate or other such program of study), or is a course-offering unit of any credit-bearing course, shall have a curricula management process for developing, periodically assessing, and modifying the curricula over which that unit has primary responsibility. The process shall be appropriate for the type of curricular responsibilities of the unit, and shall be described in a written curricula management plan of the unit.
- For new academic units, the curricula management plan shall be included with the proposal for initial establishment of the unit. For existing units, the plan shall be submitted at or before the time of the University’s next Seven Year Academic Unit Review of that unit. These plans will be reviewed as part of the University’s Seven Year Academic Unit Reviews of academic units, and should also be reviewed whenever a unit undergoes extensive organizational changes significantly affecting the unit’s curricula management responsibilities.
- This Part III-A-2-b-ii of Policy 6-001 is intended to be implemented through associated Regulations, including a University Rule (Rule 6-001CMP) and CMP Guidance which shall provide further details of the procedures and requirements for Curricula Management Plans, and for review of such Plans as part of Seven Year Academic Unit reviews.”
- This Rule 6-001CMP implements the above requirements of Policy 6-001 with the following additional information.
- Policy 6-001-III-B-2-b provides: “ii. Principles for creation and review of academic
units with curricular responsibilities.
- Curricula Management Process and Plan (decision-making process, periodic review,
learning outcomes assessment).
Required Curriculum Management Plan.
The curricula management process, described in the written curriculum management plan, shall include (a) an internal curricular decision-makingprocess, and (b) a schedule and procedures for conducting periodic curricula reviews (specifically including program learning outcome assessment).
These shall serve the University’s fundamental commitment to excellence in its teaching mission through continual reevaluation and improvement of curricula.-
Internal curricular decision-making process—departmental and college faculty bodies, student consultation, shared interdisciplinary oversight.
The unit shall have an internal consultation and decision-making process which places primary responsibility for curricula management decisions with a body comprised mainly of voting- qualified members of the faculty of the unit, and also provides for oversight by another body comprised mainly of voting- qualified faculty members. Consultation with student representatives is encouraged. For example, in a typical structure of an academic department within a multi- department academic college, the process will include formal approval by the voting-qualified faculty of the department (possibly assisted by a designated departmental curricula committee), and consultation or formal approval by a body representative of the college faculty (either the full college council, or a curricula committee of the council).
- For any curriculum which is interdisciplinary in nature such that the curriculum management responsibilities are shared by two or more academic units, the process shall include means of formal oversight by representatives of the faculty of all units which share in those curriculum management responsibilities.
- Schedule and procedures for periodically reexamining all curricula.
The curricula management plan shall include a schedule of procedures for periodically reexamining all curricula over which the unit has primary responsibility.
- Responsibilities and resources for periodic reviews.
- The schedule shall provide for (A) a thorough review of every credentialed academic program (degree, major, minor, emphasis, certificate, or other such academic program of study), on a review cycle of no more than seven years, and (B) two interim summary program learning outcome assessment reports within the seven-year cycle (ordinarily in the 3rd and 5th years). This is to ensure that at least one such thorough curriculum review will have been completed at the time the University conducts each Seven-Year Academic Unit Review of the unit, and that summary reviews addressing learning outcomes will be performed in the interim.
- The written plan shall describe the roles of any committees and administrative positions responsible for carrying out the scheduled reviews.
- The University Administration shall designate and adequately support a resource office (Learning Outcome Assessment) to coordinate and provide guidance for such reviews, and to receive review reports.
- Seven-year thorough reviews, learning outcome assessment.
The procedures for the seven- year-cycle thorough reviews for each such program of study shall at minimum include: identification of the program expected learning outcomes; and development and implementation of methods for assessing effectiveness in achieving those expected learning outcomes and preparation of a curricula review report.
The unit shall submit a thorough curricula review report which shall include, for each credentialed academic program: (A) description of the credentialed program of study; (B) description of the learning outcomes assessment methods and results; (C) description of the number of students participating in the program of study year-by-year; (D) consideration of the role of the particular credentialed program of study in the larger context of curricula offerings of the unit’s parent college, and of the University as a whole; and (E) description of any changes for the program of study made or being contemplated. It shall also describe any changes of the unit’s internal consultation and decision-making process for curricula management decisions.
The designated University resource office (Learning Outcome Assessment) shall provide a sample report form and other appropriate guidance to assist units preparing their curricula review reports.
The thorough review report shall be approved by the voting- qualified faculty of the unit, presented to the dean of the college and the college council (or delegated committee), and submitted to the designated University resource office (Learning Outcome Assessment). A copy shall be included in materials proved for the University’s Seven-Year Academic Unit Review of the academic unit.
Interim program learning outcome assessment report.
The Procedures for interim summary learning outcome assessment reports (ordinarily 3rd and 5th years) shall include conducting learning outcomes assessment for each credentialed program of study, analyzing the results, and considering any needed curricular changes.
The unit shall prepare a summary report describing, for each credentialed program of study, the learning outcomes assessment conducted and the results; and describing any substantial changes made subsequent to the most recent thorough or summary review regarding the program of study, or the expected learning outcomes or methods of assessment. The interim report shall be submitted to the designated University resource office (Learning Outcome Assessment), and copies presented to the voting- qualified faculty of the unit, the dean, and the college council (or delegated committee of the council).
Any changes to the credentialed program of study following either a thorough or a summary review shall be processed through the University’s usual approval procedures as appropriate for the nature and extent of the changes. [See Policy 6-500 Curriculum Administration and Management.]
Guidance and technical assistance for efficiency in reviews.
It is a fundamental principle that the review and reporting process is intended to assist units in ensuring the high quality of the University’s curricular offerings, and to avoid imposing undue burdens of work which do not substantially contribute to academic quality. Reports from reviews of more than one credentialed academic program may be combined in a single document when convenient. Units which periodically undergo reviews of curricula by external accrediting bodies are encouraged to coordinate the University’s curricula review process with those external reviews for maximum efficiency in use of University resources.
The University Administration, in consultation with the Graduate and Undergraduate Councils, will provide technical assistance and guidance for units for developing and implementing curricula management plans, conducting and reporting on periodic curricula reviews generally, and in particular for identifying expected learning outcomes, and developing and implementing methods for assessing effectiveness in achieving expected learning outcomes. The Administration shall designate officers responsible for providing such technical assistance and guidance.
Sections IV- VII are for user information and are not subject to the approval of the Academic Senate or the Board of Trustees. The Institutional Policy Committee, the Policy Owner, or the Policy Officer may update these sections at any time.
- Policy 6-001 Principles for Units with Curricular Responsibilities
Policies/ Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms and other Related Resources
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Procedures, Guidelines, and Forms.
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The designated contact officials for this Regulation are
Policy Owner(s) (primary contact person for questions and advice): Vice Provost for Student Success
Policy Officer(s):Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Senior Vice President for Health Sciences
See Rule 1-001 for information about the roles and authority of policy owners and policy officers.
Revision History.
Current version. Revision 0.
Approved by -- Academic Senate April 26, 2021, and Board of Trustees June 8, 2021, with effective date of July 1, 2021.
Editorial Revisions
Not applicable