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Attachment 8: Procedures for Recording Suspensions, Dismissals or Revocations for Misconduct on a Student's Academic Record

University Procedure P6-411A

History: Revision #0 adopted December 3, 2003, by the University Registrar and the Associate Vice President for Faculty. Editorially revised August 15, 2023 to reflect renumbering of Policy 6-400 Sections.

Contacts: For further information, contact the Office of the University Registrar.

References:  Policy 6-410, Policy 6-411, and Policy 6-400





Ralph Boren, Registrar
Susan Olson, Associate Vice President for Faculty

Date: December 3, 2003

Subject: Procedures for Recording Suspensions, Dismissals or Revocations for Misconduct On a Student’s Academic Record

Last winter the Academic Senate and the Board of Trustees approved revisions to the Student Code contained in [former Policy of 8-10 of the Policy and Procedures Manual---subsequently renumbered as University Policy 6-400 Section VII and later renumbered as Policy 6-411].  This memorandum instructs chairs and deans on the exact procedure for implementing a suspension, dismissal, or revocation of degree or certificate if such a sanction is the final disposition of an action for academic or professional/ethical misconduct.

Recording Suspensions, Dismissals or Revocations for Misconduct
On a Student’s Academic Record

Policies 6-400 and 6-410 provides that the sanctions of suspension and dismissal for behavior standards violations and the sanctions of suspension, dismissal and degree/certificate revocation for academic and/or professional misconduct are to be recorded on a student’s transcript.  In order for a notation to appear on a student’s transcript, an authorized official of the University (usually a dean or chair) must notify the Registrar in writing of the sanction imposed.  The notification must include the following:

  • The Student’s Full Name
  • The Student’s Identification Number
  • The Effective Date of the Action
  • The Signature and Title of the Authorized Official Requesting the Notation


One of the following Notifications for the Transcript:

  • Dismissed From University for Behavior Standards Violation
  • Dismissed From University for Academic Misconduct
  • Dismissed From University for Professional Misconduct
  • Dismissed From [Program] for Academic Misconduct
  • Dismissed From [Program]for Professional Misconduct
  • Suspended From University for Behavior Standards Violation
  • Suspended From University for Academic Misconduct
  • Suspended From University for Professional Misconduct
  • Suspended From [Program]for Academic Misconduct
  • Suspended From [Program]for Professional Misconduct
  • [Degree] Revoked for Academic Misconduct
  • [Degree] Revoked for Professional Misconduct
  • [Certificate] Revoked for Academic Misconduct
  • [Certificate] Revoked for Professional Misconduct

Notations of dismissal and revocation are permanent notations on the transcript.  Notations of suspension are to be removed from the transcript when the student is reinstated to a program or to the University or when the student fulfills the conditions of suspension.  It is the responsibility of the authorized official who requested the notation to notify the registrar when the student has been reinstated to the program or University.  Notifications of suspension will not be removed by the registrar absent notification from the authorized official.  Failure to remove a notation of suspension upon reinstatement can have serious consequences for a student, for the University and for the authorized official who fails to provide notice to the registrar of reinstatement. If the Student is not reinstated or fails to fulfill the conditions of the suspension, the notice of suspension shall not be removed from the Student's academic transcript.


Last Updated: 3/7/25