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Policy 6-313 Appendix: Instructions for Filing Complaint With the University Academic Freedom and Tenure Committee

  1. See Policy 6-313, Rules of Procedure (PPM 8-7)
  1. Complete the Complaint Summary Formsummarizing the nature of the claim and the basis for the claim.
  2. Elaborate in an attached Complaint, and as completely as necessary, the brief answers to II. A, B, and C on the Summary Form:
    1. Give a Factual History of the action at issue and any attempts to remedy the situation, including what appropriate administrator has jurisdiction over an academic grievance and any actions such administrator has taken.
    2. Explain why the party believes the facts demonstrate the party's academic freedom was violated or why the actions constitute a substantial academic grievance.
    3. Explain how the complaining party has been harmed and state what remedy is requested.
  3. Attach an Appendix including copies of any document relevant to the matter, relied upon, or referred to. Number pages of appendix or provide identifying numbers/letters for each document referenced, and provide a cover page for the appendix.
  4. Make 13 copies of ALL of the ABOVE (in the above order) for the AFT Committee and an additional copy for each person named as a respondent in this complaint.
  5. Provide ALL COPIES to the secretary of the AFT Committee (115 Park Building) for delivery to the AFT Committee and respondents..


Policy: --- Rev: ---
Date: ---
Last Updated: 1/3/25