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Policy 6-407: University General Student Fees, and the University General Student Fees Advisory Board. 

Revision 3. Effective Date: July 1, 2024

  1. Purpose and Scope

    1. Purpose. The purposes of this Policy, in accord with Utah Board of Higher Education (UBHE) Policy R516 (General Student Fees) are (i) to establish the University General Student Fees Advisory Board as a permanent body to act in an advisory capacity to the University President and University Board of Trustees, and (ii) to govern the University’s processes for establishing, reviewing, revising or repealing general student fees. The processes established, and the roles of the University General Student Fee Advisory Board in these processes, are intended to accomplish the following objectives:

      1. Provide a means for students to have input into decisions regarding general student fees.

      2. Provide effective processes for evaluating proposed new general student fees, and for reviewing, revising or repealing existing general student fees.

      3. Maintain a consistent process for documenting intended and allowable uses of general student fees.

      4. Promote ongoing accountability and control over expenditures of general student fee revenues.

    2. Scope. This Policy applies to all University of Utah general student fees (as defined here), and to all units and personnel of the University engaged in establishing or reviewing general student fees It is not intended to apply to “special fees”, as defined in and governed by Policy 6-406—Special Student Course Fees and Other Assessments (describing processes, and the University Special Fee Review Committee).

  2. Definitions

    These definitions apply for the limited purposes of this Policy and associated Regulations.

    1. General student fees.

      The Utah Board of Higher Education provides this general definition:

      “General student fees: Institution-wide mandatory fees assessed to students upon registration to benefit students broadly and to support student belonging, enrichment, and success as a campus community.” UBHE R516 (March 2024).

      From that general foundation, the University applies this more specific definition:

      General student fees —means -- any University-wide mandatory fee assessed to - students, such that the fee revenue helps to pay for facilities and services available to students but the fee is not based on any individual student's use of the facilities or services. A general student fee benefits students broadly to support student belonging, enrichment, and success as a campus community. Further explanation: Note that general student fees are distinguished from and governed differently than other categories of student fees, including “special course fees” or “special program fees”, as described in Policy 6-406.

  3. Policy

    1. Establishment and Structure of the University General Student Fees Advisory Board.

      The University General Student Fees Advisory Board (hereafter “the Student Fees Board”) is hereby established. The Student Fees Board is comprised of currently enrolled students and University employees selected from staff employees, faculty members, or specified administrative officers. The composition will be nine members with the majority being currently enrolled students. The Chairperson shall be one of the student members, appointed as Chairperson annually by the University President. The Student Fees Board members are appointed annually for one-term as follows:

      1. The current ASUU student President (during the one-year term of office).

      2. One student member appointed by the ASUU Assembly.

      3. One student member appointed by the ASUU Senate.

      4. Two student members-at-large appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs.

      5. The Associate Vice President for Budget and Planning (during the term of office).

      6. One staff or faculty member appointed by the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.

      7. One staff or faculty member appointed by the Vice President for Student Affairs.

      8. One staff or faculty member appointed by the Vice President for Administrative Services.

    2. Duties and Authority of the Student Fees Board, and Processes for Establishing, Reviewing, Revising, or Repealing General Student Fees.

      1. The University Student Fees Board is informed of and provides recommendations regarding the initial establishment, and subsequent review, revision or repeal, of all general student fees (as defined here). The Student Fees Board reports its recommendations in writing to the University President and University Board of Trustees at least annually. The authority of the Student Fees Board is limited to advising concerning general student fees (as defined here). Tuition, course fees, and special fees for particular groups are developed and reviewed through separate procedures, and shall not be subject to review by the University Student Fees Board. (See Policy 6-406 regarding special fees).

      2. The Student Fees Board shall review each general student fee annually to ensure the fee still meets established objectives. Information from these annual reviews will inform the Student Fees Board in creating their recommendations to the University President and Board of Trustees. Information and data reviewed will include at least the following:

        1. Standard Annual Report: Each fee program manager must submit an annual report to the Student Fees Board that includes revenue received and expenses by account code, funds available at the end of the previous academic year, a forecast for the current academic year, and a budget for the next academic year. A brief note about the financial situation including any concerns should be addressed in the report.

        2. Assessment about Enrollment Projections on Fees: Addresses current institutional enrollment projections and the enrollment impact expected upon the generation and use of fee funding including a recommendation related to adjusting any fees if necessary due to enrollment changes.

        3. Information Regarding Continuing Existing Fees: Contains the board’s assessment on whether existing fees align with categories in UBHE R516 subsection 5.1 and still meet its established objectives. If an existing fee does not align with UBHE R-516, a recommendation should be made to revise, repeal, transition to tuition or grant an exception based upon UBHE R516 subsection 5.1 For existing fees that do align with UBHE R516, a recommendation should be made to revise, repeal, adjust or maintain at the current rate. Proposed revisions to fees will include rationale for the proposed change and a revised budget plan.

      3. Five-Year Comprehensive Review: Beginning in 2020-2021 and every five years thereafter, the Student Fees Board and the University Board of Trustees shall comprehensively review all general student fees and determine whether each fee should be retained, transitioned to tuition or state appropriations, or repealed. The General Student Fees Board will include their recommendations to the President of the University and University Board of Trustees at each five-year interval.

      4. The General Student Fees Board is authorized to take the following actions with respect to general student fees:

        1. Review annual reports from each student fee program manager.

        2. Establish standardized forms for annual reviews of fees to be used by each program manager for annual reports to the committee.

        3. Establish forms and procedures for requesting new student fees or changes to existing student fees.

        4. Review requests for new student fees or changes to existing student fees, and provide recommendations to the University President and Board of Trustees.

        5. Establish evaluation criteria for the fees.

        6. Review criteria for general student fees to advise the University President and Board of Trustees in determining if expenditures are consistent with each fee's purpose and its original intent.

        7. Post summary budgets for the student fee revenues and expenditures on a publicly viewable website.

          [Note: Parts IV-VII of this Regulation (and all other University Regulations) are Regulations Resource Information – the contents of which are not approved by the Academic Senate or Board of Trustees, and are to be updated from time to time as determined appropriate by the cognizant Policy Officer and the Institutional Policy Committee, as per Policy 1-001 and Rule 1-001.]

  4. Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms and other Related Resources

    1. Rules

    2. Procedures [reserved]

    3. Guidelines

      Example of General Student Fee Review Guidelines

    4. Forms [reserved]

  5. References

    University Policy 6-406: Special Student Course Fees and Other Assessments

     Utah Board of Regents Policy R516 (General Student Fees)

  6. Contacts

    The designated contact officials for this Policy are:

    1. Policy Owners (primary contact person for questions and advice): Associate Vice President for Budget and Planning.

    2. Policy Officers: Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs.

      See University Rule 1-001 for information about the roles and authority of policy owners and policy officers.

  7. History

    Renumbering: Not Applicable

    Revision History:

    1. Current Version. Revision 3

      1. Effective Date July 1, 2024

    2. Earlier Versions

      1. Revision 2. Effective October 12, 2021
      2. Revision 1

        Legislative History for Revision 1

      3. Revision 0

        1. Legislative History for Revision 0

Last Updated: 1/10/25