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Policy 6-217: Graduate Studies and Degrees, Master of Statistics

Revision 2. Effective Date: November 28, 1983

  1. Purpose and Scope
    1. (Reserved)
  2. Definitions
    1. (Reserved)
  3. Policy: Requirements for the Degree of Master of Statistics
    1. The Master of Statistics is an intercollegiate and interdepartmental degree administered by the University Statistics Committee. Presently the areas of specialization are: Biostatistics, Business, Econometrics, Educational Psychology, Mathematical Statistics, and Psychological Statistics. Others may be added later.
    2. Course Requirements. Each candidate for the Master of Statistics degree must take at least 45 hours of acceptable graduate work. These hours must include Math 507, 508, 509, and 352. In addition, at least 12 hours of methodology courses in the major discipline must be taken.
    3. Supervisory Committee. A supervisory committee of at least three members will be appointed by the chairperson of the University Statistics Committee to aid each candidate in the preparation of this program of study, and to administer the comprehensive examination and the final oral examination.
    4. Admission to Candidacy. Qualifications for admission to the Master of Statistics program are the same as those of the Graduate School. However, admittance to this program is limited by the availability of project advisors.
    5. Comprehensive Examination. All students must pass a comprehensive examination administered by the chairperson of the University Statistics Committee in conjunction with the student's advisor.
    6. Project and Final Oral Exam. This degree does not require a thesis; however, each student must complete a written report based on one or more statistics projects under the direction of the student's advisor. In addition, an oral examination on the student's projects must be passed in order to obtain the degree.
  4. Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms and other related resources
    1. Rules
    2. Procedures
    3. Guidelines
    4. Forms
    5. Other related resource materials
  5. References:
    1. (Reserved)
  6. Contacts:
    1. Policy Owners (primary contact person for questions and advice): Dean of the Graduate School.
    2. Policy Officers: Sr. Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Sr. Vice President for Health Sciences
    3. See University Rule 1-001 for information about the roles and authority of policy owners and policy officers.
  7. History:
    1. Approved: University Senate 10/3/83
    2. Approved: Institutional Council 10/10/83
    3. Editorially revised to remove gendered language on April 1, 2022.


Policy: 6-217 Rev: 2
Date: Nov. 28, 1983

Last Updated: 3/7/25