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Policy 6-015: The University Libraries

Revision 0. Effective date May 15, 2014.

  1. Purpose and Scope (Reserved)
    1. [User note: As of 2014 this Policy is under review for extensive updating and likely expansion to incorporate other topics related to the University Libraries. The existing content formerly appeared within Policy 6-001, and was moved to this new Policy as part of a thorough revision of 6-001 and other Regulations effective May 2014. At that time minimal updating was also performed, reflecting changes recently made in other related policies (including 6-002 and 6-300), with the understanding that other substantive changes remain to be made after further careful examination. For further information contact the office of the Senate, the Associate Vice President for Faculty, or administration of any of the Libraries.]
  2. Definitions
    1. (Reserved)
  3. Policy
    1. University of Utah Libraries - Policy Statement for Their Government and Administration.
      1. Administrative Units in the University Library System<
        1. Marriott Library and its branches are operated under the administrative jurisdiction of the Director of Libraries. The Law and Health Sciences Libraries are autonomous administrative units, are located on the sites of their respective schools and have their own directors, who shall cooperate closely with their faculties in the development and maintenance of their collections and make these available to researchers in related fields.
        2. See Policy 6-001-III-A-1-c describing the University of Utah Libraries within the context of other academic units and academic governance of the University.
        3. The following regulations pertain essentially to the operations of the Marriott Library.
      2. The Marriott Library Collections.
        1. The University's collections are to be primarily housed in its central library (the Marriott Library). Departments are enjoined to keep their own collections to immediate research needs and otherwise channel requests for new acquisitions to Marriott Library, in order to avoid costly duplications and make these materials available to a wider audience. The University administration should annually monitor departmental expenditures for library materials.
      3. "Area Collections" in Marriott Library.
        1. "Area Collections" involving academic units other than Law and Medicine may be eligible for special arrangements in the Marriott Library, if deemed advantageous to the users and still conducive to administrative and fiscal effectiveness. The library administration and staff shall work closely with the Senate Advisory Committee on Library Policy Advisory Committee, the faculty concerned, as well as student representatives to examine and determine such needs.
      4. Departmental or Branch Libraries.
        1. A departmental or branch library may be established and maintained with the approval of the vice president for academic affairs and the University President. Any request for such approval must be accompanied by an assessment from the Director of Libraries and the Senate Advisory Committee on Library Policy Advisory Committee. Space assignments shall be made in consultation with the library administration. Any officially approved new library shall be operated as a part of the centrally administered library system. All funds that may be provided for development of library collections, for equipping, or for staffing libraries in the University shall be administered through the various accounts comprising the overall University library budgets.
        2. Any request for the establishment of a centrally administered departmental or branch library shall be supported by documentation showing that additional funding from special sources will be forthcoming, to make sure that the financial resources for maintaining the research collections in the Marriott Library can be kept on a sufficient level.
        3. An approved departmental or branch library must be managed by a professionally trained librarian with adequate support staff.
        4. University library patrons should have access to the use and circulation of branch library materials regardless of departmental affiliation according to policies developed by the library administration and approved by the Senate Advisory Committee on Library Policy Advisory Committee.
      5. Senate Advisory Committee on Library Policy Advisory Committee (LPACSACLP).
        1. [User note: With Revision 18, the description of the Library Policy Advisory Committee (renamed as Senate Advisory Committee on Library Policy) which previously appeared here was moved over to Policy 6-002—III-D-1-i, effective May 15, 2014.]
      6. The Director of Libraries.
        1. The Director of Libraries is an academic officer with the rank of "Librarian" and with the administrative status of a dean. The Director of Libraries is an ex officio member of the Academic Senate. In accordance with established University procedures relating to the administrative tenure of deans, the Director of Libraries shall be reviewed at certain intervals by the University administration in consultation with the faculty and staff of the central library.
      7. Duties of the Director.
        1. Among such tasks as may be required to fulfill the responsibilities of the office, the Director shall:
          1. Administer all funds provided from any source for library acquisitions, binding, personnel, supplies, and equipment.
          2. Determine in consultation with the library faculty and staff and with the advice of the SACLPLPAC and the academic units concerned how the various collections shall be arranged, catalogued and staffed.
          3. Present to the University administration the needs of the various collections and shall prepare and submit library budget requests and recommendations, after consultation with the library faculty and staff and SACLPLPAC.
          4. Work closely with SACLPLPAC, the office of facilities planning, with architects and academic units in developing plans for expansion, addition or remodeling of the physical plant or the utilization of space in the libraries when changes become necessary.
          5. Present for action by SACLPLPAC and the vice president for academic affairs such plans for expansion and addition of buildings or other major changes in library operations.
          6. Submit to the President, at the close of each fiscal year, a report on the University Libraries, summarizing the year's developments and achievements, outlining special problems as may seem appropriate, and citing the future needs of the library system.
          7. Develop, with the advice of the library faculty and staff and SACLPLPAC, policies governing the day-to-day operation of the library system.
          8. Make recommendations with regard to library positions, appointments, transfers, promotions, and terminations, in compliance with existing University Regulations and with a view to maintaining a qualified faculty and staff for the University Libraries.
          9. Represent the University, personally or through a qualified designee, at national, state, and local library conferences, and at inter-library and inter-institutional meetings that may involve the University Libraries.
      8. Changes in Instructional and Research Programs Affecting the Library.
        1. In order to assure a proper consideration of the library costs and implications of organizational changes in the University or of the establishment of new teaching and research programs that may be contemplated, the Director of Libraries should be consulted with respect to these implications before final recommendations for such changes are made.
      9. University Archives.
        1. The Director of Libraries has the responsibility and authority as University Archivist to develop and maintain the University Archives. In the interest of assuring the proper preservation of materials pertaining to the history of the University, a copy of each publication issued by the University departments or other units shall be sent by the issuing officer to the University Archives; and no University records, whether committee minutes and reports, departmental files, photographs, architectural drawings, or recordings, shall be permanently discarded without the approval of the University Archivist or a designated representative. Inactive files may be sent to the University Archives, or the Archives Librarian will assist departments in determining what kinds of materials should be preserved for their historical value.

        2. Note: Parts IV-VII of this Regulation (and all other University Regulations) are Regulations Resource Information - the contents of which are not approved by the Academic Senate or Board of Trustees, and are to be updated from time to time as determined appropriate by the cognizant Policy Officer and the Institutional Policy Committee, as per Policy 1-001 and Rule 1-001.

  4. Rules, Procedures, Guidelines, Forms and other related resources.
    1. Rules [reserved]
    2. Procedures [reserved]
    3. Guidelines
    4. Forms [reserved]
    5. Other related resource materials [reserved]
  5. References: [reserved]
  6. Contacts:
    1. The designated contact officials for this Policy are:
      1. Policy Owners (primary contact person for questions and advice): Associate Vice President for Faculty and the Associate Vice President for Health Sciences.
      2. Policy Officers: Sr. Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Sr. Vice President for Health Sciences.

        See University Rule 1-001 for information about the roles and authority of policy owners and policy officers.
  7. History:
    1. Renumbering: Renumbered as Policy 6-001 effective 9/15/2008, formerly known as PPM 8-5, and formerly as University Regulations Chapter V.
    2. Revision History:
      1. Current version: Revision 0
        1. Approved by -- Academic Senate April 7, 2014, and Board of Trustees April 8, 2014 with the effective date of May 15, 2014.  
        2. Legislative history of Revision 0
        3. Editorially revised to remove gendered language on April 19, 2022.

Policy: 6-015 Rev: 0
Date: May 15, 2014

Last Updated: 3/7/25