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Policy 1-004: Violence in the Workplace - Frequently Asked Questions

as of 1/07

Q: What is the U's Policy on violence in the workplace and academic environment?

A: University Policy prohibits violence in the workplace and learning environment. It is a violation of University Policy to threaten or attempt to intimidate anyone-including doing so by “approaching or threatening another with a weapon.”

Q: Where can I find the U's Policy on “Violence in the Workplace and Academic Environment”?

A: The Policy can be found at

Q: What are my options if I feel threatened while I am on campus?

A: Call Public Safety (campus police) if you feel threatened or intimidated and fear for your safety. Public safety also provides escorts for persons who are uncomfortable walking across campus at night. Call 5-COPS (585-2677) to ask for an escort-U Public Safety provides either a security officer or police officer to serve as the escort. No advance scheduling is required, and in most cases Public Safety provides the escort within minutes of the request.

Q: What is the status of the lawsuit regarding guns on campus?

A: The Utah Supreme Court has ruled that the University has no state constitutional right to prohibit weapons on campus. The University is exploring a possible legislative solution. Although federal constitutional issues remain, the University feels a legislative solution would be the most efficient solution to this issue.

Q: I serve on an employee grievance committee. Can individuals bring guns into grievance hearings?

A: No. The University is permitted by state law to bar weapons from secure hearing rooms in which grievance hearings are held. Arrangements will be made for storage of weapons carried by concealed weapons permit holders who attend grievance hearings.

Q: Who coordinates the secure hearing room process?

A: Employee Relations has designated a Secure Hearing Room Coordinator who can be reached at 587-9861.

Q: Who can I call to provide training to my University Department regarding violence in the workplace?

A: Call Employee Relations at 587-9564.

Last Updated: 3/7/25